Monday, July 29, 2013


According to sources, the warrant application for the arrest of Mayor Segarra's former Chief of Staff Jared Kupiec was completed over a week and a half ago and submitted to the Hartford Court.
Sources stated that the application has been in the hands of Hartford County State's Attorney Gail Hardy since then.

There is no indication as to what the delay is at this point.

More to come on this.


  1. If any delay is as a result of Gail Hardy referring the matter to the Chief State's attorney, that is a smart move. Jared Kupiec would be an invaluable resource for the current grand jury or for ongoing investigations into Hartford City Hall operations. Jared will simply get AR on any charge. Much better to make any deal in exchange for testimony.

  2. anonymous 9:32,

    I have been hearing rumblings for a couple months about an investigation and/or a possible Grand Jury, if you have anything solid , it would be greatly appreciated, you can contact me by cell or e-mail in confidence.

