Thursday, December 29, 2011


The hit counter has officially rolled over 500,000. I never thought the blog would catch on, but apparently it has.

I have been relatively quiet the last couple weeks as I have been a little under the weather with a cold I can't get rid of, but I am ready to start digging an writing again.

I will be posting a "Nolan Update " later this evening and anything about Dan Nolan has proven to be very popular here.

Thanks again for reading and following "We the People"


  1. I think it is a fair question to ask when this nonsense is going to end. All along the trail of the Nolan termination it has become pretty clear that Dan's termination as a Deputy Chief with the Hartford Fire Department was unjustified.
    Agreed. What is the problem with our guys? A waste of time, bureaucratic abuse of an employee/public servant, unnecessary expense for the taxpayer. Nothing could have been gained by firing him, and nothing could have been gained by fighting his reinstatement. Enough already.
