Friday, August 19, 2011


The simple answer is maybe, but it points to a much greater issue overall I think.

Just as a little background, accusations were made previously by a ranking HPD officer, Lieutenant Brian Foley, that Chief Daryl Roberts had made comments directed at him that appeared homophobic. Foley's claims were that Chief Roberts had stated something to the effect of his haircut "looked gay", referred to him as Lt. "spongebob" which I guess has a gay connotation and at one point questioned Foley's marriage as to whether his spouse was a man or a woman.

Regardless though, whatever Foley's orientation is, comments such as those alleged to have been made by Chief Robert's have no place in the workplace, especially if they are being made by the highest ranking officer of the Hartford Police Department.

The problem seems to have escalated in the last few weeks unfortunately. Accusations have been made against another HPD supervisor, Sergeant Dennis O'Connor after he allegedly texted a homophobic message to another HPD officer during a training class. The officer on the receiving end of the message from O'Connor was apparently offended by the tone of the message as well as the homosexual act mentioned in the message that he made a complaint to Internal Affairs. That complaint is currently under investigation by HPD.

Now the latest incident involves another high ranking supervisor, Captain James Bernier and an alleged comment he recently made to another officer. Bernier, a probationary Captain, apparently used a slang term as a retort to an officer suggesting that the officer perform a sexual act on him. The comment is something that typically you would expect to hear in a drunken party at a frathouse or in a locker room, but has no place coming from a senior officer, a Captain, who should be setting the tone for his officers, not promoting a gutter mentality.

The major problem is that there seems to be a real lack of leadership and accountability in HPD. There are many good officers there that are looking for leadership and fairness, but incidents like this, all of them by supervisors must be raising questions. If O'Connor is disciplined for his comments, then why not the Chief or the Captain?

I can remember back to the days of a Chief like Bernie Sullivan, and hopefully that is not showing my age too much. From what most people told me Chief Sullivan was a fair man and a good leader for HPD. You could be his best friend, but if it came to discipline you knew that you would receive the same treatment as his worst enemy. Right was right and wrong was wrong and favoritism played no role.

That's what "leaders" do, and once the tone is set you either fall in line with the program or else step aside. It is definitely time for Mayor Segarra to step up and show us if he has what it takes to be a leader. Will he remain silent on issues facing City government, including the issue of "homophobia" and favoritism inside HPD, or will he do what leaders need to do and set the tone. HPD, the Dispatch Center, DPW,HFD, MHIS have all had real issues, valid issues pointed out here and they can't be overlooked .

Leadership isn't always easy, but usually it becomes much easier when the rules are established and adhered to equally.


  1. Cowardly Venue UserAugust 19, 2011 at 1:06 PM

    Let's see what Mayor Segarra is capable of. I'm tired of hearing that he will make changes after he gets elected. Why wait? He is Mayor now and should be doing what is right and best for Hartford now. Let's see if he steps in to correct this weekends impending retaliatory transfers at HPD or will he step up and be a leader and say enough is enough.

    Let's see if Jaffee is given the ultimatum to live in Hartford as he promised or is it just more lip service.

  2. "Cowardly", shame on u for even thinking something is gonna be done!! It's going to be business as usual. The rich get richer and the poor get the sh*t end of the stick. U heard it here first. Just wait and see. U already see Daryl trying to discredit this blog but i'm sure he checks the postings and comments several times a day. Once a hypocrite, always a hypocrite. Keep it up Kev!

  3. Do you really think. Nickalodeon would spend millions on a show with homosexual underlines. No. Look what happened to pee wee herman. If there were any issues with spongebob. The show would have been pulled. Foley used to be a great supervisor. But he has the mantality of a middle school student. Every single male officer makes fun of one another. But there are certain ones like foley. Who can dish it out. But not take it. I am not defending any sexual remarks. But in any workplace. A line needs to be drawn.

  4. I never did hear the spongebob inference until now (tinky winky was a different story though).

    Bottom line though is that the Chief, the Captain or the sergeant weren't sitting in a bar as buddies having a beer. They are supposed to be professionals, highly paid professionals at that, who should be setting an example. Although I guess it could be said that they are setting an example, a very poor one.

    If there truly is a zero tolerance for harassment, whether sexual or otherwise, in Hartford's city government, where does it begin?

    You have to earn respect, you can't just demand it because you have a title, and that respect goes both ways

  5. You’re way off; I was never a great supervisor…lol. And if you are going to question or insult somebody’s mentality, you should at least use spell-check, geeze. Anyway, you don’t know the all or even most of the details of my complaint, so it is easy to have your point of view. I have intentionally kept the details very private. The media just happened to pick up on the sponge bob stuff and highlight it. It is actually a very, very small piece of the equation. It should suffice to say that there is a great deal more to my complaint than you are aware. Given what you know of this situation, I would probably feel the same way you do. When I see my situation come up on the blog, I expect to take some heavy artillery. No worries though, you are entitled to your opinion and I understand your view. No biggie.

  6. Kevin as I sit here and read the H.P.D.s version of "The days of our lives", I have to compliment you on this blog. None of this nonsese would never would have been made public and now under close scrutiny by many if it wasn't for you!!  Hopefully in the end, your website will somehow help clear some of the childish petty nonsense that goes on day after day within our agency. As for The Brian Folley issue, I have known Brian for almost sixteen years. I can't think of to many other cops on the job with a higher level of dedication, commitment, and professionalism. Who in the hell is DKR to make a statements like these!! 
    Robert louis Stevenson once said;  "Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences." When all is said and done chief, all I can say is get ready to dig in, hope you have a good appetite!!!!!!

  7. Rear lot garbage canAugust 19, 2011 at 6:59 PM

    Its easy to play the poor victim with such major off duty incidents involving alcohol. It is no excuse to blaim others the chief or others for your poor decisions regarding off duty incidents. Honestly. Admit your short falls. Suck it up and get on with your police career. Enough drama. Waste of paper. Who cares if the chief did not like your hair. You have made so many more degrading remarks towards others. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones ...

  8. Spell check is not the issue. Lt. Time to start leading by example ..

  9. It appears as though Mayor Segarra has not done a thing in Hartford. The Chief is accountable for ALL actions of his force. Putting the homophobic complaints aside, Hartford crime and safety is absolutely abismal. The Chief should be asked to step down or be fired. This is when some real leadership can be shown. Now is the opportunity to make a difference and make some changes. Mayor Segarras inaction is unacceptable and an embarrassment. Hartford is getting to be an embarrassment along with the rest of the state. As far as the complaint - come on people, its 2011, you are police officers that are expected to set an example. What are the mandatory annual requirements for ethics and harrassment in HPD?

  10. One thing I know for sure, I have never seen a spongebob episode where he is drunk and table dancing...

  11. I think folks here are missing the point entirely. Foley's behavior off the job; or on the job for that matter; has nothing to do with anything. There is no place in the PD for treatment of subordinates in a derogatory or harassing way. "Oh its OK, Foley is a wise-ass." is a lousy excuse. If the chief, or any supervisor was harassing you at work you wouldn't just stand there and take it either. Or would you?

  12. Kevin as I sit here and read the H.P.D.s version of "The days of our lives", I have to compliment you on this blog. None of this never would have been made public and now under close scrutiny if it wasn't for you!!  Hopefully in the end, your website will somehow help clear some of the childish petty nonsense that goes on day after day within our agency. 
    Robert louis Stevenson once said;  "Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences." When all is said and done, to all the individuals who have gone out of their way to screw another cop over, get ready to dig in, hope you have a good appetite!!!!!!

  13. Kevin, as much of an issue as this is, there's a bigger meaning behind it that's been turned backwards somehow. The word "Brotherhood" comes to mind. How could one law enforcement officer say something so cruel and disgusting to another in a professional work setting? For god sakes! They wear the same patch, the same badge, the same uniform. They carry the great Post, Nublia, Phoebus motto as well. They are equal, regardless of rank. A person is a person and someone shouldn't have to come to work to face this. The police brotherhood is amazing and one of the strongest there is out there. When Seth Condon, Jason Bates, Mike Fallon, Matt Arace, and even trooper Ken Hall passed away, a bond was made that could not and will never be broken. Roberts and Foley stood together in the same line. They shake each others hands at promotions.... They don't have to like it, but it's professional (The exact opposite of the Hartford Police Command Staff as we speak). Instead of being little snakes and rats, how about the second floor quits being selfish and starts doing the job they were hired to do... To protect and serve the citizens of Hartford.... Also, as of late there have been recent rumors of promotions and transfers. Why doesn't the command staff realize that doing all this nonsense will not hide any of the evidence from the Rudewicz report that will soon make them crash and burn. Transfers should be made on performance... not lies from another officer of the same rank that seeks another job at HPD. Transfers and Promotions should be based on Intelligence, organization, professionalism and leadership. A prime example of this type of officer: Lt. Neville Brooks.... But of course there's the opposite end of the spectrum. Cops who get to their appointed positions by backstabbing and dirty politics. You'd think they would stop after the first victim but nope, it happens day after day.  It boggles my mind how someone like this can look themselves in the mirror. One of these people is Lt. Robert Allen. The guy just can't stop. He's always stirring the pot, just so he can weasel his way into traffic. He's the one who went to the chief with the Lt. Mefferd RUMOR. He wasn't with Mefferd. He didn't witness it. He is a snake and all he cares about is himself. Rob is no dummy. He knows if Mefferd is transfered, that he has the best shot at the job. After all, he does drive a crown vic with a light bar and a push bumper. Really? You're a lieutenant, Rob... The glory days are over. So Stop trying to kill your so called "brothers" spirits and just do your job. No body likes a liar... As you can see, Kevin, the place is a mess. HPD might just have to tear itself apart before it can start to rebuild. All we can hope is that the city's motto is true... Post, Nublia, Phoebus - After the Clouds, the Sun.

  14. If you think Brian's law suit is about name calling and an off duty incident, you have grossly underestimated him. Somebody must have thought he is a good leader; he's suing the city and still got to be the MCD Lieutenant.

  15. In a major position stand Edwin Vargas outlined his plan to fight violent crime:

    1. Increase the amount of police patrolling & protecting our neighborhoods.

    2. Propose a Special Police Unit to respond quickly and intensively investigate any violent crimes or shootings.
    Whether our cops racist, sexist, "homophobic" of little concern to me, except to the extent that these vulgar traits interfere with the cops doing their job. Is there some proposal as to reorganization or strategy that would promote better policing?

  16. The dept morale is in shambles. Fact. Very few of us enjoy coming in to work. Work is work. But it is a dangerous and also has its rewards. The biggest issue is the power hungry bullies. That think the rank gives them a blank check to yell and demene others. Last time i checked we are all human beings. There are several bullies. But there are also several reapectful command staff members. The deputy chiefs are good. The rest can leave. Mccoy was no real loss. Except for records i guess.

  17. I agree. A lot of rank think that they can bully around officers and actually think that is proper supervising. Heres a hint. Subordinates function better with postive reinforcement. Actually i was excited to see heavren out on friday nite. More need to follow his lead. At least he is trying to lead his troops. Instead of ploting his next dirty traffic hire .........

  18. The officers and dispatchers need to unite !!!!!!

  19. dont vote for segarra he is backing up pedophiles to run for state rep.

  20. To have all of the city's communication fall under Jafee is a huge mistake. Let him run the 311 info side and give emergency services to an individual who knows what it's like to be a street cop not a desk jockey like he was the majority of his career. Did the city forget about the UMASS/Lourdes Perez case he screwed up, no pun intended.

  21. I cant believe what I am reading.... We have rats at the PD? You dont say. Ok that's it, Somebody call the Orkin Man!

  22. HPD is homophobic AND transphobic! Sexual preference, gender identity and any other variation of the "boys club" is seen as open season on these good officers and supervisors! Discrimination based on these goes all the way to the top. It's about time that these issues are exposed and an end is put to such injustice!
    Some of the childish, and hateful actions of officers to each other and their supervisors is just awful. The Mayor needs to step in and make some changes, and do the right thing.

  23. O' Connor needs to be referred to EAP for some off time. The way he treats fellow officers is disgraceful and interfering with the patrol units to do their jobs.

  24. Oconnor is a fine irish lad who had too much guiness from time to time. He also used to have deep conversations with his k-9 dog. The dog had far surperior intelect .....

  25. Bernier is a good commander. He treats his men fair and is not power hungry. Let the man do his job without 90210 drama ...........

  26. Really Jim, you are about as fair as cancer!! Who are you kidding... Your screen name should be changed to "Mr. Form 90!"

  27. Long live Ed Dailey!!

    "Short people got no reason
    Short people got no reason
    Short people got no reason
    To live

    They got little hands
    Little eyes
    They walk around
    Tellin' great big lies
    They got little noses
    And tiny little teeth
    They wear platform shoes
    On their nasty little feet"
    -Randy Newman

  28. I think o'connor is an excellent street boss who has nothing but creative and genuine leadership attributes to pass on to his officers. Furthermore , i think that people should understand that dennis is gifted and should give him the credit he deserves for being able to function at the level of border line handicapped ability that he clearly shows .....

  29. Stop picking on bernier and do your job. A better comparison for bernier would be george patton

  30. Patton? Really? lets not compare one of the most unique and tallented Generals used during the second world war to stamp Nazism out across Europe to Capt. Bernier. Capt Bernier wouldn't even be able to reach Pattons ivory gripped colt .45 Peacemakers let alone command men like him.

  31. Bernier should be a deputy chief at least. He is the only capt besides capt buyak that has any street experience or any leadership skills.

  32. Are you smoking crack!! Explain how you came to the conclusion that Bernier has the same street experience that Joe Buyak has. Buyak is 100% street cop through and through and is without question is one of the most dedicated cops on the job.... Period! Prime example being despite his rank and tenure, Joe still came in to work the night of the hurricane. He was on the radio, taking calls for service and helping the guys out. He wasnt home in bed or hiding in the EOC for the entire storm like most do. Where was your buddy Bernier then? I can assure you he wasn't with us!  When was the last time you heard that back stabbing rat taking calls for service, ripping a car over, or rendering aid to a citizen in need. We can listen to the radio tapes or check heart beat of you'd like. Don't believe me, get out from underneath his desk and google Jim Bernier on the net and see all of the nonsense that pops up. And this is a person you want to lead our department into the future..... REALLY!!!  

  33. Hey Brookman, change your website to WE THE PEOPLE CT. I gaurantee you all the gossip you have about hartford is in every nook and cranny of connecticut towns..
    Malloy i never voted for, he is arrogant and condescending to state employees, a bully and ruffian. Comm.Bradford and his Colonels for the State Police are tearing the state police apart. You want to see true leaders not care about their troops, reach out to the ct troopers rank and file....

  34. I make my opinions of people based on my own personal interactions with them and not from the infamous HPD rumor mill. I can tell you first hand when I was being railroaded by Eddie Perez and I sat in the department hearing and the labor board hearing Lt Bernier (Lt at the time) was the department advocate. He showed me respect the entire process. Also during the labor board hearing, with a room full of city officials and lawyers, he was the only one to walk across the room and shake my hand and my brother's despite being on the city's side of the case. He also took the stand and told the absolute truth in my case. Something I can't say about everyone who took the stand. Some of what he said made me look good and other things bad but it was the truth none the less. I had the utmost respect for him during that process.

  35. Lets not talk about Bernier and lets talk about people diving for cover under vehicles when their men take fire form a 1034 on pawtucket street. At least bernier tries..

  36. That Robles report will be made public soon, and then we will see who is running for the hills....
