Tuesday, September 21, 2010


City of Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra will be our guest for the September 30th recording of "1Hartford". That program will air on Hartford Public Access Channel 5 on October 2nd at 10:00pm and re-air on Monday October 4th at 11:00pm.

If you have any questions that you would like us to ask Mayor Segarra please feel free to e-mail them to me and we will consider them for the program.


  1. Ask him why he kept so much of the old regime intact.

  2. Please ask him how he intends to handle the City's loss of the Labor Board cases of Murtha, Secore and possibly Nolan.

  3. Probation is over. It is clear he is not going to clean house. Once again protecting friends and protecting friends.

  4. Was Eddie's criminal behavior an isolated anomaly, or does he have any reason to think there is a more general culture of corruption? If the latter, what does he intend to do about it?

  5. How would he evaluate the city's fiscal situation? In so far as it is a problem, would he agree that the remedy should be on the spending side? Or do we need to raise more taxes?

  6. All the above questions have merit.

    The answers to those questions really depend on how Mayor Segarra sees his role.What we should know from him is exactly how does he see himself as Mayor.Does he think he is merely a "caretaker" who will hold things in place for his term of office and the next elected Mayor can make the changes or does he see himself as a change agent who will be making even more needed change as time goes on.

    I for one think Mayor Segarra has done a good job so far.But given the strong Mayor Charter, for every democratic and transparent Pedro, along could come another Eddie. Segarra would leave even a better legacy if he reconvenes a new Charter Revision Commission and they come up with recommendations to "cut back" some of the strong Mayor power so that a sociopathic personality cannot run the city like an ATM machine for himself/herself and their cronies.

  7. How about asking him why the present Fire Chief took the stand in support of the former felony convicted mayor? This act in itself is a reflection on the entire HFD supporting criminal corruption. Was he being paid by the city while he was supporting this convicted criminal?

  8. ANONYMOUS @5:44pm,

    I have to say I agree with you 100% on that call. I like Chief Casares, I think he is always a gentleman in my dealings with him over the years, and he's a cigar smoker so he is OK in my view. With that being said though, I think that was a terrible move on his part. I said the same thing to Chief Roberts when he stood by our corrupt former Mayor after his first arrest. Chief Roberts took a lot of heat for that throughout the community and stayed clear of any future dog and pony shows.

    Why Chief Casares did that is beyond me. First off, I think the Judge had a good idea going into that courtroom what her sentence was going to be. It was not like the Chief's testimony made a huge difference and he may have felt that he was supporting a friend, but on the other hand he was undermining the new Mayor who allowed him to stay on as Chief and prove himself. I also think it sends a terrible message for our Public officials to stand side by side with a convicted felon in support of his actions. I could understand Chief Casares and others offering the support to the Perez family to make it through what is going to be a difficult time as Eddie atones for his actions, but the line should be drawn there. It also sends a terrible message to young people who are trying hard to find some good role models in our City and seeing the Fire Chief, Police Chief or Superintendent of Schools or other elected officials supporting and condoning criminal acts, it has to be confusing to them.

  9. Can you ask him why Linda Bayer, former high-level city division employee and consultant to Hartford 2000 that has to do with the NRZs and many city funding decisions, is now a special assistant to Mayor Segarra? I find it funny that a recent HCourant report said he hadn't made any polital or patronage appointments. Was this overlooked?

  10. Oh,yeah...
    Please ask him how he plans on using the power of the Hartford municipal government to fight the wave of islam-o-phobia sweeping the nation now that the islam-o-phobic council has banned islam-o-prayers.
    And, would he consider applying for a grant from the National Endowment for the ARts to get the Hartford City Hall reality show going.

  11. Yes lets ask why he is keeping so many of the old regime, no never mind he'll give you some great excuse. Lets though ask him why Lydia Rosario gets to use the City Credit card at Victoria secret's and why is Jackson going on a City paid trip, thought there was a freeze, guess the freeze doesn't apply to Jackson. Im sure 1Hartford won't ask any of these question because Segarra is no different than the old regime. Oh well business as usual.

  12. Why is Jackson still there? And traveling?? Hasn't he cost the city enough for his hit and run defense? And how has city technology improved in the past 3 years...not so much.

  13. Is the Linda Bayer appointment political? Last I heard she was a resident/property owner in Wethersfield. I thought she was just another double dipper like Sandra Kee Borges.

  14. It is unfair to criticize Jackson now.

    Wait till he gets sober.

  15. People,

    Who is Jackson and why the criticism ??
