Friday, February 15, 2013


Below is the Governor's response to Connecticut's urban mayors as they prepare for their press conference to criticize his budget proposals. Word is that Hartford's Mayor Pedro Segarra reconsidered his involvement and backed out of the press conference and notified Governor Malloy in a letter late yesterday afternoon


  1. That's the first thing Pedro " let me shovel some snow" Segerra has done in a long time, the next smart things he should do is to get rid of those imbarrsiments in HR, Val " lets have lunch on the city" Washington, DPW, Kevin " Iam on vacation" Burnham and finally 911/311, Andrew " I drive in the HOV lane" Jafee.

    But if he cleans City Hall out the same way the city clears the street after a snow storm then well be saddled with theses idiots, for a really long time or at least for two more years. Oh don't forget Maribel " no storm of the century debriefing".La Luz. They all need to go.

  2. Maribel La Luz is a moron, plain and simple. How could fools like this get into city hall, was there a soup kitchen and some attendees decided to stay???????She also thinks she is so smart, but actually can barely read.

  3. The governor is fed up with this nonsense anyways. Pedro is not a good mayor and has done a sub par job. The city is still a mess....
