Friday, May 24, 2013


This is one of those postings that needs to go into the "Really? What were you thinking?" file.

A Hartford police department Sergeant, Stephen Kessler, who had recently been assigned to the North District as the Administrative Sergeant supervising Community Service Officers and interacting with Community members and organizations, has been removed from that position and reassigned to the booking area at Headquarters.

The reassignment took place after comments came to light that Kessler had apparently made over a recorded radio channel. Kessler apparently referred to loiterers on Barbour Street as looking like "Gorilla's in the mist" on HPD's Tactical Radio Channel,  according to several police sources. Additional allegations into specific comments allegedly made by Kessler referring to African-Americans are also being investigated by the HPD Internal Affair's Division. Officers that may have been present when the comments were made are being interviewed.

Chief James Rovella immediately initiated an internal investigation when the claims were brought to his attention and Kessler was removed from his position as of Wednesday.

Sources also informed me that the Hartford Guardians, a fraternal police organization inside HPD , were planning a special executive committee meeting to address the issue and possibly call for an investigation by an outside agency into the matter..


  1. Oh snap , i guess the proof is in da puddin. This will put anotha black eye on this here police department. Da hood dont need officers that be sayin racist stuff. I thinks they auta fire this officer.

  2. Anonymous 1:31PM,

    Yes, it will probably affect negatively on the Department, but it should also be encouraging to the community that the behavior wasn't tolerated and immediate action was taken by Chief Rovella and HPD. And it is not over yet, if the alleged behavior that is still being investigated is verified, I would say that demotion and possibly termination is in the furure

  3. Why was he reassigned? Isit because he was caught or because what he said reflect his true belief and that atitude by him and not reprted by those around him was inapporiate.

  4. Kevin,
    This is extremely disturbing to me as a northend resident . I believe there is no place for this officer if the true facts reveal that he did use racist remarks. At least they put him on the desk. Keep him off the streets.

  5. Its not the first time. Check the tapes !!!!

  6. Whiskey for breakfastMay 24, 2013 at 3:08 PM

    What about sgt SMith calling the chief racist for not giving him the gun task force spot? I guesd its unfair only for some but others get throw to the wolves.

  7. Occonnor supporterMay 24, 2013 at 3:38 PM

    What about klin takin 8 hrs of ot a week to work on the failed pj computer program ?? More internal corruption so he can make 150k a year .....

  8. Kevin,

    I think termination is too harsh.

    Citizens of Hartford should blame HPD to promote such a maniac.
    Beside written/oral exam, candidates’ work history should be inspected throughout.

    Steve is a bigot. This is nothing new.
    It was baffling hearing Steve referring to arrested parties as “N words.”

    If man ass smell wasn’t bad enough, those poor officers in bookings have Kessler in their faces for 8 hours.

    The best solution is to demote this man. Then he stops intimidating others by asking: "Do you know what these stripes mean?"

  9. 3 pjs for klin this weekMay 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. This city is eating itself to pieces based on greed. Corruption and miss management. But im so used to workin in a disfunctional environment i dont care anymore ....

  10. hulkamania at umassMay 24, 2013 at 11:50 PM

    Listen here little ducks, fact is kessler is just as ****** *******, but they both show up and try to do their jobs instead of the 50 or so injured officers inside acting as secretaries or video camera operators. So why dont we talk about these people. Yah he screwed up. So what. I can name like a hundred screw ups in the last five years. Some were delt with and some were magically taken care of. I would enjoy seeing all these comp and injury abusers taken care of.

  11. Why in 2013 would any HPD officer feel comfortable making comments like this on the job?

  12. This is right up there with Imus' "....nappy headed hoes" comment. As a life-long Hartford resident this is hardly newsworthy or surprising. We all know that the average Hartford, CT cop is mean, insensitive and culturally incompetent. Quite frankly, they scare the crap out of me because you never know how they're going to act. And of course we all know the utter contempt and disdain that exhibit towards black people in Hartford (particularly black males).

    "Gorillas in the mist".....I wonder if this cop knows who Dian Fossey is? Go figure....

  13. Hope you get what you deserve. You been doing this for years.

  14. Real smart of rovella to put him in booking. Did anybody bother to do the research and see if Kessler has a history of giving minorities higher bonds than whites? How about putting him some where where he has NO contact with the public.

  15. I wouldn't surprise me if the department started going to encrypted broadcasts to prevent citizens from hearing the bad verbal behavior that goes out on the airwaves!!

  16. Gurthie was forced to resign over a larceny 6. Kessler, a few month suspension at best.

  17. I believe Kessler should be demoted. I am not saying this based on his recent comment but because he has a history of making racist remarks. Kessler is among a few members of our Police Department that believe every black and minority residents are garbage. He has the same negative attitudes towards minority like Sgt. ****** and Officer ******** to name a few. Their negative actions towards minorities is exhibit through the words that comes out their mouth and their behavior.

    Don't get me wrong we have many great Caucasian Officers that works here because they have the best interest of the city. However many come here to work and forget that they are here to serve the community. I am truly fed up of the unprofessional behaviors of some of these Officers.

    The best thing to ever happen to this department is Chief Rovella. He has come this department and made some positive changes from within. I can guarantee you if this was the previous administration Kessler would not have be reassigned. I applaud Cheif Rovella for his quick and decisive action. Kessler attitude is appalling and despicable and should never be tolerated.

    In regard to the person who made the comment about Sgt. Smith calling the Chief a racist. In all my years working in Hartford I have never recall having three minority Chief. Most of all our Chief has no history of ever making any racist comments, so if Sgt. Smith said that, his comments are unfounded.

  18. Bring back Chris lyons

  19. I noticed that kessler did give higher bonds to minority prisoners.
    I also refused to get anything signed by him as a supervisor because he insane and runs his mouth.
    When is the second shift headquarters LT going to be told to knock the crap off. He also makes racial remarks and shows insulting pictures during his role call slide show. Give me 15 minutes? Please. I wil take my time. Just like u used to in car 12 mids ......

  20. Smith did not get the postion because his work ethic sucks. Not because of color. There are hard working men of color here. But he is not one of them.

  21. When is the pj office going to be cleaned? A lot of officers are complaining about missed calls and dirty hires. The biggest complaint is the super secret traffic details. How come certain ones get the call? A change needs to be researched and implimented so the supervisor currently in there does not screw with the set up. Im sure he just laughs at these comments, but i laugh when i see him with that god alfull rat chewed haircut .

  22. some of kessler's remarks are documented. you would think he'd learn after those "diversity training" courses he was forced to attend.
    How many more chance must we give this guy?

  23. Whiskey for breakfast.....
    Smith did say that and has been saying that, your right, guess that doesn't matter. And because he didn't get the gun task force? Really!!!! What a joke, I almost crashed into a tree!! What has Smith ever done besides being angry, lazy and complain. He's never done anything, he should actually be thankful he even has a job, and i'll say no more than that, people who know, know. He's done nothing beneficial for the city, and his only concern is being transferred to any unit that has overtime because money is his only concern. Only two positions he wants, traffic or gun task force, he's been offered other positions.
    His incident at the range with another officer and sergeant was way worse than kesslers incident, whats being done with that and why is that being overlooked kevin?

  24. Everyday I come to work it still suprises me that Smith is allowed to wear a uniform and roam the streets. He does ZERO for the city and the citizens he swore to protect. All he's worried about his next 63/88............

  25. people say kessler has a napoleon complex. i disagree because napoleon is taller

  26. WOW, all these angry individuals, WOW.

    Bottom line is Kessler opened his mouth and put his size 3 shoe in it again. Hey Steve you can always get work at well know cookie factory, or at a local dept. store around Christmas time when your suspension comes down.

    Now Sgt. Smith, is a leach on the liver of the PD. Your right he's lucky he still has a job here, he might of beat the criminal case but if IAD at the time knew how to do an investigation he would of been gone. To claim the Chief is a "racist" because he didn't get offered the position he wanted is absurd, and he should be ashamed of himself. He sat behind a desk for 7 years as a Sgt. and got his degree ( which is great) but don't expect things because of the color of your skin and that you have a degree, we know a lot of people with degrees and they have no common sense when it ones to police work or mgt. Oh yeah, maybe Farmington PD would want him back, not. Now that's something to be looked into after that incident and he still got hired here, double standards if you ask me.

    As far as the guardians go, all three of them that attend the meetings should really evaluate what they might want to do, let the Chief handle it, and be the " social organization" your supposed to be. The last person I heard they want to rally for was the Lobster Queen, really misguided by their lack of leadership.

  27. Kessler will be inside for the rest of his career. The guardians should stick to planning dinner cruises instead of making milk creates to stand on. The so called president is the worst fool of them all. He crys the most about color yet has gotton everything here. I remember when he violated procedure and pulled booking tapes of the thody downtown festival or the dozens of comp claims. Should i continue ? The list is long

  28. Park st camera expertMay 25, 2013 at 10:40 PM

    Rovella did the right thing. Any person in this dept being investigated should be put inside. I bet ruthie and west are lickin their choppers about this adding more dollar signs to thier suits. Its always about money. Money money money.

  29. Farmington Throwback;

    I agree, Rovella has made HPD a better place. Rovella has done more for minorities than any minority chief EVER has. When Smith was being looked at to go to JID, every JID detective said they'd all transfer out and refused to work for him. There is no where Smith can go, and the ONLY person to blame is Smith, he's been his own demise. He is by far the worst supervisor, and I use that term lightly, in the entire HPD. The chief did offer him a nice position where he really could have done something good for the kids in the community. Smith refused the position, as his only concern was money and overtime. Smith deserves nothing. Ride your, and again I use the term lightly, career, out in patrol and continue being angry, mean, and treating everyone like garbage.
    And hey, give DKR some credit guys, he killed the Lieutenants / Captains list for one reason avoid promoting Eric Smith!!!! Great job Darryl....even you saw the liability there!!! Its just to bad some good guys on that list were affected by Eric Smith.

  30. Incompetent & uselessMay 26, 2013 at 11:14 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Hey Park Street Camera, you mentioned two individuals that are part of the problems at HPD. Ruthie is afraid of her own shadow and minuplitated her way back inside, she almost lost her job because of her antics, **** *** ***** *** *** **** **** *** ** **** West, shouldn't even be here never mind a supervisor. Doesn't salute the flag during the national anthem when he got promoted the 2nd time, what kind of communist does that, and his lewd sexual comments to a female officer in front of a Lieutenant, talk about not doing any thing Gerry you should be ashamed of yourself for not documenting and taking the appropriate action. Just because he's suing the city doesn't give him free reign of the house. DKR demoted him because he sucked as a boss and blamed everyone but himself for his actions, that's the only good thing DKR did.

  32. Smith is not the worst. But he is in the top five the top spot belongs to that nut case dennis O. And this topic has gone over board Kessler is in deep monkey turd. That is a fact. The guardians need to shut their pie holes and let rovella handle his house. St john is one to talk about equality. All he cares about is pjs and his lincoln log of a house. Please.

  33. Smith is not the worst. But he is in the top five the top spot belongs to that nut case ****** *. And this topic has gone over board Kessler is in deep monkey turd. That is a fact. The guardians need to shut their pie holes and let rovella handle his house. **. **** is one to talk about equality. All he cares about is pjs and his lincoln log of a house. Please.

  34. kevin,
    what i loved about your blog was that it used to be uncensored.
    it's filled with angry disgruntle city employees voicing their opinions.
    what's with all recent censorship?
    why did you choose not to censor smith?
    it's just a blog, no point of censoring kevin
    the more namedropping, the more we all learn.

  35. Enough of this bitchin, i understand that some of you hate this place , but i enjoy what i do its too bad money and power is all some think about. Im sick of hearing a out how many pjs people dont get or do , stop buyin 50k vehicles and cheating on your wives. ... Hpd should provide a financial advisor for some of these fools. And kessler is a bigit take that racist dwarf and put him in personnel.

  36. So since we are pointing out department issues, why does the supervisor in the pj office run his own mafia squad of money hungry ofcs? I guess i failed to drink the proper kool aid downtown or something ....

  37. Sick in tired taxpayerMay 26, 2013 at 9:49 PM

    Nothing surprises me any more, All you guys are disgusting and ignorant and full of crap. I can't believe that they even hire all of yous in the first place,You guys are paid a lot of money, this is not the first police department to have a lot of racist cops, whom are hire to protect our city, they get in by lying and then they are hiding behind their badges. It is good that their true colors come out, and they are not on the street shooting innocent people and then pleading self defense. It's also good to hear that the Mayor's office is not the only ones in the news lately, I am not sure why they are not investigating whats going on in city hall. The city of Hartford is full of corrupted employees. That is not funny any more, What a f!@#$%^& Joke, From the Mayor's office to the HPD to HFD, etc.. Who's next. what an embarrassment. A disgrace to the city of Hartford.

  38. Why do the dispatchers get to watch cartoons on the tvs? If you drive on high street and look through windows. U can see perfectly what they like to watch. Now how does an episode of the simpsons help the city ??

  39. No more time checksMay 27, 2013 at 10:53 AM

    Why does the second shift Headquarters LT continue his antics ? Its not our fault you got booted from vice. Try treating your ofcs fair instead of like crap. You are one to talk like when eppe handled your cigar smokin nonsense . I heard it looked like a sack of potatoes hitting the ground .

  40. I worked with kessler for years. He is not that bad, just stupid sometimes. He is a good cop and always showed up to work. At least give him some credit there. There are far worse officers here that bleed the system dry and are completely useless .

  41. The other white meatMay 27, 2013 at 3:13 PM

    That sgt dennis by far has the worst supervisor skills in the dept. everything turns into a problem with that guy. He is the single reason i left mid nights. No people skills and those bloodshot eyes arent foolin anyone rummy.

  42. Mr. Brookman,
    Sgt. Kessler is a good supervisor and a good person. Go ahead and sample his name brand up and down Albany Avenue.

    You will find that most people not only like him, but trust him enough to call him. If you have worked with Steve as long as I have, you would know that he answer phone calls from the community quite often. Is this not the type of attitude towards community service you would want in a supervisor who directly manages/supervises community service officers?

    Mr. Brookman, what you do not know, because you are not a police officer at the Hartford Police Department, is that Chief Emory Hightower (an African American Male) brought Kessler into the North Division as the supervisor to manage the community service officers. And without making room for additional comments, I don’t think Chief Hightower would have brought Sgt. Kessler in the division if he thought he was racist.

    What happened Mr. Brookman (feel free to conduct some follow up interviews) is that Sgt. Kessler arrived into the North Division Admin. Supervisor’s position and noted some employee deficiencies, most notably in work ethic. True to Sgt. Kessler fashion, he began putting pressure on these officers to produce. These officers, feeling the pressure and general dissatisfaction of actually having to work, began to push back by launching a series of counter –offensives that included bad mouthing Sgt. Kessler. I know, because I was privy to a couple of conversations where I heard, “Who does he think he is? He can’t come in here and do it this way…” and my favorite, “What a short asshole. He has a short man’s complex”.

    No denying Sgt. Kessler is short, but if you knew how well he did as a community service officer and a patrol officer for almost 10 years combined on Albany Ave., you would want him out there Mr. Brookman.
    And unless Sgt. Kessler told you what he meant by saying “gorillas in the mist”, then do not interpret what you think he meant by that line.

    The fact of the matter Mr. Brookman is that Barbour St. is full of gorillas or any other animal that you could associate with wild and erratic behavior who live in squalor.

    Is it not? Even the gorillas drive by and call what they see a zoo. Much of that is a socio-economic problem that the police are not responsible for.

    In conclusion Mr. Brookman, I think it is only fair since you initiated this posting that you conduct some follow up. You will find that people who do not like Sgt. Kessler are our “bottom of the barrel” employees, employees who bring nothing to the table.

    Leave Sgt. Kessler alone and focus on the real folks at the Hartford Police Department that should not be police officers. You’re smart enough to figure that out.

    Additionally, when has is it been taboo to use the “Tac” or “Traffic” channel to field comedy. This is sacred to us, so leave it alone Mr. Brookman.

  43. So what I can understand from this situation is police officer Kessler is has some some deep seated racial misgivings (code word racist) but some officers want to turn this to an issue about a black officer Smith??? I do'nt understand in social work this behavior is called reflecting. The issue is about a policeman who is paid with tax payers money has a weapon with the license to kill people he do'nt like (black folks). Now the chief has an oppurtunity to show some leadership and correct a virus that many people belief runs deep in the culture of the HPD. Ok chief let's see what you got!!!!

  44. If Kesslers works at East Haven PD, he could form his own minority ass kicking group calls KESSLER'S BOYS.

  45. I dont think anybody can be completely shocked that Kessler said something stupid. He's altered his career forever. A demotion for is all but absolute. Fyi, this is not the first time "Gorillas in the Mist" was used by cops. Google that with Los Angeles Police... Dumb.

  46. Like the mayor, he looked between his legs and found nothing!!!

  47. it's great that finally someone has the courage and report this sergeant. I hope these "snitches" won't be retaliated against. you really have outdone yourself this time Kessler.

  48. So for one knucklehead you people are devoting all this wasted time and energy . In the past 24 hrs there was a bad guy with a gun on a stolen motocross bike racing thru the streets (until he hit a parked car),a severe stabbing victim , a gunshot victim was dropped off in a personal vehicle to one of our emergency rooms,several assaults,.... DO I NEED TO GO ON ? A few bad cops with stupid mouths should not be used as a diversion to Hartfords real problems...these guys dont facilatate bad behavior in the community because they said a couple of idiotic things. I guarantee a few Guardians have used some language that wasnt appropriate when refering to other races.(People who live in glass houses)! So please stop with the nonsense and get to the bussiness at hand ! Racsism will live on forever ,but Hartford wont at this rate!

  49. Kobe Bryant is better than MJJune 3, 2013 at 10:23 AM

    was that a cry at reverse racism???? Kessler has repeatedly said stuff like this for years go ask the CO's in Corrections what they thought about his racist butt when he worked there I'm tired of white officers trying to compare their racist views to blsck officers so called bigotry yes there is a difference between racism and bigotry look it up in the dictionary I love being an officer and I love being Black there are certain benefits LOL and I love America where else can you get a bucket of fried chicken for 4 dollars ??? Nowhere so hopefully Chief Rovella will do the right thing and demote that idiot before he further embarasses the PD

  50. I wish all you cry babies would stop crying and please there is no comparison between what kessler did and Sgt Smith so stop the BS

  51. Hey Fed Up,,,
    Yeah what Eric did was way worse than what Kessler said. Sexual assault 4 th vs a stupid comment, I'll take the comment over the crime any day.

  52. hey kessler/last commenter,

    stop throwing Eric under the bus. this whole section is devoting to you. so please stop trying to deflect.

  53. Kessler made a stupid comment . Who cares. People have said much worse in the past . He was just attempting to inprove his liguistic skills to conicide with the polluted degenerites of the north end ..

  54. Kessler made a stupid comment . Who cares. People have said much worse in the past . He was just attempting to inprove his liguistic skills to conicide with the polluted degenerites of the north end ..

  55. Whiskey before shiftJune 4, 2013 at 9:38 PM

    Kessler, stop defending your reprehensitive actions. The disaproval rating for your stock makes capen street weekend tours look like a profitable venture ....

  56. Only 2 klin pjs this weekJune 4, 2013 at 9:41 PM

    The intensity of transversed negative thinking towards this lad has proved that everyone is guilty before rendered unable to control ones mouth. Maybe a nice trip down river would help clean him up. The river leads to that new jersey resort tank for problem officers ..

  57. The latest is that kessler will be accepting only a 30 day suspension. Thats all ....and the courant was going to run a full article but was told to back off.

  58. I'm not sure the Courant would back off, but who knows

  59. Im getting sick and tired of all you crying little turds . Wah wah wah. Stop your belly achin , and try for once to do the job. If kessler only gets a suspension, then oh well , the bar is dropped lower.

    Ps. To command staff , why did all the north end officers bid off of midnights , someone needs to do something about dennis before its too late .

  60. kessler is a such golden child. no matter what he does, hpd sends him to some training classes, and pretends nothing happens.

    kelvin, please post that hartford courant article (or link) if they decide to run the article.
    i want to tape this article in my hpd locker room to remind myself to stay away from this individual.

  61. Lol. That dennis is worse then the plague of 1912. Its sad when 99.9% of his fellow ofcs choose not to work with him or for him. Me personally, just avoid him. I would rather have ronald mcdonald sign my reports instead of dennis.

  62. I thought drinking before shift was a violation of policy and procedure. Keep an eye on the glastonbury vfw club. Dennis has a special stool reserved there.....

  63. The subject of that last post has been referred to eap about a hundred times. When will someone help this person!!!!! He treats every officer like crap and has zero people skills. I only vent on this blog so maybe someone will look into this serious issue. We have enough heat on us when we patrol the streets, why do we have this individual who obviously has issues leading us down the thorn stricken path ?? Please, call the doc and eap !!! Union needs to step in .

  64. 30 days? oh dear god.

  65. Nut in happens to Kessler cuz hes foleys cousin

  66. in recent news: papa john pizza employees made some racial slurs. they were immediately fired. apparently they have a stricter policy than HPD...a police force.

  67. Interersting that CT is such a formal State as there is no tolerance to inappropriate , discriminatory, fraudulent activities. The only place in CT where the intolerance to what is wrong doesn't apply is Hartford City Hall. There, its administrators, can violate the laws, they can use tax payers money to have fun but no one gets punished. Wow! We need a new administrative body so the city can get to its normal state.

  68. This message goes out to any HPD officers that post on this blog.. You are all cowards who lack character. You all hide behind made up names and whine about other cops. Why don't you find some intestinal fortitude and say it to their face. Whether it be Klin, Smith, Kessesler or even the Chief. It doesn't matter your race, religion or sex. We are supposed to be a family yet we squabble like little children. We all have to work next to one another, if you have a problem say it, don't hide behind a screen name.

  69. Regarding "anonymous @ 606 pm". Yes, Dennis has a special stool at the vfw...But more importantly Dennis IS a " special stool" ... THE KIND YOU LOOK AT TWICE BEFORE YOU FLUSH IT !!!!! Please retire and bust somebody elses balls ,preferably in Florida.

  70. Discarded evidenceJune 12, 2013 at 11:01 PM

    Wow. Kinda like the pot callin the kettle black

  71. MDC VACUUM OPERATORJune 13, 2013 at 3:13 PM

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  72. MDC VACUUM OPERATORJune 13, 2013 at 3:17 PM

    Is this the same Officer Aghostino who just came back from a six month suspension for destroying evidence at a Murder scene. You should consider yourself fortunate that you are still able to call yourself a Hartford Police officer. You should have been charged criminally for destroying evidence that could have compromised a murder case. All because you wanted to get to your private job on time.

    It is good to see that a 6 month suspension may have given you the time to reconsider your actions since you clearly seem to want to claim the moral high ground now. Next time maybe you will think twice before kicking a shell casing down the sewer, and in front of a video camera that caught it all

    June 13, 2013 at 3:13 PM

  73. Shell casings for brekfastJune 13, 2013 at 4:08 PM

    Agostino needs to lay low for awhile. He sure is lucky the states attorney never signed that warrant.
    If this was meriden or newington, he would have been gone like a fart in the wind.
    He is not a bad cop, just lazy sometimes because he cares about pjs and money.
    At least he quit drinkin and smokin two packs a day ....

  74. Like I said earlier, stop hiding behind make believe screen names and do your job here at this police department. Enough, come talk to me any day im workin in blue hills. I blame no one for expressing their dis taste for me. I really could give a flying f***. PERIOD.

  75. Agostino,

    Not everyone is a tough like you. We are not going to walk up to Kessler and voice our opinions. Retaliation from HPD brotherhood of sergeant is forthcoming once any officer dares to mouth with a sergeant at HPD.

    What is this family you're fantasizing about? The truth is, HPD is a hostile working environment. You're a lot safer on the street than HPD headquarter.

    I miss the old days where we can just duke it out at the fire towers.


  77. Wtf!! Kessler gets reassigned and that worthless piece of shit Eric smith gets a high five for: firing his gun, sexual assaults, reckless driving/speeding because he left his cell phone and his rude comments. It's a shame how he treats female like shit..hmmm how would he feel if his daughter gets treated the same way he treats these ladies out here. My question is Why is Eric smith getting promotions AND all the good and decent officers at HPD are getting reprimanded??? Let's clean house.
    Best regards,
    Mrs. Thea Jones
