Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Just a quick update from last nights posting, the Hartford City Council was sworn in tonight and their first act of business was to elect Councilman Shawn Wooden as Council President. The five votes for wooden were himself, fellow Democrat Kyle Anderson and working Families Party Councilpeople Deutsch, Jennings and Cotto.

Now hopefully the political differences can be set aside as the real work needs to begin under the leadership of President Wooden.


  1. Does anyone really believe this is going to change things? We all know that the gun play will continue, taxes will rise, and businesses will leave.

  2. One of the first business items should be to put in legislation to create a new Charter Revision Commission.The "strong mayor" charter needs tinkering badly.In 2002 with the new strong mayor concept,the people lost the right to vote for the entire Board of Education.Then Mayor Perez appointed himself and cronies which didnt auger well.I believe that it was a mistake to do this and would like to see it revised so that the people can vote in all Board members,with guaranteed minority representation.

    The legislation should give all 9 council folks one selection on the Committee and let them self select a Chair.There should also be trigger dates to reort and a date for a written final report.There also should be alot of public hearings so that the community can give its input.

  3. Brucie Brucie Brucie
    "auger well"?

    From Websters:

    au·ger   /ˈɔgər/ Show Spelled[aw-ger] Show IPA
    1. Carpentry .
    a. a bit, as for a brace.
    b. a boring tool, similar to but larger than a gimlet, consisting of a bit rotated by a transverse handle.
    2. earth auger.
    3. a device consisting of a shaft with a broad helical flange rotating within a cylindrical casing to force bulk materials from one end to the other.
    4. snake ( def. 3a ) .

    You may have meant augur?

  4. i meant augur, my bad

  5. Kevin:

    Heard you were running on the Democratic town committee slate headed up by Doug McCrory and Ken Greene, with the behind-the-scenes support of Shawn Wooden? The same Wooden who threw years of council experience, city government knowledge, the Democratic party and the long-term councilperson who singularly fought Eddie Perez and actually earned the position, all to the curb by going to bed with fiscally responsible Luis "pipeline" Cotto and Cynthia "let's use a lynching in my political literature" Jennings. I'm sure Shawn's decision was to benefit Hartford, and not any personal agenda.

    And is Ken Greene's primary motivation for town committee to take on Senator Coleman and not to champion the interests of Hartford?

    Waiting with baited breath for your explanation on how you ended up with so many unselfish folks who are surely putting Hartford first over themselves. At least you'll be in the same company with Kyle "I can't keep my word" Anderson.

  6. Dear Kevin (and Bruce):

    Regarding 8:53pm comment, your sudden silence is shocking - or maybe not.

    Hope this helps.

    Ankyloglossia, commonly known as TONGUE-TIED, is a congenital oral anomaly which may decrease mobility of the tongue tip and is caused by an unusually short, thick lingual frenulum, a membrane connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Ankyloglossia varies in degree of severity from mild cases characterized by mucous membrane bands to complete ankyloglossia whereby the tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth.

  7. Annoy. at 853
    First off, Kevin actually cares about certain issues. Are all politicians perfect, no. But he has done more good then u probably. You seem to be very upset over who kevin chooses to be friends with, but why do you care?

  8. Mayor Wooden will lay the smackdown on all the haters... If you smell what he is cooking.....

  9. Dear ANonymous 11:19PM

    Since the anonymous post of 8:53PM is not addressed to me I am abit shocked why my name is on the later post in this way ( and Bruce)

    However, if you are interesed in my comment on the posting, all you have to do to generate a response is to post in your real name and I will respond accordingly.

  10. I can almost hear Wooden startin up the power washer to clean some grime and filth from the city. Give him a chance...
