Monday, August 20, 2012


 Here is a story from the New YorkTimes archives, if you have the time, take a few minutes to read it,  just click here


  1. Borges should know her place or the skeletons will spill out. Don't get high and mighty in her new role.

  2. Since Sandra is or has been back at the she still double dipping ?

  3. of course Sandra is double-dipping... you cannot hold a job in City Hall or be a confidante of the Mayor unless you do something wrong or are willing to look the other way while others do something wrong.

  4. Nevermind her double dipping. Take a look into the high payouts the city has had to make over the years under Sandy as city manger and as corp counsel. She gives terrible advice mainly because she's clueless and vindictive. City employees and tax payers are made to pay the price. She will continue her incompetence because Petey won't set het straight. Stay tuned for more mindless decision making by someone who operates with impunity.

  5. Mr. Mayor don't think everything that shines is gold. Be careful with new COO, who you think is your friend...
    Her actions and wrongful decisions, out of greed, might get you in trouble.

  6. "Double dipping" and skeletons about to spill out hum...something is "cooking"!
    If she is "confidante of the Mayor", he is also accountable for her crimes, isn't it Mr. Mayor? You should "set her straight" before is too late.
