Monday, June 3, 2013


Mayor Pedro Segarra's embattled Chief of Staff  Jared Kupiec today called it quits, claiming he is moving on to attend Law School. Just what we need, Kupiec as a lawyer.
In a letter to City staff, Kupiec stated:
"Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that I announce my resignation today.  I will not be leaving immediately, however, as there is need to allow for a seamless transition and a full recalibration of the Mayor's administration.

It has been an absolute pleasure to serve the City of Hartford. I have learned a tremendous amount working alongside all of you and am grateful for all the work we’ve accomplished together.

I have thought a lot about this decision and know that it is the best one for me at this time. My next step will be to prepare for a new career outside of politics and law school, which has been a life-long ambition that I have put off for far too long.  I will always be loyal to our Capital City and am eager to continue championing its incredible potential. I look forward to seeing some of the projects I pushed forward grow and develop but there are new challenges and opportunities that I feel compelled to pursue.

I have to once again thank Mayor Segarra for giving me this special opportunity. It has been a tremendous journey to work for someone with real vision and passion.

Thank you all for your tireless dedication to the City of Hartford and I look forward to staying in touch.

For more on Kupiec, especially his misuse of his City Credit card, enter his name in the search bar above.
More on this when I have the time to type more


  1. Can't wait to see Robin's "severance package"... wonder if it will be like his predecessor's. Oh, maybe he's going to Harvard Law School. LOL.

  2. About time, one down several too go. Word on the street is many city workers with access to PCards used them to pay cable bills, car insurance, cell bills and cash advances at Mohegan and Foxwoods

  3. Don't let it hit you on the way out

  4. It is quite unfortunate, that another politician is shown the door.This administration, has been over it's head from day one!There is no plan to bring Hartford forward, only plans of what they can carve up for themselves and their friends!This Chief of staff, should never been allowed into this job! Mayor Caviar Segarra,is totally inept in his being Mayor.
    He wants to be everyone's friend! It is too late for him and his Cabinet. I hope Council President Wooden is perparing for his ascension, We can not afford anymore on the job training! Hopefully Mayor Caviar Segarra, will get it and move to Puerto Rico and live out his years in his Penthouse! He obviously has very high taste, Hartford cannot afford anymore of him and his cronies.

  5. responce to jeff said;
    the word on the street is wrong, there are no cash advances or the any of the others you mentioned. Now that Robin is leaving so are the P-card problems.

  6. That's the best decision that he has made.Its for his own good, before he gets into more problems. It would be nice if Sandy will find it within her heart and do the same, she should also resign and let the Mayor do his job. Perhaps maybe Pedro can bring in some decent non corrupted professional people; whom are willing to work for the City of Hartford with out being so self center.

  7. In his letter of resignation Robin says he wont leave until he achieves a seamless transition??? !!! Robin,we want a seam and we dont want you passing the "baton" to anyone! In fact please take your baton and chuck it in the ocean. Funnier yet is that you want to recalibrate this administration before your departure. What are you ,a mechanic? Please let someone else cleanup your mess. Does anyone remember long ago when people who screwed up actually got embarresed and ashamed ??? Your gonna make a great consultant for the city someday!

  8. While admittedly one could postulate that Jared was bereft of a certain focus,judgement and discipline needed to heedlessly stay above any resultant scandel,this wasn't always the case as he did in fact last over 2 years in a grueling political job, in which we in Hartford ruin folks for fun and sport.

    The fact of the matter is, he is 30 years old,with a certain level of maturity and some noteworthy achievement.By 30 to have been a deputy manager in a state wide campaign and a chief of staff for a big city mayor is both laudable and indeed noteworthy.But after all he is 30 years old and many in that age bracket are bereft of the necessary focus,discipline and lack certain political normative judgement and societal discretions.

    I see that Jared is pondering law school and I have no doubt that he has the necessary intellectual dexterioty to get into law school.One thing he will need to do however,should he decide to go to law school, is to relentlessly dedicate himself to an ensueing 3 years of disciplined study and focus and leave any nocturnal activities to the weekend.

  9. Don't fool yourselves Jared will remain on the pay roll for the next six months. Trust they are creating a position for him as we speak mark my words.Bruce what the hell your talking about this guy was a jerk from day one he can never be my lawyer.

  10. Now the chief of staff is leaving other department heads will be exposed. There has been a rumor of a suspension of the Public works director, for what reasons we can only surmise. With Mr. Kupiek gone he can't cover the inadequacies that have been permeated through this division. The roads and parks still look terrible. I thought the Mayors initiative was to enhance the parks. I don't see this happening. Did l miss the week of the parks? One can only hope with the perceived recalibration of administration ,qualified, conscientious people will be brought in to accomplish all of the city's goals. Hartford sorely needs it.

  11. He is plain and simple ..... " a pathetic deedbeat loser ". Period !!!!!

  12. He is plain and simple ..... " a pathetic deedbeat loser ". Period !!!!!

  13. Jared as well as COO will remain on board, until the Mayor's term runs out. If you notice no date was mention and as for the COO I have yet to see a job announcement for her position, it is obvious that everything gets swept under the magic carpet and business continues like nothing never happen. If any department needs reclalibration, we all most certainly know, that it's the corrupted office of the Mayors. They are too busy looking for their receipts that they forgot that life in City goes on.

  14. We still don't know who was the person at Jared's last supper, that might be just a scandalous as the rest of the mess city hall is in.

  15. Obviously, the seven at the table know who this person is! Seems like a major coverup!

    I still do not understand why Jared is the only one taking the fall?

    Mayor Caviar Segarra, knew all about everything going on, why is he now not being blamed?

    The shame here is that this administration was brought in with high hopes, only to get caught up in their own Arrogance, Incompetency, and total Disregard for the people of Hartford!

  16. TO: Anonymous, June 6, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    You will never know they have all pleaded the Fifth Amendment, along with the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy.

  17. So, why is SKB STILL on the city payroll......Sorry, I'm still really struggling with this one.......

  18. Anonymous 8:10am,

    Good question , especially since the Council essentially took a vote of no confidence in her and her leadership when they refused to confirm her nomination as COO. Now the question is how long will she remain acting? 6 months , maybe a year?

  19. The COO will remain on payroll as long as Pedro is Mayor. She is Pedro's best friend and college classmate. Pedro is very over protective of her and will go against all odds to make sure that she stays on board. It doesn't matter if she double dips, triple dip, she was ruled illegally working, and right, the Council disapprove of her nomination, it didn't matter that she created a position for her fiancée/husband/landlord. The list goes on.

    So do you really think that she is going anywhere??? I don't think so. The Mayor stated that "she was an exceptional manager, detailed driven and one of the most professional individuals, a true believer in the City of Hartford",

    WOW! If this was so, then she should have the dignity and resigned, she needs to stop milking the City of Hartford Taxpayers.

    At least Jared had a little common sense, he resigned, even though that he will also be on board for who knows how long. Honestly, I've never seen anything like this.

  20. It doesn't matter if SKB is the Mayors best friend or not, or old classmate from college, she did the City wrong, again...and she should be fired ! She is probably trying to stay long enough so she can see if she can make her so-called husband (who is just as worthless) just to see if he will become the next Fire Chief ...which I pray doesn't happen. Then after that the City should get rid of the Mayor, they are all a bunch of thieves !

  21. Maybe we will see some improvement to the city golf courses, which are in the worst condition I have seen in over 50 years!

  22. When is someone going to look at the worst pcard offender of them all Adam Cloud?

  23. He should get his Master's degree that he lied about first. Pedro cherry picked him. He is incompetent and has a lot of growing up to do. Arrogance is not leadership and making side deals with the police and fire unions is not how you run city government i.e. votes. Does anybody know what date he is retiring or is this announcement just a farce to get the media to back off the boss?

  24. I'm praying they make Terry Wall the new Fire Department Chief!. Are you kidding, he is and has always been incompetent, unqualified, and a bafoon. Every time he opens his mouth he makes a fool out of himself. He will literally destroy the Fire Department from within with all his past grudges. He even brags about "Pay-Back Time".Personally I hope he gets promoted, it will be hysterical to watch his antics! We have a saying on the job, "Sit back, eat your popcorn, and enjoy the show".

  25. Seems that City Hall will have lots of attorneys joining the 'Elite" of corruption...

  26. Kevin will you call Pedro and ask him when will Mr. Kupiek get of the city pay roll??? Please from my understanding he is still working and collecting a city check.

  27. Jared the pity train has just derailed at the corner of suck it up &move on, then crashed into we all have problems before coming to a stop at get the hell over it.
    You had your run but you hit a brick wall, and I am not talking about the accident you had near club NV. Listen here slap nuts, stay out of politics because your like the dented can that no one wants to buy at the grocery store. Maybe Pedro can take you out for a farewell dinner and actually use his credit card this time. If you smellllllll what the Rock is cookin.

  28. Maybe the City will be paying him while he goes to law school..


  29. Answering to the buffoon comment , I agree the guy is greedy, arrogant and full of S___. Loves to brag and he is so low using his girlfriend to get ahead... He doesn't have the community respect when he is seeing as a true Clown. I just hope he doesn't get appointed , it will be a disaster.

  30. City Hall has become a Joke, instead of "sign of the times", would be calling them "joke of the times"...Leading the line is SKB and following Pedro and his court and of course the council...Wow what a bunch of corrupts are all.. All need out !

  31. Jared is not going anywhere anytime soon. This is only a distraction, to gear everyone away from all the City Hall mishaps, that's been going on. Otherwise he would have given a resignation date.In his letter, he uses similar words like those of which COO SKB used in her nomination withdrawal letter "I have thought", humm, appears to me that hanging out with each other they are all beginning to think, act and even sound alike. Scary!
