Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Former Hartford City Councilman John O'Connell passed away this morning at Hartford Hospital. No arrangements have been made as of this time.

According to John's wife Carol, John was re-admitted to Hartford Hospital last night and passed away this morning in the Intensive Care Unit surrounded by his wife, his son Jay and Jay's wife Erica.

John was, in my opinion, the last strong Councilperson on the Hartford City Council in recent years. John was known as the City budget "guru" and even after he left the council he was often called on for budget advice. John was always willing to help or answer questions from anyone, no matter what their political affiliation.

John was on the Council during a period when coalitions were built to get things done and he loved to tell the stories of the various alliances combining all parties to gain the majority vote. In true Irish form, John could tell stories like no one else.

John and Carol came to my home Memorial Day weekend for a cookout and John had everyone enthralled with his stories of being on Council during the Peter's years and the way they accomplished tax cuts> He even had some great stories from behind the scenes that probably aren't suitable for posting here about the actions of some other Council people and politicians.

Although John was a die-hard Republican, he lived for the "democratic" process. He lived his Republican ideals everyday, but he was at his best when it came to using democracy to get things. Whether that was a robust debate, some might have stronger terms for it, John was never one to back down from a challenge when it came to a question of right or wrong. "Robert's Rules of Order" were his best friend, although he willingly admitted at times he would stretch them to move his point along.

John takes a piece of Hartford's history with him in his passing, but he also added an awful lot to Hartford's history through his service to our community. John's presence in a room sometimes was overwhelming, especially if that room was the Hartford City Council Chambers. Whether he was sitting on the dais or in the audience after his term expired, John had no problem letting people know what he thought.

Although John's health had been failing in recent years, mentally he remained strong and was always willing to offer advice to anyone willing to ask for it or listen. In recent months John and his wife were blessed with their firstborn grandchild, Bridgette born to Jay and Erica and John couldn't have been a more proud grandfather.

No arrangements have been made yet, but I will try to post them here when available. In the mean time feel free to post any memories of John or comments here.


  1. You will be missed, John.

  2. John was a great man he was giant teddy bear with great stories. My heart goes out to his family. A true loss for the City of Hartford.

  3. I met John O'Connell at his first go around on the Council, way before the Peter's years that Kevin mentioned. I found John to be a straight up honest guy who was honest as the day is long and I loved to be regaled by his political stories.John has a wonderful family and contributed alot to Hartford.He will be missed.

  4. The deepest of heart felt condolences to the O'Connell family. Nyesha and I will keep you in our prayers and are here if you need anything at all.

    God speed John, rest in peace.

    Pastor J. Stan McCauley

  5. RIP

    A Great Human !!!!!

  6. A truly passionate and dedicated individual to the city of Hartford. Prayers to the family. A fond fairwell to Councilman O'Connell.

  7. Condolences to his family. We were fortunate to have him here in Hartford.
    Years ago when I attended RTC meetings they largely consisted of his holding forth as Chair, describing what he was up to on Council, and laughing to keep from crying about what he and the city were up against. He was a cheerful, faithful, and determined warrior in what is pretty much a lost cause.
