Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I guess I have a replacement for the Batman and Robin picture


On July 30, 2013, at 1628 hours, Jared Kupiec, age 30, of Hartford, was arrested by the Hartford Police Department. Following an investigation, an arrest warrant was obtained by the Hartford Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division relating to his use of a City of Hartford vehicle. Kupiec was charged with Using a Motor Vehicle without the Owner’s Permission 53a-119b (Class A misdemeanor) and Interfering with Police 53a-167a (Class A misdemeanor). Kupiec turned himself in to the Hartford Police Department at 235 High Street without incident. He was processed through standard booking procedures and released on a written promise to appear (PTA). Kupiec has a court date scheduled for August 8, 2013.


The matter has been turned over to the Connecticut States Attorney’s Office.



  1. It is a sad commentary on today's youth when an educated, professional young man is arrested for his own arrogance.

  2. I remember when you first reported this story, Kevin. I was wondering how it was going to play out. You really don't need to run for mayor to have power, Kevin. That is becoming crystal clear. You are the checks and balances for the city of Hartford. Your blog has given you a lot of power and as long as it being used for the civic good, that is more than Ok.

  3. I agree, it is also sad looking at that mugshot and realizing the sense of betrayal that Mayor Segarra must be feeling by those he trusted around him.

  4. Thank you for your confidence, but I think the real power comes from the truth, you can never go wrong with that

  5. Pj at stop and steal...July 30, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    Good job brockman. U won yet another round of corrupt power hungry politician hitman . Who is next ?


  7. Maybe his lawyer can cut a deal and he can do community service, like cleaning the equipment at the HPD gym, not.

  8. It's two misdemeanors and the Mayor has been tight with Gail Hardy. It's a sad day for Hartford, a prime example of hubris. A fish rots from the head down, but you clean it from the tail up.

  9. The City is paying for three Chiefs of Staff for Segarra????

    From the story in the Courant: "Thomas Clarke, assistant to the mayor and chief of staff, said the office would have no comment on the case Tuesday night."

    Juan Figeroua also has a $62k contract to serve as COS.

    And of course Kupiec is on the city payroll through 9/29 earning vacation, holiday pay, etc.

    Excellent use of City money!

  10. I am curious as to what credentials this 30-year-old man possessed to begin with that warranted placing him in a $115,000 a year job. I have two bachelor's and a master's degree and have been teaching in the City for over 15 years...my salary isn't even close to that. I buy supplies for students from my own pocket while a 30-something yuppie eats caviar on the City's dime. Not ok. I hope the crook does time for the crime.

  11. If these two misdemeanors are his first offenses, he will probably qualify for AR, like some of Eddie's boys did. Only thing is in the age of the internet, there will always be a virtual record of this for any future school and/or employer to search. LOL. BTW Kevin, what is the status of Eddie's appeal? I swear it's been almost three years now since his conviction.

  12. At some point Hartford voters and political power brokers need to do some very serious soul searching. Hartford is in deep need of a reality check. Everyone is so shock at the obvious! I believe Hartford'd has a saying "after the rain the sun" - rest assured, there are many stormy days ahead. Hartford voters, and by voters I mean, Hartford's Downtown Business Leaders, Local and Small Business Leaders, Union Leaders, THE COURANT, The Republican Party Leadership in Hartford, Church leaders, Civic Leaders, Community Leaders, Non Profit Leaders, NRZ Leaders, Town Committee Members, and Gatekeepers all endorsed and voted for the current city government and now people are shocked? When a tiger in the jungle bites you while in the jungle why act surprised? Governance is not a spectator sport and should not be a popularity contest. Real change is not what the parties listed above want. What they want is the same level of favoritism, corruption, waist, and fraud, with just a little less mismanagement and embarrassment. There are those of use that believe Hartford deserves better! That said, I may not be that "better candidate" but someone out there is! We can and must do better the next time around. For now Hartford voters have the government they deserve.

  13. I'd like to correct Mr. McCauley's comments about the Town Committee members endorsing the current city government. For the record, the HDTC 7th Assembly District and other town committee members who were elected in March of 2012 NEVER endorsed the current city government. Thanks and keep up the good work, Kevin!

  14. What happened to larceny 2nd and criminal trover 2nd? Jared is being handled with kid gloves. Some people with influence at HPD must be a little nervous about some stories he could tell. So, a little slap on the wrist, a little AR and restitution and this whole nasty business goes away.

  15. Dear Anonymous that siad:

    "HDTC 7th Assembly District and other town committee members who were elected in March of 2012 NEVER endorsed the current city government"

    I stand corrected, it is clear that the "New 7th" is part of my statement: "There are those of use that believe Hartford deserves better!"

    If the rest of the HDTC members in other districts step up to the plate and hold the line by not selling out the tremendous responsibility that the HDTC has in selecting the next Mayor and Council, Hartford might have a little sunshine after this long and protracted thunder storm.

  16. If he decides to sing on paper, oh my. Going to be some sad faces around here. Better hope the feds dont approach him to go on paper ...


  17. Many have been literally blaming Kevin's "We The People's Blog" for exposing the real deal. But the truth of the matter is that the truth always prevails.

    This whole day time soap saga is very sad, as well as an embarrassing to our already ailing City.

    Since last year, the people of Hartford have been voicing their opinion on the bad leadership being done under Pedro reign. Pedro could have avoided all this drama, if he had been following this Blog. His arrogance and his abuse of power has lead all this drama to escalate to this point. And, the bad news is that there is still more to come.

    Pedro's choices are just not working in his favor. This is not fantasy island or a three ring circus, working with your best friends and family has not been very productive; as seen in recent weeks, they too, have betrayed your trust.

    The J Kupiec and the SK Borges have no place in the political arena. They have been making headlines since day one.(and not for good reasons) What started off bad will end up bad, and can possibly ruin the Mayors career.

    The Mayor needs to stop playing Social Worker and start playing politics; maybe then, the City of Hartford may still have a chance to shine.
