Tuesday, September 10, 2013



  1. wow she pulled the "do you know who I am" card and tried to use her position to get her out of trouble. No wonder Pedro fired her.

  2. Harvest what you growSeptember 10, 2013 at 9:26 PM

    I know how hard this most be for you. To post something about someone you care so much and exclude your typical modus operandi, it shows that you have feelings, and you're human; I did not think you were human when you did not limit your sarcastic remarks, and jokes on making fun of someone I really care about. Now you know. Instead of sticking to the facts, you made so many unnecessary hurtful jokes; family members and friends were really hurt.

    I hope this experience helps you be a better person, and understand how others feel when you make sarcastic and hurtful remarks. Everyone you write about have family and friends tha care for them. I suggest you treat others the way you want your friends to be treated. While I appreciate you trying to expose the truth, I will appreciate more if you develop a tactful approach when exposing the truth.

    I personally know Rhonda, and I'm not happy with the outcome although I had hoped for her to change, but she didn't listen. I'm sure I wasn't the only one doing mini "interventions" she is not the type that would listen. I hoped she seeks help for her drug and alcohol addiction. Deep inside she is not a bad person, she is an addict and needs help. She had a great job, and lost it... I just pray that she doesn't keep losing anything else and rebuilds herself.

  3. some specifics might be nice to make your pint.

    Enough of the self righteousness, As long as I am the one maintaining this blog, I will choose how and what I post. Do you call television stations or the Courant telling them they are too harsh or too easy on topics they report on? I had no obligation to post any of this yet I did, and the comparisons to Jared or others Jared was a punk who had no business or commitment to public service and was here for a paycheck, Rhonda was one of the hardest working City employees I know who made a terrible decision. And yes she was wrong, but Jared couldn't hold a candle to her commitment to her neighbors and constituents . This report was not readily available and was not freely distributed to the media, I actually had to make an FOI request to the PD to get it

    If you don't like the way I handle things or don't like the content, please feel free to click on that red X in the upper right corner of your screen

  4. As bad as this was, her husband doing a press conference to try and make her look like the victim made it that much worse. If she couldn't bring herself to accept responsibility just stay quiet. But to come out holding a press conference by her attorney/husband just made it look even more irresponsible. What a slap in the face to the injured victim, the city of hartford and the taxpayers. She needs to get help and stop denying and blaming. That is what the public has no respect for. She should've resigned and stood up saying she made a terrible terrible decision due to alcoholism and apologizing to the victim and city. She should've said I am going to get help and make restitution. Instead she had others try and fail to paint her as an innocent victim. The mayor was right to fire her quickly before waiting for the circus.

  5. She started drinking at 11 am? This lady has a problem. Let's hope this is the wake up call she needed to get help.


  6. I wonder if Mayor Pedro would have taken the same action if it would have been the double dipping SKBorges??

    It appears that the Mayor has double standards,especially if you are not part of his inner circle of friends. When Kupiec was involved in an accident, it was kept quiet and he was awarded with another vehicle, let me not forget the big bonus he was paid to resign. And, when he was caught with the stolen vehicle he just got a slap on the hands. And a small bill for repairs.

    Not that, what Mrs Moniz-Carroll did was correct. It's obvious that she didn't look good in the photo or in the videos; that are circulating on You Tube. Mr Carroll I'm sorry, but you are an Attorney, why??? would you hold a press conference??

    I'm wondering if the results would have been different if she was driving her own vehicle??

    It's sad that there was no second chance for her. And yet, there are folks in the Mayors circle that are doing illegal deals and they are protected and are allow to stay and drain the City's budget.

    In the past, you would be suspended until a full investigation was completed. Times have changed. Now with all the use of modern technology, you are condemn before your trial.

  7. Do you know who I am?September 11, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    Half of city hall either drinks or is stoned at work....

  8. When you refuse the breathalyzer you lose your license. If she needs to drive to do her job, she can no longer drive, therefore she can no longer do her job.

  9. It is City and State policy for a mandatory drug test following any accident involving commercial or municipal vehicles. I have yet to hear results. . . It was Tax Payer's property that was damaged. . . And it IS our right to know. Thanks Kevin for being there for us I know you are in a tough position on this one.

  10. I believe that refusal for the breathalyzer or other tests is an automatic 6 month license suspension
