Friday, December 16, 2011


Word from Hartford City Hall sources is that our newly elected Council is enjoying a weekend away at the taxpayers expense. No comment was available officially from City Hall, but sources are telling me that the new Council along with Mayor Segarra and a few others would be getting on a limousine party bus this evening to be whisked away for their weekend rendezvous.

More on this as I gather more information. Preliminary estimates are that the "retreat" will run between $6,000 and #8,000 in expenses to Hartford's taxpayers


  1. Where ever they go they should leave Cotto there. Maybe he pretend to be an occupier and propse a resolution to stop some street paving project in Argentina.

  2. Must be a short retreat, Pedro is scheduled to make a cameo appearance along with U of H President Walt Harrison in the Hartt school's "Nutcracker" tomorrow night on the U of H campus

  3. they could have used my place in Old Saybrook for free...or DiBella's or Kirkley-Beys

  4. Just one of the perks of being a Democrat in Hartford City Hall.
    $6000-$8000 seems a little low to me. Are you sure that isn't per day?

  5. For that amount of money I'll bet our new rising stars are honeymooning at a Native American Reservation. Or maybe they're doing one of those consultant-led "leadership" group-gropes at Camp Granada.
    But, Kevin, at least their agenda doesn't yet include internet control.
    Beijing city authorities on Friday issued new rules requiring microbloggers to register their real names before posting online, as the Chinese government tightens its grip on the Internet.

  6. I dont believe that the retreat will do much good.The reasons for folks being divided have more to do with issues,personality and power then whether they know eachother or not.A weekend retreat will help "getting to know you" perhaps,but will not change where folks are at on the issues or their political philosophy and will most certainly not change anyone's personality.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. the issues
    It honestly seems to me that there shouldn't be that many issues. We're talking about a legislative body for a town of 100,000 people. There's a reason they don't get paid much.
    We don't need a lot of new ordinances, and certainly not a lot of consideration to pipelines in Latin America, U.S. immigration policy, or justice multi-sexuals. How about they set the budget, ask if Pedro needs any help, and shut up? Or, am I missing something?

  9. I saw a copy of the agenda. It was a day and a half with a focus on the charter, ethics, FOI and touchy feely "what do you want for the city" type of stuff. Considering that there are five new people coming in, doesn't look like a bad expenditure.

  10. sounds like someone fed you misinformation... perhaps they are trying to find out who your sources are?

  11. $10,000,0,7939025.story

  12. good to see the "reporters" at the Courant read your blog

  13. We all know that the hartford courant reporters do puff pieces about Mayor Segarra.

  14. Merry Christmas to all.
    But, also, I'd take the opportunity to say to those (i.e., Gigi) who recently imagined Luis Cotto unfair venom victim. It's his party I don't like.
    Former Troy Democratic City Clerk William McInerney, Democratic Councilman John Brown, and Democratic political operatives Anthony Renna and Anthony DeFiglio have entered guilty pleas in the case, in which numerous signatures were allegedly forged on absentee ballots in the 2009 Working Families Party primary, the political party that was associated with the now-defunct community group, ACORN.

    Read more:

  15. Peter,
    Just go into the Third district in Hartford,They have made it into an art form of how many Petitons and Absentee ballots they forge! They could show ACORN how it is done!Their State Rep. charges to use her home as "wink wink" Headquarters.They have conquered the dole out system. Now they control the Mayor, Just think of the largesse they will be receiving. Unless this new council really learned something last weekend, we are in for some major tax increases!
    I think it is wrong we also supplied Alcoholic beverages at the Hartford Club,to begin their weekend getaway.

  16. Oliver Chatsworth 3rdDecember 23, 2011 at 12:03 PM

    Anonymous 10:53 AM

    Minnie's son Ivan Maldonado was fired from his MDC job and as we all know is a felon,with pending charges for risk of injury to a 12 year old girl, along with other very disgusting pending charges.Then in the 3rd district is Angel Morales...another felon who has a penchant for dancing in his boxers before teenage boys.The husband of Minnie,Ramon was arrested for soliciting a prostitute in the 90's.And some on the 3rd DTC are sick of them and hopfully will challenge them in a DTC primary,but I wont hold my breathe.

  17. Just go into the Third district in Hartford,They have made it into an art form
    I live in that district. I have an excellent State Rep. She sent out a newsletter recently. Says she's closing the "achievement gap," or at least paying to have some commission study the issue. But, she generally doesn't have to engage in fraud to get elected as nobody runs against her.
    Gonzalez ran for re-election to the 3rd District seat in 2010. Gonzalez had no opposition in the primary or general election.

  18. So when is Mayor Segarra going to let the troops at 50 Jennings Road know what is going to happen? Morale is still low and the city is still violent as ever.....
    A real leader would address the troops and also tell the residents what is expected if they choose to live in this city. City Council is a joke.....

  19. word is the announcement of Chief Rovella should come later today

  20. Councilman Duecht should have his hippie homeless protestors work in his proposed Hartford Power plant. By the way Cotto, you are one of the reasons i attend the Council meetings. It is similar to the muppet show and you honestly look rediculous.......

  21. I hope prey, and even lit a candle in the locker room of Police Headquaters in hopes that our new chief at least makes an attempt to fix this broken Dept. Morale is low and most officers hate coming to work. It used to be great, but this new good ol boys and drinkin buddy promotinal system is pissing everyone off. A true leaader is needed to be fair and not play favorites or give details to your neighbors.

  22. Nobody has ever been fired from HPD for being unless a new and fesh change is brought, you will continue to have lack luster officers..

  23. I hope the new Chief finally gives some stars to that Joe Buyak. He alone raises the morale of the troops and is the best leader in this place. A true cop and leader!!!Not bad lookin either..

  24. fix this broken Dept. Morale is low and most officers hate coming to work. It used to be great
    Don't know where the truth may be, but as a citizen I'd have the Mayor put this issue at the top of the agenda.
    I see that the process of choosing a new chief may take longer than expected so input can be gathered from "the community." The statistic I'd have the Mayor consider is arrests/closing cases. Not that things wouldn't be better with a lower crime rate, but I say let that follow, if possible. First things first; look for a chief who is good at making successful, get the bad-guys-off-the-street arrests.
    Hopefully, that guy would also be a capable manager able to restore morale in the shop.
