Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The Mayoral campaign is heating up, and everyone is weighing in.

Kevin Rennie, a columnist from the Hartford Courant and also a blogger at "the Daily Ruction",, posted his review of mayoral candidate Shawn Wooden's performance on WFSB's "Face the State".

Here are Kevin Rennie's comments:


Many people possess high hopes for Hartford Democrat Shawn Wooden’s campaign for mayor of Hartford this year. They may adjust them after Wooden’s embarrassing debut on Sunday’s Face the State.

Wooden should not have been surprised by the first question. It was the classic, “Why do you want to be [insert office here]? Mercy, the Day Pitney lawyer seemed stumped. He rambled like he was trying to pad his billable hours. It got worse. Wooden, who has done well with early fundraising, offered a river of generalities in what ails Hartford and how he’d fix them.

The lowest moment came when Wooden tried to dance around the conviction of disgraced former Hartford mayor Eddie Perez. He would not say if he believed the Perez verdict was fair because, after all, he was never in the courtroom during the trial.

During his halting performance, Wooden promised to provide “serious, meaningful” leadership. His potential to do that was not on display during 12 1/2 painful minutes with Dennis House.

To check out Kevin Rennie's blog, click here

To view Wooden's segment on Face the State, click here


  1. I thought he was just nervous when it started and he would relax but nope. He was "wooden" the entire interview.

    Also very canned answers. Yes we all want more jobs in the city, more retention of corporations, and lower crime but HOW? He said nothing to express his thought process beyond what everyone in Hartford already knows. Zero interest in this guy.

    Kevin, has the list of candidates running for Mayor been finalized yet?

  2. No, the list of candidates has not been finalized. I'll kind of give you a generic answer here because I am not 100% sure of all of the specific dates.

    The town Committee's have their conventions in July at which time the members of the Town Committee will cast their votes to hopefully come up with an endorsed candidate. The "non-endorsed" candidates that still want to go forward will have a time to gather signatures to get on the primary ballot in August. The winners of the August Primary then would go on as the party's nominee for the office in the November general election.

  3. Not impressed at all. He kept saying the same thing over and over.

    Actually, the most interesting part of that interview was the graphic in the background. Is it just me or does it look like the State Capitol is on fire and there are water hoses moving back and forth? Take a look for yourself.

    But back to the "candidate", like Anonymous said, "zero interest in this guy"

    I'm sure there will be a big list of potential "saviors" for Hartford. Let's wait and see who else crawls out of the woodwork.

  4. Add another one who has no interest in seeing Shawn Wooden as our mayor. He had that nervous "deer in the headlights" look the whole time. Awful interview. He is just another empty suit who can raise money very well but has no real solutions for the city's problems.
