Monday, July 29, 2013


Several City Hall sources have confirmed  that actions by Hartford's Deputy Corporation Counsel L. John Van Norden caused the City and it taxpayers to be forced to spend over $24,000 for a Charter Revision legal notice.

Apparently there is a strict timeline that governs Charter Revision actions by municipalities. Hartford came upon one of those deadlines last week. A requirement for the publication of a legal notice advising voters of the change apparently had to be published last week. The requirement allows for a "plain English" synopsis of the proposed changes to be voted on to be published.

According to the sources, that synopsis was never completed by Van Norden or anyone in the Corporation Counsel's Office. That forced the City into publishing three full pages of the entire City Charter in the Hartford Courant last week. Total taxpayer cost....$24,000

How much gas would that buy for a Tahoe Councilman? Lets see what inquiries are made into this, I bet none.

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