Saturday, September 17, 2011


The old saying that the wheels of justice turns slowly seem to be definitely true in this case.

In a State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC)complaint that began in 2006 against Hartford's 3rd District State Representative Minnie Gonzalez, it is now one step closer to potential criminal charges.

The case and the complaint itself are pretty well spelled out in the decision below, but the bottom line is that Gonzalez appealed the SEEC findings and the process used to reach those findings. Superior Court Judge Schuman decided against her and denied her appeal on June 23, 2011. Although he did deny the appeal and referred it back to the SEEC for further action, he did reduce the number of potential charges from 4 counts to 2.

Gonzalez has now appealed the decision in the appeal, but I am told that is a matter of procedure to potentially delay any criminal charges. Apparently the process would have been, most likely, that once the appeal was denied and sent back to the SEEC, the SEEC would then potentially refer the matter to the Office of the State's Attorney Kevin Kane for investigation and action on criminal charges.

Another one to follow, but I think we have come to expect this in Hartford. Gonzalez is no stranger to the halls of the SEEC.

Minnie Gonzalez Appeal Denial


  1. 3RD DISTRICT CLEANUP CREWSeptember 17, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    Maybe Minnie can request an adjoining cell to her son Ivan Maldonaldo, who is charged with raping a 12 year old girl.

  2. Minnie's legislative aide..and Pedro's paid campaign staffer is none other then flamboyent Angel Morales.Mr Morales is a 5 time felon who has spent years in jail and was last written up in the Hartford Courant for dancing in his navy blue boxers before a teenage boy in the privacy of his campaign office.

  3. What do you expect, a criminal just like her son(s). This is why Hartford will never move forward. The fed's need to come in and lock them all up. Look at the council now it's all about keeping your friends or family members in positions of power in the city to promote their own agendas. Crooks and liars. Mini is a a laughing stock at the Capitol and a poor representative of the city.
    Kevin you should watch a session up there and you would be amazed at the Hartford delegation handles things and who says what about who, embarrassing.

  4. Minnie has the eduactional speaking skills of a 5 year old and hires convicted felons to help on her campaigns. But i guess that makes sense.

  5. Also Minnie's husband, Ramon Arroyo was arrested and plead guilty some time ago for patronizing prostitutes and is rumored to be selected this coming January 2012 by Treasurer Adam Cloud as the next Deputy Treasurer...there wont be a woman safe in that office if he is selected...

    Minnie,Ramon and their soon to be felon son Ivan Maldonado are in Pedro's very inner is felon angel morales....Pedro has allied himself with real criminals, corrupt people and thugs...

  6. Anonymous 3:10

    Minnie hires convicted felons also...this is Hartford where a good % of political players ARE criminals...wake up and smell the coffee !!!!!!!!!!

  7. Kevin,

    Minnies Legislator licence plates say "Whip Leader" on them. If I'm correct being a Whip Leader hands out discipline. How can someone as so corrupt as her with a past be a whip leader.

  8. OMG -what is happening in the Latino quarters.

    First Eddie them Robles and now Minnie, who is next ????

  9. This is exactly what is wrong with hartford!

  10. Bunch of thilfy corrupt politicians around this state. When i retire. Im moving out. I also dont plan to put one cent into the city of hartford until the toliet is cleaned

  11. She also has hired thugs like the kind segarra had to prevent vargas from entering elderly housing projects on election day. True. Also possible vote fraud from election day. But that will be another tale when the facts are verified.

  12. Who said Pedro got this election He stole it mayor hug a tree

  13. Wow,

    Pedro E. Segarra associated with Minnie and her operatives, I see indictments 2 years from now.

    Shawn, Anderson stay clean, future mayor material is in your future.


  14. Anonymous 9:04 PM

    Count Shawn out, he has been rolled twice before and I see nothing that even remotely suggests that he is willing to undertake the tough choices that Hartford needs to make.

  15. Yo Bro,

    I think you are right, K Anderson is the only individual who walks in with Honor, Knowledge, Credibility and city wide support.
