Monday, August 22, 2011


The certified petition results for signatures collected for the Democratic Primary are finished. According to Hartford's City Clerk's Office, all of the slates that submitted petitions were certified as meeting the requirements except for one.

The petitions submitted by the challenger for the Treasurers Office, Larry Davis, have been certified as reaching the required 1600 signatures. The Council slate headed by rJo Winch has met the threshold also, forcing a primary for City Council among the Democrats. The Marc Nelson for Treasurer slate which also included Council challengers Kate Kowalshyn and Anthony McCann fell short of the required signatures and did not qualify.

The petitions for the independent challengers for the November ballot have apparently not been completed yet, although they need to be completed and delivered to the Secretary of the State's Office by Wednesday by 4:00PM according to state law.


  1. Kevin, Nelson is going to cout Wed at 10 am to contest the count.

  2. Nelson is a loser. He has no chance of winning. Especially if anyone listens to him speak.

  3. Marc Nelson is a good man and has done an incredible job as the city's Tax collector. It is quite unfortunate that he did not have the signatures to be able to primary.

  4. Nelson will win the majority vote of about half of martin street ...

  5. Nelson doesnt even live in Hartford

  6. Kevin: Here's another "perfect anonymous example"...

  7. there has been almost no hartford courant coverage and little by this blog pertaining to the primary and baggage among the endorsed candidates...i suspect that the entire endorsed team will win as little publicity always helps the incumbants.
