Monday, August 20, 2012


Hartford's Chief Operating Officer is out, He submitted his resignation today effective September 15, 2012.

On July 27, 2012 I had called for Panagore's removal in a posting stating "I can go on and on, but let me be the first to go on the record and say David Panagore needs to go and take his travelling circus show of incompetence with him."  . less than a month later, he resigns. Not bad. You can read that posting here

Former City Manager and Corporation Counsel Saundra Kee Borges to Assume Position of Interim COO
(August 20, 2012) Mayor Pedro E. Segarra today announced that he has received and accepted the resignation of David Panagore, Chief Operating Officer and former Director of Development Services for the City of Hartford since 2008. Panagore indicated that he is leaving in order to pursue other professional opportunities.
“David played an important role upon my taking office in 2010. The immediate successes we celebrated, the demolition of the H.B. Davis Building and Capital West, stabilizing the budget and increasing the Rainy Day fund, are just a few of the hallmarks he helped me move forward. He is creative and knowledgeable and I have no doubt that he will have great success no matter what he chooses to do next,” said Mayor Pedro E. Segarra
“I am truly grateful to have served Hartford and Mayor Segarra,” said David Panagore. “The opportunities that I have helped to restructure and professionalize the operations, and the projects I have been able to work on, like Capewell, Colt, iQuilt, and the One City, One Plan have moved the City forward and they were all professionally rewarding. I will miss the staff, the City of Hartford and the many friends that I have made over the last 5 years. I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life.”
Panagore’s last day will be September 14, 2012. Mayor Segarra also announced that Corporation Counsel Saundra Kee Borges will serve as Interim Chief Operating Officer while a national search is performed to identify a permanent replacement. She will remain as Corporation Council but will temporarily assign her day-to-day administrative duties to Deputy Corporation Counsel L. John Van Norden. Segarra also announced that his Chief of Staff, Jared Kupiec, and his Special Advisor and Director of the Department of Families, Children, Youth and Recreation, Dr. Jose Colon-Rivas, will remain as members of the Mayor’s Cabinet and may assume additional internal duties as assigned by the Mayor.


  1. When you beat the drum, people start dancin'. Nice work again. Glad to see this jabroni go. Wooo!

  2. Political Dirty DealAugust 20, 2012 at 6:00 PM

    rumor has it that Sandy will be the new COO and that the convicted drunken bum John Kennelly will be appointed by Segarra to be the Corporation Counsel.Rumor has it that Kennelly is in the middle of his rehab education courses now and is presently trying to get the credit union over to his building on 1391 Main Street at over 3 times the fair market value of the property,after the credit union and the city had already picked out a different usable place and after more then 100k in work has already been done on the property and after the closing was stalled 3 times by Panagore etc for dubious reasons.The "owner" so far as we can determine is "TLC Properties,Inc.,in which the City of Hartford sends the tax bills for the property to Kennelly's law office. Smells like a PAYOFF is on the way.

  3. I just hate to see a waste of ink and paper, why can't they just tell the truth or say nothing except the turd has been flushed.

  4. Next is that cheese mustache wearing Jaffee. Andy get your resume ready because your next. The Bow tie is gone so who's ass are you going to kiss now, you chose a side just like that dope of a D/C who's afraid to cross the border to Springfield, now you must live with your decision. See ya.

  5. The NY Times said it all last time Sandy was in charge:

  6. The NY Times already wrote the Sandy story.

  7. A Familiar Hartford Story About Pay and Performance
    Published: January 20, 2002

    In this struggling capital, where problems seem to outnumber solutions by grotesque multiples, city officials have often been accused of contributing more to the former than being part of the latter.

  8. So the property now occupied by Caribe Furniture is owned by John Kennely? I heard the city had a fair market value in the low 100' s for that property but the mayor and Panagore were looking to purchase it for around 500 K? I guess that explaines the hold up on the sale of 220 High Street. But why would the mayor for go a sale and redevelopment of a piece of property that is currently blighted in favor of spending over half a million of the tax payers money to move a historical building to Kennely's property? What does this mayor owe John Kennely? What is the link between them ? There must be more?

  9. anonymous 9:29pm,

    it is not owned by Kennelly, but give me a little more time and it will all be revealed here. the pieces of the puzzle are still coming together. it will be an interesting story, probably suitable for more grand jury testimony. The phrase quid pro quo comes to mind again.

  10. Kevin if the price is what has been reported,and if the facts are politically "smelly",it appears to me to be grand jury material.Someone should gather up all the material and all the evidence and bring it to the major media for dissemination,after your blog of course, and to Chief State's Attorney Kevin Kane or his Deputy personally, and bypass Hartford States Attorney Gail Hardy.

  11. Bruce,
    do you have any doubts? it is the only way we will clean these things up

  12. I just heard that David Panagore is leaving his position as COO of Hartford and was looking up news stories. I came across your blog that way.
    I'll skip the childish ad hominem comments and instead try to give you an honest appraisal of David's work in Springfield, where I had numerous interactions with him and the receivership board. The fact is that he was smart, strategic and energetic. There was not a better problem-solver or more detail-oriented member of the turnaround team. He was on innovative in addressing tax delinquents, finding opportunities to save money and get better results (through outsourcing or whatever means necessary), streamlining the number of reports to the mayor, and more. The guy worked his tail off and meant it.
    I don't pretend to make judgments on your comments or on Hartford, because I haven't followed it closely, but his work in Springfield was important for a city that was in freefall financially. He also did a very good job of pulling together all the siloed economic development agencies/offices, so that the city could attract some businesses and jobs.
    I'll stop there. I have included my name and a url so you will understand that I am neither a bot or a shill, just somebody who feels that it is important to provide facts. You guys can factor (or not) these things into your own thinking and make your own judgments.

  13. obviously, according to your review, Mr Panagore was a better fit in Springfield than he ever was in Hartford.He is looking for a job if you want him back.

  14. Hi Kevin:
    I have already written to Gov. Patrick, suggesting that David would be exactly the kind of person needed in the City of Lawrence. The state has not taken Lawrence's receivership status seriously enough and given the work David did in Springfield and also in the Chelsea receiverships (two pretty tough assignments), he could add a lot to getting the city's head above water.

  15. I hope that works out for you Jim. Bottom line is that he is no longer our problem

  16. Como se dice -

    DP is a goner in CT. Jim if U what to import him back MA, that's up 2U.

    I don't think the Dominicans @ Lawrence MA will be As2 welcoming as the Ricans in Hartford.

  17. Papa,

    O'bi-Wan Kenobi ~ The planning "Richard..." was walked out of 250 Constitution Plaza this afternoon.

    Call Ur sources 2comfirm.

  18. Anonymous 8:20PM,

    Your info is correct. According to a source in the Mayor's Office, Roger O"Brien was shown the door today. Although the source says it is a paid Administrative Suspension others have claimed he was terminated and walked out. There will be more on this as it ties into something else I am currently working on. Anyone with additiional information or allegations, please feel free to contact me in confidence

  19. "The Richard" @ planning was suspended for one week while his exit-retirement plan is formulated.

    This dude who is about to depart has cost city businesses and his employees more anguish and profound pain that's allowable by Federal law.

    This piece of S#@!, is an inflicter of dread and pain.

    This demonio needs to 2

  20. Plain and simple,,,,SO LONG LOSER!!!!!!!!!!END....

  21. I don't know Jim Stergios but appreciate what he said. It's a perfect description of my dealings with David Panagore: ..."smart, strategic and enegetic. There was not a better problem solver or more detailed-oriented..." It was always interesting and fun and enlighting to be in any meeting with David.

  22. Stop trying to ride the coat tails of that bow tie loser. Imagine the city credit card bill that Jabba has racked up downtown. MY TAX DOLLARS TO FEED THE HUT......

  23. City Hall Employee on breakAugust 24, 2012 at 12:58 PM

    I will miss that deadbeat like a fart in the wind!!!!!so long, pack your garbage bag sized lunch box!!!!!No more city credit card for you...wait till the audit!!!!!!!Find a boulder to squeeze under if u can!!!!!

  24. Sherwood Forest camperAugust 24, 2012 at 1:02 PM

    Kevin Brookman has become the Robin Hood of Hartford. Justice, honestly, and finally got that bow tie sheriff of nottingham outta town......

    But he does a better job at it then Kevin Cosner....But don't give any plunder to those criminals on south marshall street. or Aetna..

  25. Hit the road!!!!Go screw up another city....

  26. Hey Jaffee, its quite obvious you don't live in Hartford, and commute from suffield each day, violating motor vehicle law by driving in the commuter lane alone in your take home car. maybe i will film you monday morning......

  27. It's time to say GBye for the summer and much more.

    Nancy, Nancy, Macy,

    please lay of the crack, this Freaking dude "DP" treated people at city hall like shi..t, he minimized, he undermined and was abusive just be cos.
    A sadistic abusive freak that should never be allowed to have so much power.
    In Spanish "Un Puerco Abusivo"
    An abusive Pig! Get the Fx outer here !!!

  28. Anonymous 2:57

    Sounds like Panagore and Casares has something in common. Maybe that's why they liked each other so much.

  29. H'Ombre, U maybe right-Man!, Pedro Tolerated DiP Sh@T for a long time 2. Man.

  30. pangore was a pain but at least he tried to get stuff done unlike the rest of the department heads

  31. O/B,
    you're not getting your job back. No Btt kissing this week is allowed, leave that to Mig at finance.

  32. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-tzu"

  33. I was most interested in learning of the opinion on how this was a "good thing". As it was presented, but that was unfound here. I think 3 years later the Mayors office still has plenty of issues.
