Tuesday, April 12, 2011


State Representative Kelvin Roldan, on the right

If you are really judged by the company you keep, political judgement day for Kelvin Roldan may be as close as the Hartford City Clerks office.

After the grenades launched by Roldan in his "anti-corruption" campaign this past weekend, I decided to look at all of the Mayoral candidates filings that were due Monday.

Shawn Wooden's weren't received yet, but as long as they are postmarked by yesterday, that's legal. Ed Vargas's didn't show too much other than he kicked in $10,100 of his own money. Vargas's largest expense so far was $48.73 for printer cartridges.

Stan McCauley's also weren't available yet and by phone he acknowledged that they will be hand delivered to the Clerk's Office today, and he was aware of the $100.00 fine for late filing.

Mayor Segarra's filings were extensive, but very few surprises. He has raised a large amount of money, with the majority of the donors coming from outside Hartford and as far away as Seattle, Washington. Only 124 contributors listed Hartford addresses, 176 outside of Hartford.

Segarra's largest expense appears to be web design and web setup with $8250.00 being paid to a company called "Trilogy" for the design and $2860.00 to "NGP Van, INC." from Washington , D.C. for web setup. Segarra's campaign manager appears to work for cheap with only $5825.00 being claimed for his services. A refund of $1,000 was paid back to the Mayor's partner Charlie Ortiz and was listed as a "refund-contribution".

The interesting filing though was from a candidate who seems to have appointed himself as Hartford's version of the famed corruption fighter Elliot Ness.

If you look at many of Kelvin Roldan's contributors, they appear to have come from the same list of supporters of convicted felon and Roldan's former boss, Eddie A. Perez. You can see the list below, but see how many you can identify. I'll start you off, Susan McMullen, David Medina, John Rose, Christopher Wolf, and the list goes on.

The interesting part is who Roldan is paying with the campaign funds.

I would think that someone who would lob grenades at his opponent for corruption, would try to make sure he would distance himself from the slightest suggestion of impropriety or connections to corruption.

***NOTE*** - Roldan still has not decided what he wants to be when he grows up, so at this time he is still "exploring" his options and hasn't officially announced his intentions. This might make some wonder why he is doing what he is doing and what his real motive is.

Anyway, I digress. If "clean hands" are a prerequisite to lobbing the accusations Roldan did this week, then he might want to stock up on some Purel.

It appears that Roldan's largest expenses so far for his campaign are to individuals who played key roles in Hartford's most corrupt administration that resulted in Mayor Eddie A. Perez getting ready to pack for 3 years in prison. Perez's former Chief of Staff, Matthew Hennessy's business "Tremont Public Advisors" has been paid $15,750 so far according to the recent filings. Perez's former Legislative Liason, Derek Donnelly, has also received three payments totaling $5,000 from the Roldan campaign.

Hennessy resigned from the Perez Administration during the Grand Jury investigation that led to Perez's conviction. He had previously resigned from the Hartford County Sheriff's Office after an investigation into his activities there.

To view Roldans payments to Tremont and Donnelly, click below:

Roldan Donors:



  1. Kelvin you silly boy. Didnt your mother tell you about glass houses. Payments to a landlord vs payoff to cronies of a corrupt administration. Now thats news. Lets see if the media can tell a real news story when they see one. And lets see if Willie Nunes makes himself so available to the media now.

  2. And this is news? Who else would back Roldan, but Eddie's cronies who want to stay in/get back in power? The question is, will this matter to anyone in Hartford? Probably not. If it would, then they would have run Roldan out on a rail a long time ago instead of letting him stay in his no-show job. (Are there any actual records of all the donations he claims he keeps getting for the school? Has anyone seen them?)

  3. Kevin, are you going to post the Mayor's and Shawn Wooden's reports?

  4. Rich,

    I will post Shawn Wooden's shortly. His campaign sent them to me after I posted that they hadn't been received yet at City Hall. Both Wooden's and Segarra's filings are rather extensive. Segarra's donor list alone is at least 69 pages and Wooden's is close to 100 pages. If Mayor Segarra's campaign wants to send me them, I will post them, but to get them from the City Clerk I would have to pay $.50 per page.

    I would welcome the Segarra campaign to be as transparent as the Wooden campaign if they would like to e-mail them to me, as well as any other candidate.
