Friday, November 23, 2012


When I moved back to Hartford years ago. one of the first people I met when I started to get involved in the community was the person in the picture above. Dave Carrier and his wife Val had also moved back to Hartford about the same time to purchase a "perfect six" building that was being renovated into a two family, owner occupied home.

Many of you might recognize Dave who is quite often out in the community a various events without the red hat and coat. The white beard is real though and I am sure it turns the heads of many young children year round as they see "Santa Dave" out in public accompanied by his wife Val, no reindeer though , he usually  saves them for one night a year.

If you are organizing a Christmas event, Dave just might be the perfect addition to set the right spirit.

Santa Dave will be visiting all those in attendance at the Maple Avenue NRZ Holiday meet and greet on December 13, 2012, at 7:00PM. The event starts at 6:00PM at St. Augustine's Church and is open to the public, Attendees are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for the St. Augustine Food Bank or a health care item to be donated to the South Park Inn's homeless shelter.

If you would like to inquire about Santa Dave's services, check out or

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased to be the first to respond, this is an awesome thing that Dave does, or is willing to do. To be the kind and gental soul to reach out and bring peace and joy to the community. Dave I ahve the most fond memories of my grandfather, (santa) when we as a family were growing up. Gramps was Santa not only for Christmas but fo the entire year. My hat off to you for being the kind man you are
