Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The details are still sketchy, but word is that insurgents dressed as Afghan military personnel were able to get onto the US Military base that Dan Nolan is currently stationed at in Afghanistan. A gun battle ensued and at least one person was killed and several were wounded. Information is that Dan and his fellow Connecticut soldiers are all safe and accounted for.

More on this as I get it


  1. Dan is safe, as are his unit members, Thank God! But it's been a tough time lately. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Thank you Kevin for posting this.

  2. Good to hear that the CT ANG personnel are all OK. Hopefully neither the KIA nor any of the the serious casualties was a US serviceman (or woman) or one of Afghan soldiers with whom we allied. Good reminder, too, of what's really important.

  3. Brookman gets it 1st. Dan get home safe. God Bless America.🇺🇸

  4. When the City hears this news, they will probably try to claim Dan Nolan was involved in an off-duty incident and has brought shame on the department...lol Get to work on this one Corp Counsel.

  5. Filthy Talaban....They should nuke that whole area. The Coucilman Duetch can build his powerplant there and have his protestors run it...

  6. Rambo would not put up with this nonsense in Afganistan....

  7. You may not post this since it is not singing your praises but as a War Veteran Marine, please be cautious as to what information you are sharing publicly. I know that you and Danny are good friends but in the Military we have what we call OPSEC or Operational Security. The enemy has the capability to monitor information (intelligence) just like we do and maybe not to the same extent, but if they found out their attack was successful then there could be more attacks to follow. Whoever relayed this info to you probably knew better but just my two cents. Come home safely Danny!! Semper Fi!

  8. God Bless Dan and his troops!

  9. As a soldier serving in Afghanistan, and a follower of current military Operation Security Policy (OPSEC). This is most definetly a violation. You could possibly be endangering the American military people working in this area
