Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The Rudewicz Report was apparently delivered to the City of Hartford today according to several sources. Now the real test of transparency will begin, will the public be allowed to see the report?

Only time will tell, but since the report was funded with taxpayers money, it seems like we should be able to review the report in its entirety, good, bad or ugly.

What do you think?


  1. Mayor hug a tree Segarra has showed he is not transparent at all what you expect lined up with felons and violators.

  2. I doubt we will see it Kevin. They dont show stuff that they are supposed to release; why would they show you this?

    Hopefully the Rudiewicz investigation is a little more fair than a Bernier investigation (did you read Dailey's response, ouch)...

  3. First of all the report was bought and paid for by city hall and is not an objective finding....i dont trust a thing it will say...whether or not it is released.

  4. will the public be allowed to see the report?
    -----------------------------------Frankly, I never had a very clear specific idea what Mr. R.'s charter was. Perhaps I wasn't paying close attention, but my sense of it was that Mayor S. was not that informative at the time.

    But, having said that, of course let's see the thing. Perhaps Council might take a look-see, too. If self-government in a town means anything it has to include management of the cops. (I mean on top of all of our other challenges; establishing sister cities in Central America and resisting Israeli occupation of Gitmo.)

  5. Kevin, Maybe you can obtain it through "alternative means"?

  6. Why does everyone on section 8 have an obama shrine in their place?September 21, 2011 at 8:18 AM

    I think you'll get a copy somehow someway and post it. That's the only way the public will see it. I'll be checking your blog several times a day waiting it... Hurry up kevin!
