Tuesday, February 19, 2013


During the Grand Jury Investigation into the administration of Eddie Perez, it was found that former Perez Chief of Staff Susan McMullen and Perez crony Kelvin Roldan had concocted a phony e-mail name to apparently avoid detection of FOI requests. The phony name of "Willie Nunes" apparently became a Perez staffer who was used when no one wanted to lay claim to e-mail documents.

As much as I had hoped things would change and the transparency would become real, that apparently never became the case under the new Administration of Mayor Pedro Segarra. Making a complaint under the Freedom of Information Act is a cumbersome process. It could take months, if not more than a year to wind your way through the process. Typically in the end, even after repeated violations under the FOI laws. the punishment is usually a slap on the wrists and a stern"don't do this again"

One of the largest fines levied was after a complaint I made against Perez's former Corporation Counsel John Rose.. He claimed documents didn't exist during a hearing , and once I started producing the documents and laying them on the table, the hearing officer didn't appear too thrilled. I had already obtained the documents through another source, unbeknownst to Mr. Rose.

Although the hearing officer recommended the maximum fine of $1000.00 against Rose, the full FOI Commission eventually reduced it down to $250.00, which the City of Hartford paid. So where was the sting to Rose for breaking the law? It was the taxpayers of Hartford that paid for him.

The Segarra Administration seems to have a well orchestrated plan for controlling the message and information coming out of City Hall. It has nothing to do with providing information to the public, it is about portraying the Mayor in the best possible.  The Mayor's media office is all about image. his spokespeople have been giving their marching orders , make the Mayor look good at all costs. It it is an interview about snow plowing or crime stats, it must be spun to make Mayor Segarra look good.

I have two FOI requests pending with the City of Hartford through the acting Chief Operating Officer Saundra Kee-Borges for months now , and yet no response. You might ask why, and when I explain what I asked for, it will become clear why they are stalling. They will most likely be a black eye for Mayor Segarra and his operations, but the public still has the right to know. The first one, submitted on November 30, 2012 was as follows:

In accordance with the Freedom of information Act, I am requesting the following for review:

Any and all documents, letters ,and correspondence, including e-mails regarding the sale or transfer of property at or in the area of 95 Park Street from the City of Hartford to the Spanish American Merchant's Association. Please include documents or minutes of any meetings held to comply with Connecticut General Statutes  8-24 or any other required laws regarding the transfer of Municipally owned property. Also please include any record of payment received for the purchase of the property.

Also please include any correspondence regarding payment of delinquent property taxes owed by SAMA regarding their other properties to comply with City ordinances regarding the transfer of property with outstanding taxes.

Thank you. Please feel free to contact me for any clarifications needed.

The property in question is actually the site of the new Hartford Hospital Parking Garage. The City sold the parcel to SAMA for $1.00. Yes you read that right, $1.00, no typo. SAMA apparently then in turn sold the parcel to Hartford Hospital for a reported half a million dollars , Yes, you also read that right, $1.00 transformed into $500,000. Not a bad return on investment.

The problems that arise from the transfer are twofold. First , Hartford's Municipal code prevents the City of Hartford from doing business or transferring property to anyone that is delinquent on property taxes to the City. At the time of the sale , SAMA had delinquent taxes due  to Hartford that should have prevented the transfer. In addition, section 8-24 of the Connecticut General statutes specifically outline the process for transferring and sale of municipally owned properties. It appears that none of the steps required by Connecticut law were followed.

I can see why the documents aren't forthcoming. Sweetheart deal or time for another Grand Jury?

 The next FOI request was filed on December 11, 2012 as follows:

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting the following for review:

Any and all e-mails sent or received by Human Resources Director Valda Washington for the period December 2, 2012, through December 7, 2012. Please provide these electronically where possible.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you.

E-mails also come under the FOI Act as public documents. This request was made after a source advised me that the Human Resources Director  Valda Washington had apparently been questioned through e-mails by the Finance Director regarding the use of her City Credit Card and unauthorized purchases.  She was apparently askinb the finance department to remove descriptions of certain reimbursements because as she allegedly wrote in her e-mail "the press would eat that alive" if they got a hold of her spending records on the taxpayers dime.

 Despite repeated requests, the requested documents have not been provided. Hartford's acting City Attorney, who apparently isn't even recognized as an attorney in Connecticut, recently sent me an e-mail trying to convince he believes in "open government writing" personally, I am a champion of open government"

This is a case where actions speak louder than words, open government means providing public documents without unnecessary delay. I am reasonable and understand the e-mails have to be reviewed for any exempt information, but over two months seems a little wrong.  I'm also not sure I believe the volume of e-mails Mr. Van Norden quoted. 800 emails for a 5 day period? Someone should show the HR Director how to turn on her spam filters.

To read Mr Van Norden's response click below.

To read about Mr. van Norden's licensing issues, click here


  1. Delay tatic all the way, I say release the hounds. Stop playing with these idiots and got to the States Attorney's office. Val Washington is a fraud. I am sure if you looked at her application and what she claims she has done I am sure you'll find some serious misrepresentations. As a tax payer,Kevin, you are entitled to know what's going on with your tax money. Val's probation is almost up that's why they don't want to give you the info. you requested. Oh yeah send FEMA to city hall because its a disaster.

  2. Hey Sgt Kessler, Ofc Fhan won his termination suit and will be returning soon, so get your check book ready.......

  3. So when a property does change hands, im sure the IRS wants their money too right, Im pretty sure this violates several federal guidelines and might also be going down perez ave. Why does the City of hartford continue to practice shady activities when we are on a crash course to end up like detroit.

  4. Kevin, that letter to you was only a poor excuse to save face and look like the city is running correctly. But the fact is, the mayor has no shot at that judge ship, and he probably wont get re elected after this storm issues. The sad thing is, whoever takes over, (Wooden) will have his work cut out for him and will need an industrial size septic truck to remove all the waste.....

  5. If only the actually paperwork did not get shredded, then it would be great to watch all these fools at city hall blame one another. Pedro, a little tip to keep you out of a jail, stop listening to the fools around you. YOU are going to be held accountable, since you are the Mayor.

  6. Ofc Fhan is comin back, back with no probation and a fat bank account. Head for the hills Cicero, Kesslers, and the others who tried to frame him........

  7. keep digging kevin, you are close.........

  8. I smell a vote of no confidence in the current city leadership!!! Time for a change, Time for WOODEN!!!!!!

  9. Val Washington is a walking train wreck. City taxpayers, unions officials, department heads, and rank and file employees are outraged she continues to be employed. Why is the administration protecting this mess of a supposed Director? Her obvious ineptness is astounding! Hartford is imploding from her continuous debacles and she continues to use the City's credit card!? Really? Where is the attorney general when you need him? Please help the City's taxpayers! We need you AG Jepson! Save our City! Help the taxpayer Kevin!

  10. Franklin Ave Cannoli says.......... Phan was a good officer, he was wrongly terminated thanks to Cicero. Cicero should be terminated for theft of services for spending his entire shift at mozzicatos instead of being a supervisor like he's supposed to be. Hey Paul, try leading by example and maybe someday you'll get some respect. What your doing out there is far worse than anything phan ever did.

  11. Re the Park St property, SAMA had been leasing the property for $1 per year for many years. It's possible the city wasn't even collecting that dollar because at one point it was seeking to hire someone to manage all of the city's leased properties. BTW most leases are with non-profits. Well, I guess SAMA is now for profit. LOL.

  12. Phan your posts on this blog read worse than your reports. You were a terible officer and a liar! yeah remember? I was standing there when you lied to a supervisor and got caught in your web. Remember when Chief Buyak was hurt and you left him in the street and continued driving by? Nobody likes you, nobody respects you, and nobody wants you back!!

  13. Regarding Val Washington its all there......pcards and emails. Just get your hands on it.

  14. Val and the Fire Chief making over $100,000 each and charging lunch and drinks on the City. Get those e-mails you'll see it.

  15. RE: Val Washington, L. John Van Norden, etc., should the taxpayers also fault the media,Hartford Courant, NPR etc., for shirking their responsibilities giving Hartford a pass by refusing to report/investigate unethical abuses? They too have a legal responsibility! It all falls on the Mayor's lap anyway. Glad the taxpayers have this blog! Lets hope common sense prevails and the administration does right for its taxpayers. So far I see the Mayor?COO believe in teflon. Unfortunately, disdain and anger is their future. (Actually its now their present). We've lost faith! Do the right thing! Right the ship and save face. Clean House!!!
