Sunday, November 6, 2011


On October 27, 2011, a hearing was held by the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee regarding a complaint filed by mayoral candidate Edwin Vargas against a cross nomination by the Hartford Republican Town Committee which was accepted by Pedro Segarra.To read the previous posting about Vargas's complaint, click here

Last Thursday the hearing committee ruled against Vargas. The next step is for Vargas to head to Superior to see if a Judge will take the politics out of the matter and look at the complaint differently. That hearing will be held tomorrow, Monday, at 11:00am at Superior Court on Washington Street.

The full motion for a hearing by Vargas's attorney is below:

Complaint - Vargas v. Segarra


  1. Kevin,

    You would have a fighting chance to get on the council if you did what most credible candidates to which is an actual voter contact on the weekend before election. Instead you are glued to your blog, posting news about absurd lawsuits coming from a bitter perennial candidate.
    How many times a day do you read the editorial from the courant than endorsed you and some of the other so called scoundrels you rail against? If you answer honestly, I bet a day doesn't go by where you don't read it at least twice to yourself. Most candidates are megalomaniacs to a certain degree..., but you my friend don't have a chance as you are glued to your computer rather than talking with actual voters.

  2. Your crystal ball must be working overtime to have been able to figure this all out. Not only do I read the endorsement hundreds of times each day, I have recorded it to my i-pod and I listen to it continuosly as I drive, in fact even when I am actually out talking to voters, I have it playing and I listen to it even as I am answering questions.

    You must have been one of those that the Courant didn't endorse to be hurt so badly by this. and the difference between me and you, whoever you are, I make it a point to interact and be part of the community every day, not just at election time, so while you have to scramble to get votes right before elections, I treat people with respect and sincerity everyday, not just when I want to pimp their votes.

    And if you really need to know my actions for the day, I actually spent a good part of the day cutting trees and clearing my mothers yard, but since you appear to live and die for politics, you apparently don't realize the importance of family.

    And I think I do actually have a "fighting chance" and the Courant's endorsement doesn't matter, the endorsement of the people of Hartford is the one that matters to me. And I also realize that if I was willing to sell my soul and commit to being a political puppet, I most likely could have taken the easy route and received a HDTC endorsement, I chose not to.
