Tuesday, December 13, 2011


If agenda item number 21 at last nights City Council meeting is any indication, it is going to be a long four years dealing with the Council.

Item number 21 was as follows "21.Via Verde Pipeline. Resolution urging the Army Corps of Engineers to deny the request of the Puerto Rico Power Electric Authority for a permit to build a 92-mile natural gas pipeline in Puerto Rico due to negative impacts on waterways, animals, plant life, and the safety of the residents of the island. (Cotto) Passed

It is not surprising that many other local issues such as joblessness and unemployment are not addressed. Neither are the City's outrageous tax rates that are killing business and preventing economic development. Issues of inefficient government and waste are never looked into or addressed, yet a resolution regarding a natural gas pipeline in Puerto Rico are immediately addressed and passed.

Does the Council have any clue what their functions are? Do they have any idea what is actually happening inside the borders of Hartford rather than addressing a pipeline thousands of miles away?

The grandstanding and constant pursuit of media attention needs to stop, it is time the focus is placed on turning Hartford around and addressing local issues first


  1. This would be almost funny if it wasn't such a waste of tax payer dollars. Cotto is from another planet it he thinks a vote by the Hartford City council will make a difference to the Army Corps of Engineers. "Hey guys lets stop this project. Hartford City council is against it".

  2. I think hartford city council should buy stock in moon property next. ... Cotto really ?? This is why other countries laugh at us. ....

  3. This is about as funny as council member duetch thinking he is braveheart trying to save the thilfy protestors. Another episode of the muppet show. ....

  4. I want the council to vote on urging more people to eat pork. The other white meat .......im sooo glad i dont live in htfd. Sorry kevin ��

  5. I bet cotto will also pass a resolution for world peace tooooo im sure the us army really cares what some council member from hartford thinks.

  6. Are you kidding me. The city is a mess and this idiot who proably doesn't own a tie or a dress shirt is proposing and passing resolutions to stop a gas line in PR. If he's so interested in politics in PR then maybe he should move there and stay there.
    What in the hell does a pipe line in PR have to do with Hartford. At least he's consistant he's against progress in PR just like he's against progress in Hartford. The fact that it made it on the agenda is amazing the rest of the council should be embarrassed that it was voted on and passed. This send a clear message to the residents of the city that these individuals don't care about them and they only care about their own self serving political agenda.
    What's next a resolution aginst the presidents job bill or payroll tax cuts.

  7. Cotto was raised here all his life he never lived in the island.just because you wear a Spanish Canarian hat for city council meetings don't mean you know what time it is.

  8. local issues such as joblessness and unemployment
    I'd have them consider issues they actually can handle. For example, overseeing the managing of the cops, maximizing legal order given inherent lawlessness of our citizenry. Cut the social welfare bureaucracy and political hackorama.
    Have fewer meetings.
    Item 19, whether to have non-Hartford residents man the LBGTI outfit would seem an indication that these Council guys want more government than they can find unpaid hacks to perform.

  9. It's obvious that Cotto doesn't care about the opinion of the five people who comment on this blog. How dare he!?

  10. I think that's right up there with Deutsch wanting to create a task force to put a power plant in Hartford that is run by the municipality. Is there anyone in their right mind that would want this city running a power plant?

  11. issues they actually can handle
    It's fixing so-called quality of life issues that will return respect to this city. "Simple things go a long way," he said.
    The Mayor is on the right track reports the Wall Street Journal.

  12. The Mayor what?,

    Never mind Puerto Rico,

    Cotto and PES should be addressing the autocratic Imperial Vindictive regime at Planning and Zoning.

    Let's move this City Forward, Ice Emperor O'B.

