Monday, September 19, 2011


I think now I can say my predictions are right, the Hartford Courant is reporting that the Market at Hartford 21 has closed....temporarily supposedly. The Courant's story can be found here

Here is my post from last week about the potential closing.
It was interesting to note in the Courant's article that apparently the City of Hartford gave the Market at Hartford 21 an additional $100,000 dollars after they opened and began to struggle. That is in addition to the $300,000 they were originally given.

I would imagine many of Hartford's struggling businesses that have been here for years would like to know where the line forms for them to get their $100,000 checks.


  1. Kevin, please file an FOI request with the city. You broke the story you deserve the credit. This plan was impossible from Day 1 and should be audited, as should WHERE the funds went -- maybe out to the restaurant in Tariffville?? There should be an investigation into the unauthorized expense of an additional 100,000. Treasurer Cloud would know what department the request came from. Heads should roll at City Hall, and the mayor should not be allowed to claim ignorance as he always does. This is unacceptable when so many Hartford businesses could use an infusion like this. Just imagine what 25K could have done to prevent each of the business foreclosures going on right now in the South End. 400K could have saved or helped 10 businesses and more.

  2. Kevin, could you please inquire for us all when is the money going to be returned?
    At the same time my question is what do buisnes that have been paying their HIGH taxes in this city have to do to get the same kind of stimulos.

  3. In response to the first post, I feel bad for Franklin avenue. Everyone has forgotten what an asset it has been to Hartford. About the market, Hartford is not fancy, but it special and unique. You must follow the landscape and fit in with the cultural to be dynamic in Hartford. Here we go again taking two steps back, before we put one foot forward. How do we stop this? How is it possible to authorize this sum of money without authorization by the Council?

  4. The City rushed this deal, so Mayor Segarra could cut a ribbon.There is no one trying to save Hartford's businesses or trying to bring in new business.The money will never be returned, Where is the money that Hector Robles was allowed to steal?
    The city of Hartford needs the Fed's to step in, and stop the carnage.The present mentality is to claim no knowledge of anything happening.This is truly unacceptable, until we say enough this will continue to happen.The powers that be know that it only takes 4,500 voters to get elected,So this is why they prefer the voters and residents to stay ignorant of all facts.

  5. whether you get money or not from city hall is in direct corelation with the amount of political donations you make to Pedro and his team...and the number of their relatives you hire, and the contractors you hire for any work must be "connected" to Pedro and his team.

  6. We don't know that it wasn't approved by the Council. With this rubber stamp Council with their spending spree at the taxpayers expense mentality, this is why our mill rate is more than double what it was in 1999 and the major reason other businesses are being taxed out of business to fund this crazy spending.

    Ask Gordon Bonetti Florist or many of the others struggling what help they have received lately. But then again, the focus always is on downtown, rather than the other neighborhoods

  7. I agree with hall shouldnt be squandering our tax money to certain select small businesses, to the exclusion of other businesses.They...Eddie's and Pedro's administrations have squandered our tax money to the point where our taxes have doubled since 199 and we have nothing to show for it except less city services and increased violent crime.

  8. The city of Hartford is run by all democrats. People always blame past and current elected officials but they always vote for the same ideological party. Your voice would be heard if you had some balance and other opinions of independents and republicans. The top ten poorest cities in the US have a democratic super majority leading the way. This may be a sign that it doesn't work.

  9. it doesn't work
    Well, it's impossible to claim that Hartford has improved these past decades of Democratic governance. But, neither the municipal government nor electorate is very interested in that. What we like are lots of crumby government services provided by lots of hack bureaucrats. The idea that our muni govt. guys think they have money to throw around at winners in need of a hand-up in the market is just plain pitiful. That they hold us up for ever increasing property taxes is practically a crime.

  10. Don't let this $400,000 sandwich get cold, I wonder how many other no process, no nothing, I like you cookie jar loans are out there ?
