Tuesday, July 23, 2013


One of the most difficult portions of maintaining this blog is actually obtaining public documents from agencies that love to claim they are "transparent".

Whether the City of Hartford or the MDC, they are bound by Connecticut's Freedom of Information Act.

The reports for the property at 3311 Main Street are most likely readily available. I am pretty sure the mad rush has started to decide how to keep them private and exempt from disclosure. That most likely will not stand up to the legal challenge and eventually they will get out.

I am also pretty confident that the reports are maintained in a file that was pulled immediately after my FOI request was made. The statute speaks to unnecessary delays , and I am pretty sure, referring the request to an outside law firm for review of what are clearly public documents, might just constitute and unnecessary delay in the eyes of the FOI Commission.

The bottom line is that the documents, according to sources, clearly show the contamination exists on the property. They will also most likely prove that the MDC broke the law by not notifying the DEEP of the contamination. The question to be answered now is why the notification never took place. Was it a political favor? Was it just incompetence? We need to know what happened when the lives and health of Hartford residents are put in jeopardy .

Another question is where are Hartford's Commissioners appointed to the MDC? Are they there to protect the MDC in a potential cover up or are they there to protect the people of Hartford? I guess only time will tell as this continues to play out.


  1. Shipping files off to an attorney does not create an exemption from disclosure. And remember, in order for something to be considered "pending litigation" (another of their favorite tactics), the FOIC has consistently ruled that there actually has to be an existing lawsuit or a letter to the government agency indicating intent to sue. Either way, if you file an FOI complaint the FOIC will review the documents to see if they do qualify as an exemption.

    I hope you requested the City documents too.

    Seeping gasoline there doesn't conjure up visions of a Love Canal in Hartford for me. What bothers me is that a person who should know better due to his job (I'm referring to Mr. Waller) and whos department has oversight on such things is involved and the whole matter appears to be "buried", pun intended. And when it comes to conflicts of interest, if something even appears to be a conflict, which this does, then more likely than not, there is a conflict. It's not cheap to remediate contaminated soil and remove UST's, which is probably what his motive would be if involved.

    It just smells.

  2. Kevin, the answer is.. being lost or struck by lightening. Thats an excuse that chesire police like to use when they wanna cover up or lose incriminating evidence. But in all seriousness, im sure shred it will be busy .

  3. Kevin, the answer is.. being lost or struck by lightening. Thats an excuse that chesire police like to use when they wanna cover up or lose incriminating evidence. But in all seriousness, im sure shred it will be busy .


  4. It's Friday,"Where are the documents"?, They had ample time to furnish them. By now, they've had enough time to altered them, or plain and simply shredded them.

    Did you check with Sandy to see if they are in the shoe box in her office. Someone is covering up somebody.
