Thursday, August 1, 2013


What is going on at Hartford City Hall? The Gorilla's in the mist, the "N" word and now the City of Hartford is paying a law firm $350.00 an hour to investigate claims of discrimination at Hartford's Department of Public Works.

The letter of engagement between Hartford's Deputy Corporation Counsel L. John Van Norden and the law firm of Rogin Nassau, LLC was obtained today through a Freedom of Information request to the City.

Although specifics of the complaints have not been received yet, I have requested to review the files in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. The letter references Equal Employment Opportunities investigations at DPW( Department of Public Works).

The letter specifically details the fees of $375.00 an hour for attorney's time, associate attorneys billed at $200.00 an hour and legal assistants at $80.00 per hour.

The main question to me is why is it necessary to hire outside attorney's for this. Are the attorney's in Corporation Counsel not qualified to handle such matters or is everyone at City Hall so conflicted that no one can do their jobs? The City has prohibited police overtime, even for investigations related to homicides and serious crime, but we can pay an attorney $375.00 an hour?

 There also doesn't seem to be any cap on the amount that can be spent or billed.

I have to assume that the complaints have been well substantiated if the decision was made to spend this money. What changes will result and will anyone be held accountable if the complaints are true?


  1. Tip of the iceberg
    As posted a while ago, with the resignation of the Chief of Staff people would be exposed. Now the light is shining on the cockroaches running the DPW people will be amazed of the shit that is going on in this department . As l stated earlier there is no management whatsoever only organized chaos . Time card fraud, preferential hiring, check the names of newly hired workers and work back you will see a lot of nepotism has occurred that has been quietly swept under the rug. Quick retirements to escape the scrutiny of people. This place is infected with the worst incompetent managers you can imagine.

  2. Kee-Borges and Waller strike again, or maybe those are thier kids working in DPW making money off the City while sucking Mom's buttery nipple. She has to be stopped.

  3. Anonymous 5:06 pm... I know that there have been numerous complaints filed against a particular person in the DPW Management Personnel. Ms. Kee-Borges son works there, Ms. Rhonda Carroll's son works there, Ms. Ellen Nurse's son works there, and any other son that is friends with this particular person in management will be hired. Another clue: 90% of employees hired by this particular employee are African American... I am glad in a way but is not just ANY African American that is hired, only those directly or indirectly linked to this person... Her name: Rhonda Moniz Carroll. I hope the truth comes out... I guess they hired an outside agency to investigate the many complaints filed against Ms. Carroll due to the conflict of interest, she is well known and also a good friend of Mr. Kevin Brookman. Mr. Brookman, this is a great opportunity to show that you are not like the rest of people at City Hall, that you are objective and don't let friendships interfere with the truth.

  4. DPW is primarily responsible for the dismantling the city's Parks Division which included maintenance of all city parks, playgrounds, sports field maintenance, Dillon Stadium, Cemetery & Forestry operations& special events. mediocre people are running the store. DPW needs major reorganization & leadership along with an audit. Too many overpaid management staff. Removing Parks Operations from DPW would be a good place to begin.

  5. Tip of the iceberg
    Now that the cat is out of the bag, lets dig deeper into this cesspool called DPW. Who is running this ship? Where is the oversight? The mayor had this green something task force. What is going on with that hasn't that plan been implemented? Director asleep at the wheel!! Who the hell is running DPW ! Total incompetents from what has been shown in the city by newspaper accounts with parks and leagues. More to follow
