Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Paula Deane is finding out that the answer to that question is no. Now we may have a dispatcher in the Public Safety Dispatch Center learning the same lesson

Sources are telling me that a dispatcher used the "N" word over the Police South Dispatch channel last night, after immediately realizing what he said he turned to others near him and asked" did I just say that?"

What would someone have to be thinking to just let that word roll off your lips? Is there no filter between his brain and his mouth. Does the "F" word come as easily in conversation.

If there was ever a time to have a heightened awareness over words being used it is probably now, not that the word is ever acceptable.

Although I did not hear the conversation, several people that did hear it have contacted me and at least one Police Sergeant already has a copy of the recording.  I am being told  All City of Hartford radio conversations are recorded, and this should be an easy one to track down

A request for comment on the matter from Mayor Segarra's office has not been responded to as of this posting


  1. Over 30 comp claims????July 23, 2013 at 10:59 PM

    I bet i can guess which person has the tape. It probably was an accident, but im sure an emergency meeting will be called by the five members left of the guardians. Another meeting issue should be the invisible officer that causes an entire neighborhhood in the southend go unprotected due to her ignorance and laziness. This is actually the only issue that pisses off hard working officers. That this officer can manipulate the system. Fill car 8 with at least a dog or horse . At least there would be a presense in that area on days.

  2. Where is jaffee? He is almost as useless as the city hall ethics board ...

  3. Trayvon Martin lives OnJuly 24, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Mr. Brookman I find it interesting that you defended Sgt. Klin when everyone were making their comments about him. You told the masses either make a complaint to the Cheif, or get some proof and evidence that he is breaking rules of policy and procedure.I also find it interesting that everytime a White city employye does something stupid it automatically turns into what the Black city employees are doing wrong. Brookman you let these racist bigot bums make all these comments about tracy green Sgt St john Sgt Smith and other minority officers with out producing proof or evidence. now i would like to think you yourself are not a racist but i find it starange you let comments be made about Black employees without filter or prejudice but the white employees get the cut and paste. Over 30 Comp didnt even address the headline he automatically went to what he feels about two black employees and I'm not to feel that he is a racist??? How does someone accidentally say the N-Word??? That dispatcher said what was exactly on him mind shame on him for bringing his racist views to work!!!!!!

  4. First off, I don't think I ever mentioned the race of the diapatcher, I am being told now as I dig more that he is white. My point with Klin is that after a while , enough is enough. The same thing I did with Sgt. O'Connor. I stopped letting all the comments about him go through after I hoped that the Chief or EAP would pick up on a potential problem and address it. And don't get me started on Tracy Green, have you read the incident report she recently submitted to the Chief? I passed on that one because there are much greater issues facing this City.

  5. And just to clarify one other point, I never defended Sgt. Klin, if there was ever an area of HPD that needs a complete overhaul, it is that office

  6. What if he did say the "f" work and not the "n" word ? Would there be such an outpour of injustice ?or just laughs over beers? really? everything isn't about race. Dispatchers, police, public safety personnel in general are human. Period. Stop wrapping everything into one. This isn't klin, oconnor, travon. Why is there such a need to crucify. And Paula Deane? This is far from the same context which the word was used, if you'd heard the tape or knew the party involved you'd know that. Oh wait that doesn't matter, let me lower my IQ and just speak of race. Right, no one has said anything that was taken wrong or wish that could be taken back ? I should be so lucky to be surrounded by such perfection. Remember don't spit in the wind because when the "s----" rolls it all come downhill an guess what race really wont matter.

  7. Tracy green letter to chief?? Are u really kidding ?? And if this actaully took place then that report should be framed behind glass and put on display for all to see what happens why cops have such a bad rap these days. ...

  8. Long time digusted HPDJuly 25, 2013 at 8:40 AM

    You really should print the Tracy Green report. It would enlighten everyone to the type of officer she really is. I know I would not want her as my backup.

  9. Kevin, why would you leave "The Tracy Green Report" out. People out here view us as lazy, slow, incompetent and having crappy morale. When the subject of employees like her,(and believe me I don't give a damn about her skin color)are spoken of outside the HPD walls to civilians, they are astonished. They say oh, must be the union protecting her or the guardians.Blah Blah Blah.
    Why is she still on the street?
    Why is she allowed to do what she wants, where she wants? I'll tell you why. Supervisors don't say a word to her because they fear the race card is about to smack them straight across their face and it isn't worth it. Bulls*&@
    How hard is it for the Chief to say enough is enough. Same fear maybe? How about Dong falling down a flight of stairs the day she is supposed to be transferred back to patrol. Down steps in the department where I believe is the only nook and cranny where there is no cameras. (Nicely played)
    And lets not forget to mention the fragile ones who work in teleserve. Holy cow if you sneeze loud and hard enough in there everyone would hit the deck. I always viewed teleserve as sort of a place to put people who are useless (Tracy Green?)but now It feels like the place to go, and why not, you get to do squat all day and you don't have morons like TG to be your back up God forbid. You'll have the bullet proof glass.I go off on this rant when I really wanted to make a point of printing something so everyone could see.I and many of my peers work hard on a daily basis and should not be subject to returning back to HQ at the end of the day and tired and watching and listening to Green say how "tomorrow I aint doing shit" all in ear shot of top brass who act as if they didn't see or hear no evil.She is militant and always has been.

  10. So before this silliness next chapter of this hartford police high school starts new targets...
    I agree tracey is really lazy, probably should not be here, but she can write a report. Put her in acredation or something. Shut the office door. Done
    By forcing her onto the streets, my life and a whole neigborhood's survial is at stake.
    Here is a little tip to the top brass. Patrol is not a punishment. U can make 150k in patrol. ( or if ur klin )
    Tracey plays it like a fiddle, go out injured, then come back with one week in bid so she cant get thrown out if car 8. Now you have to back fill car 8 for 2 bids. Or even better. Dont fill it to save money. That also screws all the residents in car 8 area.
    Cicero earned my respect the day he sent her lazy overtime rear walking home with no cash. I saw fear in her eyes that night. All because she did not want to write three or four parking tickets.....but pauly slayed the oprah dragon that night ..
    Powell also gets respect for tellin the truth. Twin is useless and the best way to fuck up the beautiful new evidence room is to put her there . Another really great officer , especially her people skills. ...

  11. Hey Brockman,

    Tracey green is probably the most lazy, unmotivated officer here . A true story , about 2 years ago at the old dept. ehile in the report writing room. Tracey stated, " aint no one ever got fired here for being lazy!!" Several officers were there and that quote of hers is still spoken about till this day. Officers like her and dong are useless ..
