Sunday, January 6, 2013


Hartford Assistant Fire Chief Reginald Freeman resigned from his position abruptly this morning in what several sources have confirmed was  a contentious relationship between Fire Chief Edward Casares and his remaining Command Staff.In a short e-mail, Freeman announced his resignation this morning, stating

 "Good morning Gentlemen,

This morning I submitted my resignation to the City of Hartford. I would have liked to had seen you guys and the team before leaving but the timing didn't necessarily mesh with when I have to report to Texas.

I want to personally thank each and everyone of you for your contributions to the city and department during my tenure as your Asst Chief. All of you (and the personnel under your command) made my job very easy. Continue to do great things and keep ethics and morality first and foremost before all things else. Please tell everyone that I said "Thank You" an I appreciated everything that they have done, and everything that they do. God bless you all."

Sources have confirmed that the relationship had become extremely volatile recently with Freeman being ordered by Casares not to contact him directly but interact with Casares through Assistant Chief Huertas instead. Sources also confirmed that that Freeman had fled a discrimination claim against Casares with the City.

Freeman also apparently provided a personal loan to Casares of $5000.00 to assist Casares in having his son defended and released from jail on narcotics charges after Edward Casares III was arrested recently. Casares apparently approached Freeman to borrow the money and Freeman made the loan voluntarily, but the relationship became more strained over eventual repayment of the loan according to sources familiar with the matter at the Hartford Fire Department.

Casares had personally recruited Freeman and encouraged him to take the position while attending a Conference in Atlanta.


  1. I hope Freeman takes Caceras to Small Claims Court to get his money back. His son should have been left rotting in jail. Caceres only got the job because he was a Perez crony.

  2. My understanding is that the loan was eventually repaid, but I think it also raises an ethical issue of a superior borrowing money from a subordinate. Was there any chance that Freeman felt intimidated to loan the money, knowing thatt Caseras potentially controlled his career future?

  3. We lost a good Chief in Freeman because the city protected Casares knowing that he has mental issues. Freeman was a fire chief when he came to hartford and is going back to being a fire chief in texas. How long will the city keep "crazy eddie" as the top firefighter in the city? Freeman should have been the next fire chief for hartford.

  4. From my understanding Chief Freeman holds a PHD in fire science or public safety one or the other. He was more than qualified to be the chief in Hartford everyone knows that. Casares was intimidated by this man but it did not matter because Pedro has Casares back. Only reason Casares got the job was because Eddie wanted to appoint the first Latino fire chief in the city and he knew Casares ( with all his bagage) would be beholding to him. I see it this way there is no difference between Pedro and Eddie both have large egos and have their community best interest as the number one priority. I hear former councilman Steve Harris is all upset now because his buddy Freeman was forced out by Casares with help from the city ie Pedro and human resources. Best thing for Freeman is to leave Hartford. With friends like Steve Harris who sold out his own community and was one of the biggest supports of Pedro what did you think was going to happen? lololo .... Hey Steve I thought you had some juice with Pedro and Casares lololo lesson learned no one respects a sell out!!!! The people you sell out to respect you even less than your own. I thought you knew!!!

  5. So let me get this straight, the fire chief, in charge of the entire capitol city dept, who probably makes in excess of 150k a year, take home car, gas, etc, needs a loan to get his son out of jail??????
    If the fire chief can keep his own finances in check, and needs a loan of 5k, then there is a serious I wrong to say this that maybe there needs to be more dept heads held to a higher standard...

  6. Out with the old, Chief who? In with the new, that is a question for you ,hah. Maybe Terry, uh OH!

  7. Gee, what a shocker. Considering Huertes and Caseras treated him like shit from day one, is anyone really surprised! Hey, maybe your bud "Danny" will get the job.

  8. Assistant Fire Chief Daniel Nolan, Car # 3

  9. My new year resolution is to keep track of how many dirty hires a certain pj sgt gets. so far thisweek it is 2. so how does a department head able to give 100 % to his work when he is workin those last minute hires.. and several ofcs have also informed me that they are signed up, yet no call, how is that possible......

  10. The citys new incompetent HR Director Valda Washington that Pedro appointed is stealing from the city by eating lunches on the citys dime. Which is probably why she messed up Freemans hostile work environment complaint. She did pedros bidding and protected casares to try and keep her job safe. pedro just lost the votes in the north end by trying to save casares. Shawn Wooden will be the next mayor.

  11. If you don't like Casares personally, fine. If you don't like the way he performs as chief, fine. Was the fact that his son got arrested for narcotics relevant to your story? No, it wasn't - only the loan was. Dragging someone's child's troubles into the mix wasn't necessary to get your point across - it was CRUEL and constituted idle gossip. It showed a lack of class, was cheesy and you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm fairly certain that you're not though.

  12. I have no problem with Chief Casares personally. The arrest of his son was the reason he needed the loan from Chief Freeman and was very important to explain as part of his behavior. I didn't force Casares to make an unethical decision to solicit a loan from a subordinate. If anyone should be ashamed of their behavior it should be Chief Casares, not me.

  13. E-7 strikes again welcome Capt jones you should straighten things out

  14. How is that the fire house at main and Belden st was renavated a few years ago and the hook and ladder was moved because of problems with the structure?

  15. Everyone knows in the dept that Casares is a freakin mental case and has major psychological issues, but the mayor seems to like him. Casares could not find water if he jumped in the river. Its a shame that this guy, who cant even keep his finances in order is the cheif. COMPLETE EMBARASSMENT!!!!!!!

  16. I just donated one dollar to the CHeif Caseras family member bail money fund.....
    I can claim it on my taxes this year. ( Hang in their Nolan, soon you will have your justice, and a monster bag of cabage!!!)

  17. lunches with city cardsJanuary 21, 2013 at 4:50 PM

    Wooden is going to need a haz mat crew to clean city hall very soon when he is mayor. Time is tickin for some, including that complete embarassment valda washington who can barely tell time, yet thinks she can interpret trial law, where do you get your advise from, the muppet show, it will be funny how the city will be paying settlement checks until the year 2050!!!!

  18. Chief Caseras is a good man, his ethics are of the highest, and it seems that some are jelous of his power and his authority. He is the leader of the fire dept, and all need to respect him or go to suffield volunteer dept and bake pies........

  19. Eddie perz has his hearing today, when is that criminal going to jail? this nonsense would not be allowed for regualr folks, but a convicted felon mayor like eddie gets all the perks....I really hope he does his jail time soon...

  20. Ha all the anonymous post's you bunch of cowards. Chief Casares family issues shows he has a child like many who have run into trouble. So why cast stones? You & your family are perfect? Yeah dream on..
