Friday, November 23, 2012


Hartford Fire Department Deputy Chief of Training Dan Nolan, who was wrongfully terminated by a corrupt mayor, will once again be wearing a Hartford Fire department uniform and badge as of Monday. The City of Hartford is under a court order to return Nolan to his previous rank and status as a result of extensive hearings into his wrongful termination.

Nolan was terminated in 2008 by our felonious Mayor at the time Eddie A. Perez, a move that was carried out by former Fire Chief Charles Teale. Evidence testified to under oath at Nolan's hearing portrayed a less than stellar picture of the former Chief, including his own testimony that he took payoffs from a local opthamologist during a period of controversy when Teale was renting out Hartford Fire Department Training Facilities and collecting the payments personally also..

You can read more about that here

Nolan has now also filed a lawsuit against the City of Hartford for his wrongful termination. In a somewhat unusual move, Nolan is also filing personally against retired Chief Teale for his alleged
"malicious actions". It might just be about time that these Department heads that make these sometimes vindictive or malicious decisions  decisions start to feel it in their own checkbooks, not just at the taxpayers expense.

Numerous decisions involving terminations that have been overturned by the Courts might have started out differently if the powers to be knew that heir own homes or bankbooks could be tapped in these lawsuits. How much did Secore, Murtha and now Nolan cost the taxpayers of Hartford in legal fees , only to be reversed by Judges?

To read transcripts and other documents as to how the Nolan case evolved,just type Nolan in the search box above and you will find numerous stories. It is definitely an interesting story as to how the Union played both sides of the fence initially in complaining to former COO Lee Erdman based upon  an "anonymous" complaint from a non-union member recruit and then claiming that they were supportive of "Brother Nolan".

I guess that is what they call Karma, and in the end, good usually wins out over evil.

Welcome Back Chief Nolan.

I will post the full content of the lawsuit and complaint here Monday


  1. It's going to be intereting as to what happens next in the department. Nolan is back as the Deputy Chief of Training, Rumer has it that Costello is being demoted from Deputy Chief of Training back to Training Captain, due to lack of money. Supposedly he's retiring with 23 years under his belt with Chief's pay instead of remaining on the job as Captain. Kerr, who was just promoted to Captain of Training, less that 3 weeks ago, is now being demoted back to Lieutenant of Training. All this ties into our friend Waller. Instead of detailing a Fire Suppression Captain to fill in the vacent position as acting Deputy Chief (Deputy Chief Guzman, out on injury) they find the funds to promote Waller to Deputy Chief permantly, mere coincidence considering his wife / girlfriend / fiancee is Chief Operating Officer Sandra Key Borges I don't think anyone actually knows what their true relationship is, but I'll tell you one thing, alot of people wouldn't be surprised if Waller was using her to better himself just like he's done in the past with other people! To top all of this off, a new Recruit Class of 50 individuals begins on December 3.
    Gee, do you think there are going to be some bad feelings at the Training Division and in the Department once the demotions kick in and people retire on bad terms?

  2. The people behind the conspiracy to get rid of Dan Nolan acted in a way that is morally and ethically unacceptable. They really hurt the Hartford Fire Dept. by doing this. The big question is, will they learn from their mistakes?

  3. Nolan should just leave,,Frank is doing a great job.....

  4. Would you feel the same way if you were the one forced out of your job? would you just go away? Maybe D/C Waller should step aside and open up a spot for Frank Costello. But I rhought Chief Casares said no one was being demoted?

  5. Right on the heels of Wallergate. Perfect.

  6. To answer your question,,,, yes i vote for Frank to stay and Danny to ride off into the sunset....Bye,bye Danny.......

  7. To Anonymous November 24, 2012 8:24 PM
    Pinch yourself.

  8. To Anonymous November 24, 2012 8:24 PM
    Pinch is a way nicer word than the one I was thinking of.

  9. Chief Costello was a way better Chief of Training than Nolan. A real leader of men and he will be missed if he decides to retire.

  10. Welcome back Chief! It's been a long time, hope all is well. Wow a lot of comments to weed through. Anonymous stated 11/24/12 for Frank to stay and for you to ride off into the sunset. Lol, like it was all about the money! Idiot! Again, glad to have you back! Sorry to see you couldn't connect all the dots in your lawsuits and name the union officials involved as well. That's really too bad. We are hoping that Chief Caseras is thinking how to handle the "fact that Waller will be making changes to the fire department behind his back through his connection Sandy?" Hope Caseras' ball bag is full. It didn't work out for Teale who just laid down for Perez. Just wondering. Caseras is our chief and we will be watching how he Handels this! Can't wait to see what he does! Brookman, you have been vigelant in posting for Danny, thank for the hard work and your honesty! I'm a lifetime reader!

  11. Casares is a joke and a coward! He is a disgrace to fire chiefs everywhere.

  12. To answer the question for B2B, the people who tried to get rid of Danny, Teale, Parker, and Milner have all retired, and why should they even think of learning anything from this, they're gone, they collect there very nice retirement, especially Parker, he gets one from West Htfd, and Htfd, and Milner, he was just their puppet, he did anything Teale and Parker asked him to do, because he was useless working on the 3rd floor, so they had him do the dirty work, rounding up the so called witnesses, yeah right, what a joke that was, and Felica Graves, the rat, her day will come. Fusco, another person involved in this mess, he has NO backbone, never did, never will ! Danny I'm glad you're back, the Fire Department needs men like you, and I know Casares knows that ! Good Luck and Welcome Home ! and Kevin, thankyou for all the updates!

  13. Some people need to get over themselves, Danny was treated in a way that no one could ever imagine to be fair. Can any of you really stand over this. The key learning is for the people now in charge to make sure no such disgraceful treatment is ever meeted out to any fire department member again, irrespective of who they are. Stop bitching and get on with it, Danny is back as he rightly should be.

  14. Seamus is full of BS,,,,Danny the hero is only out for Danny and to be on the front page of the newpapers,,,,,interviews in his livingroom,,,,of which he gets only because of his connections with the media....
    Truth is Frank Costello one time good friend of Danny,,,is way better at running the training division than Danny ever was(frank doesnt sleep in the closet like Danny did) Frank has proven results...Danny used people to do his work,,,of course Danny will say it was delegating is authority...BS lazy is what it is egotistical...
    Time to pick up move on Danny,,,you can only have so many of your family members write these Danny the hero, Danny the best,, Danny the Hartford Fire Department rescuer,,,Danny the ethical man....
    Again ride off into the sunset Danny,,,Bye Bye

  15. To Anonymous at November 28, 2012 11:01 AM. Not going to happen. You LOST. Time to get over it and move on.

  16. Danny, I have lost nothing,,just saying do the right thing for the Fire Department you say you love so much.
    You know it is time, be the big man you posture yourself to be. You won the people you have issue with are gone.

    Your old friend Charles, who you used to get what you wanted is named in your law suit, go fight that battle and leave the training to the more qualified Frank..Bye bye

  17. To Anonymous at November 28, 2012 2:42 PM.
    What's the matter? Things not going your way? :-)

  18. To Anonynmous November 28, 2012 11:01 A.M.:

    Apparently you have a little problem with comprehension. Let me try to break this down in terms that you can understand.

    Let's say that two crooks broke into your house and stole your money. We'll just call them Felonious Eddie and Spineless Charlie. Now let's say that they get caught and are court ordered to return everything to you. It doesn't matter if they are using the money to purchase lap dances, granite countertops, or computers for orphans. The fact of the matter is that the money is yours, and you are entitled to get it back.

    Frank is a good guy. The fact is that the job he was given (by the corrupt administration) wasn't available. It was Danny's, and Danny won it back in court. (Twice if you count the city's failed appeal attempt.) Danny didn't do this to Frank. Frank was and is being used in the game of crooked Hartford politics.

    The right thing to do would have been to give Frank the job that they magically created for Waller.

    Unfortunately, it will most likely cost the city of Hartford millions more dollars because the administration seems to have an inability to do the right thing.

  19. Vinny,
    You screwed up big time back in 2008 and it has come back to haunt you. Too bad for you, really. It is time for you to man up and take responsibility for your mistakes.You are the one to blame for Frank Costello's demotion. You are not qualified to be a union leader. As a matter of fact you are really not qualified to be much of anything. It is time for you to go ridinf off into the sunset Fusco.
