Saturday, August 18, 2012


Our new Police Chief James Rovella speaks often about the "moral compass" of our youth and the importance of keeping it adjusted from an early age. The You Tube video below isn't from New York City or Chicago or LA, it is from right here in Hartford, 222 South Marshall Street to be exact

If there is a moral compass on these youth , it is clearly spinning out of control like a gyroscope. Is this the best that they can do for activity, especially troubling , besides the females fighting is the young boy that appears to be about eight years old and the kicks he is taking to the head of the girl on the ground. Where are the adults and why is no one stepping up to stop this beating?

Also note the ankle bracelet on one of the kids, so he is obviously not a stranger to the Criminal Justice System at an early age


  1. Sad,
    but Hartford is becoming a 3rd world country which allows degenerative uncivilized behavior.
    Keep your doors and windows closed and have 32 near your pillow or move out like everyone else.

    Pedro this is your show...

  2. This is really sad and upsetting. I am glad you ask the tough questions and show us all sides of Hartford. Here is my take on this.
    The boy is a lot older than 8.
    Anyone that fought should be arrested including the boy.
    And what can citizens do to stop this violence? I wonder if any of these individuals have jobs or finished school? Hartford can only progress if we address behavior like this and start thinking of ways to give people opportunities to change or we will continue to have high rates of crime and incarceration. We are better off paying taxes for programs that address these social
    behaviors than paying taxes for more prisons. Thanks for sharing this Kevin.

  3. When the authority figures like Pedro Segarra,Ramon Arroyo and others hire and have felons,criminals,predators,alleged pedophiles and other corrupt individuals in their campaigns,on the town committee and as employees in City Hall and elsewhere, then you can expect the regular Hartford street people to understand that since it is ok for the leaders to act like this, then it is ok for them as well.These folks on the street see political role models as felons,convicted Mayor Perez,thugs,predators,arrested cop Hector Robles,felon Mamie bell,soon to be felon Ivan Maldonado,felon and alleged predator Angel Morales and other criminals and that is what they use as their guidepost for their own behavior. If Hartford elite's want a safe City then morality and ethics must start at the top.

  4. T.R.A.S.H.

    Free rents for all of this filth too.....

  5. Kevin - You do a good job in highlighting everything about our city. Our city's moral compass is indeed broken and the only way to fix it is to build relevant social programs that assist with addressing the specific issues. It would be nice to see more aggressive mentoring programs or social programs that are custom built for our citizens. In this video I see a number of things possibly wrong that could be contributing to this behavior. Our city needs leadership and needs it now for God's sake. Thanks again Kevin.

  6. This is truely what the city is turning into. The police are understaffed and overworked. These people should all be at their jobs or doing something more constructive with all their free time. I can honestly see what the police put up with now. I hope each person gets arrested and that little kid should be put in a better environment. This is extremely disturbing..........

  7. Mark Twain would role over in his grave if he saw what South Marshall Street, two blocks from his house, has turned into. I blame the parents, not the police or free welfare system. These people seem to enjoy living like this and teach their children, the future, how to behave in dignified society. I 'm glad it is revealed what really is the problem in Hartford.

    Kevin, don't go down to south marshall street...

  8. Aetan Employee, 4th floorAugust 19, 2012 at 1:14 PM

    Hey Mike Marshall, Now, there is an Unsafe area near the Aetna. Maybe we can buy this property too.......

  9. This is so sad, just disgusting. But I won't blame politics for this behavior. Point the finger at the people in the video, don't use this incident as a platform for your agendas (and I'm not talkin about you Kevin) Is it Pedro's job to raise that boy, or teach that lady to be a parent?

  10. Wow, this makes me think... This kid is kicking a grown woman in her face now, within the next decade he'll be sure to graduate to pulling triggers. "Community, I hope your proud. And no, it's not your fault, there's always someone else to blame."

  11. Without people like this, there would be no need for courts, lawyers, judges, etc. They purposely don't provide inner city schools with the proper tools, so that the men of color are set up for failure...that way, the white man can keep them down forever. it's a vicious circle that won't be solved - ever - while greed and corruption rule our lives.

    1. Your a moron. Yeah this is all a big plot by "the man" to keep minorities down. Have faith dummy the man don't need to keep the residents of Hartford down they do a great job of it all on their own. Its people like you who want to blame everyone else for these scumbags problems which will cause Hartford and its residents to never go anywhere. they should wall that city off with all the residents inside and drop a napalm strike on it. then bulldoze the ashes a build new. Here's a neat idea, stop giving an entire population of people free money, free food, free place to live, free daycare for their turd kids, free health care. this clearly is "the white man" keeping them down. I feel bad for them you should take some more of my had earned tax dollars and give it to the people of Hartford so they can do nothing all day.

  12. "Without people like this, there would be no need for courts, lawyers, judges, etc. They purposely don't provide inner city schools with the proper tools, so that the men of color are set up for failure...that way, the white man can keep them down forever. it's a vicious circle that won't be solved - ever - while greed and corruption rule our lives."

    This is such a cop-out. Always blame the white man. How about the people actually involved, personal responsibility? Certainly, the economic direction in the past 30 years has made it harder for those less educated, but I'm hard pressed to believe that the South Marshall St. Fiasco can be blamed on that. More likely, Idle hands are the Devil's Playground.

  13. What can anyone expect. It is South Marshall Street. Stay clear of that area. People like this are dangerous. They don't give a damn about anything. No goals, ambitions, direction and they don't want you to have anything either. It is disgusting. The boys in the video interferrring will probably end up being batterers because the participants in the video set the example that this is okay. Truly disgusting! I feel sorry for the residents there who actually get up every morning and go to work to try to make a better life for their families.

  14. This does not represent Hartford, this represents people making bad decisions that happen to be in Hartford. This is not the cities fault, but we are a city and in a city there is more crime and violence. We try to better this just all cities do. Should this stop people from coming into the city to see plays, visit the Riverfront, the museum, dine in great restaurants, hang out in Bushnell Park, attend all kinds of exciting events ? No!! Stop publicizing the bad and let's celebrate the wonderful aspects of the city!

  15. Vanessa,

    this most definitely does represent Hartford, whether you want to admit it or not, this is the future of our city. ignoring it doesn't do anything to correct the problem

  16. I Live out here with these people. You guys do not know the half behind this. How about the girl that was being kicked in the head was very high off of PCP !!!!!! My thing is these are my neighbors. They are lousy. The woman ( the aggressor ) works at Mcdonald's. I wonder how they feel about one of their employee's that is suppose to serve the public act like this in public. Guys these buildings that we live in needs to be torn down. They are inhabitable to live in. If I had the money I would be out of here yesterday. With all of you guys comment I have an answer. I saw this fight first hand from my 3rd floor window. Trust I did my part as a citizen I text an officer to inform of this fight happening but they never came. I do no t want the public to see me as a scrub or a citizen that does not care because theses foolish foolish people actions. If any body wants to know what I know about this block I live on, just give me your e-mail and we will talk. I wish not to put my e-mail out. I will do THIS MAINLY FOR YOU KEVIN.

    Thank You
    Your new friend.

  17. Aetan Employee, 4th floor said...
    Hey Mike Marshall, Now, there is an Unsafe area near the Aetna. Maybe we can buy this property too.......

    Who ever you are Aetna Employee from the 4th floor, I agree I live on this inhabitable property. When they started building the town houses next door, I said to my self, "self who is going to want to live in those townhouses with the B.S. next door." OMG I think if I could file an eminent domain for this property I would.

  18. Guys, Half the people that live in these four buildings do not watch the news to know what politician is running for what race. When we had that big storm last October, would you guys believe I was the ONLY ONE with a car moved my car due to the snow ban. So Monday morning after the storm EVERY ONE with cars got a $99 ticket. So that let me know NO ONE other than me with a car watched the news.

    So what I am trying to say,some of my neighbors do not teach their children values, morals nor respect. I have never heard a parent say to their child come in and eat dinner or its time to come in for a bath and prepare for school. Or the biggest one of all, "DID YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK ?"

    So people it is embarrassing to say I live on SOUTH MARSHALL STREET.But i refuse to let this street make me. I am so relieved that KEVIN I found your blog thru the reporter that aired this video on the news tonight. Now I feel like my VOICE and OPINION can be heard. I am part of this community. I am tired of not being heard about these inhabitable buildings. NOW MAYBE SOMEONE WOULD LISTEN !!!!!!!!

  19. Doesn't surprise me.... This is very common in Hartford Ct... Hint why ppl are moving out n going to other states for a better future for their kids.... This is our future generation.... Sad ain't it!... Thank god I set better example for my children... But wats the point when this is what waits for them once out there in the world.... It starts at home, obviously this is how they where brought up like savages!....

  20. Where is Hartford's Finest when u need them at Colt Park giving out tickets to every single car on the street on Sunday.

  21. Guys listen to me. This morning when I got up I looked out the window and guess what was going on....the aggressor in this video was outside saying, "yeah I beat that b#@^% a#@ she should not have said anything to my son." So now my thoughts are as follows: Did you not see the news to see yourself and children ( oh yeah the kid with the ankle bracelet is also her son ). So your first thought is to come out side to prove what. That your lack of supervision is more than lack. You are not thinking about your other children.
    So I say to my community, all morals, values and respect start from the home. We know there are no perfect parenting manuals. But us as parents should strive with our children not defile our children. This is why the government is helping raise our children. And people wonder why. Take another look at the video !!!!!!!

  22. Is anyone on here actually taking proactive, healthy, positive steps toward addressing violence, or is your involvement in this only to the extent of pointing fingers and making thinly-veiled racist remarks?

    Demanding more police doesn't count. Really. Anyone?

    Thought not.

  23. I now see what the police in hartford put up with. I have respect for them for dealing with mutants like this. Im sure the WHITE MAN is to blame for all of this, but these people choose to act like wild animals in a zoo. So I see them teaching their kin how to act like this. I prey that the mayor and police chief of hartford authorize an air strike to that area.

  24. Since these fine outstanding citizens have so much free time and money to film their activites, maybe some community service will help out, but then again they will just cry and say they are being harassed by the police. This is not only digusting but disturbing. Im sure the ones with the ankle monitor bachlets are also all angels that attend church too.....

  25. I hope those animals are put in a facility. This is why there is a negative perception associated with race and color. You wonder why the MAN keeps you down and does not want you in downtown west hartford or avon. ......

  26. Hiding in my Avon houseAugust 23, 2012 at 4:53 PM

    They seem to enjoy it, even the little kid in the blue. Im sure he will become an outstanding husband to a female one day.........Sorry Hartford Police, you have your hands full with this one......

  27. Almost as bad as stealing lobsters from Stop and Shop on prospect ave........FROM THE SELF CHECKOUT LINE!!!!!!!!

  28. STOP N SHOP SEAFOOD THEFTAugust 23, 2012 at 5:01 PM

    This looks like the end scene of animal house, with belushi dressed like a pirate........ALL IS WELL!!!

  29. That same officer did not report damages to car 27.. but another free pass for her.

  30. The pj officer at stop n shop should do a 24 and follow up, but im sure the tapes have been conviently misplaced.....

  31. Megatron Lord of the decepticonsAugust 25, 2012 at 5:06 PM

    you guys need to leave Natoya alone he has no sin cast the first stone nothing like a bucnh of backstabbing cops at HPD this department has more problems than a catholic church looking for babysitters I love my job but there are some serious idiots an evil people in this place clean out city hall clean out chieif complex Lt Brooks for Chief

  32. If they never hired her and all the other idiots (and there's a lot of them) things would be boring in the gossip column. She's about as useless as the one who got put back into the streets and after a few days she was put back inside cause she can't drive. News flash folks, if you can't drive them you shouldn't be a cop. Them you have the turds in booking who want to hide inside their whole career cause they are scared to work the streets. Maybe a job in corrections would be more fitting. I don't know much about our new Chief but I sure do hope that he cleans of all the dead wait list sitting around. Until then I will continue to serve the residents of Hartford like I swore to when I took this job. Stay safe all my brothers and sisters in Blue.

  33. you know guys all BLACK PEOPLE in Hartford are ghetto or do not have morals or values. I am in Hartford, I am BLACK. My daughters attend 2 of the best high schools in Hartford and they both graduated fro Jumoke Honors in Hartford. I have a business degree and I live on the slummiest street in Hartford which is SOUTH MARSHALL STREET. The people that are my neighbors, "uuugghh", are rude, children are rude. But I think if some officers not all work with the black community instead of being rude with people when talking to them. Like i said just because some people live where they do not fit in, do no stereotype us all.
    Me personally I like talking with some of the officers that patrol SOUTH MARSHALL STREET. And on this street I am called a cop caller and even called the police. I don't care because not only at the end of the day but the beginning and the middle of the day also, I have 2 teenage daughters that I need to protect and fight for not physically but with my voice.

  34. anonymous 3:31,

    I hope that was a typo and you left out the word "not" in your first few words. there are a lot of good people in Hartford and we don't need to clump one race together for other's actions. A lot of good people from South Marshall Street have contacted me for help to clean up their neighborhood. They are getting a lot of attention in their neighborhood now and hopefully that will make a difference for the good people that live there.

  35. Yes Kevin definitely a Typo. I did not proof read as well as I thought. Kevin you do not understand what type of inhabitable conditions we are living in. I contacted HUD and also 2 different departments within the city (housing and licenses and inspections). I do understand that there is a process and nothing happens over night. It's just some people are comfortable where they lay their head. Like the aggressor in that awful video, she has been living here for 13 years. She has a lot of comfort level living here.
    I believe inhaling the toxins maggots, mice, flies, nets, roaches and mold give off that live with us in the apartments are really messing with the thought process in some adults on this block. If they are taking a look at SOUTH MARSHALL STREET that is great, maybe some of these 40 plus babies out here may have a chance in life. There are many many bad influences on this block. Drugs are big over here I am talking crack, heroin, pill, and there is a new one called Marley. I could be going to my car and some one would come by selling needles. It's time to save the children that live out here and introduce them to another way of life.
    The mayor say's he is trying to work with churches in the community, I would like to get in on that. The churches that may work. Summer programs !!!!
    Sorry to ramble, but "we the people blog" is my new friend."

  36. Churches really?
    There is one on every tax free block. There are more churches than cops in Hartford. Don't count on it. As for the 40 plus Crack-babies on South Marshall St?
    As for the Men of Color! where are the men of color who produced those babies? When I respond to those addresses I have yet to see the father of the home taking responsibility for their offsprings behavior.

  37. The Man keeping you down???
    Really, really!
    Walk into any classroom at Hartford High or Weaver. Is the Man there forcing you to act ghetto to your teachers. Forcing you to assault your teachers? Forcing you to be disrespectful to your teachers? the answer is NO!
    As a Hartford student you have it made. Now sit down, shut your pie hole and do what the nice teacher tells you too! We can't hand you a diploma. Although that is what you would like.

  38. I wonder who's. The biggest snich in south marshall who's. Talking all that b.s because she is one of the biggest drugs dealers out here she would sell mariguana to any body even the high school kids what a b she is full of shit I never seen a mother and daughter smoking weed together that is awful see I don't understand how can she. Can say that her daughter graduated if they don't even go to school all they do is getting high on drugs and be on the street aLl day everyday and I have never seen half of the. People here living in these building fighting with the same person with is her. Please don't talk more b.s bcuz u n ur people r one of the worst living here so check ur self quit smoking weed & crack
