Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Channel 3, WFSB's Hartford Bureau Chief Len Besthoff  has called it quits at Channel 3.Besthoff's last day on the air at Channel 3 was apparently yesterday after he notified station management that he was making the move to WVIT Channel 30 according to sources . Besthoff is apparently under contract to Channel 3 until October 6, 2013
Staff at both Channel 3 and Channel 30 were advised of the move yesterday through e-mails to employees.
Besthoff has been hired by NBC/Comcast as the Chief Investigative Reporter at the West Hartford affiliate and will be assigned full time to the Troubleshooters Investigative Team. This is apparently the model nationwide for the Comcast stations and their Investigative units to make a strong commitment to in depth Investigative reporting committing a large amount of money and manpower to the effort..
For those that have enjoyed Besthoff's reporting style and investigative journalism for the last eleven years on 3, he will be making his on-air debut at WVIT 30 after October 7, 2013. It is only one click up on most remotes in the Hartford area to be able to follow Len to his new home.
According to sources, Besthoff may be the first of upcoming departures of on air personalities from the station. WFSB is owned by the Meredith Corporation.
For more on this, check out the Connecticut Laurel Blog. The Laurel focuses on Connecticut Media personalities and their moves. The management e-mail and more on Len's departure is posted there
Best of Luck Len in your new endeavor


  1. Nice grab Channel 30!!! How did WFSB3 drop the ball on this one?? OMG. Len is the top reporter in the market and a good guy. 30 news just made itself top dog in the state. It's no secret in the trade that WFSB3 is grossly mismanaged top to bottom. Yet all that management at 3 can do is blame the talent and make the talent miserable. Hey 3, hire a consultant to find out while your entire talent staff is miserable and running for the hills, certainly management has know idea. 3 used to be top dog. They are spiraling into the ground.

  2. Sad day but a good day. I have always enjoyed Len besthoff's reporting skills. he is never ever afraid to ask the right questions and to continue asking those questions. NBCCT will surely become number 1 in the state. I heard that Goulston, Campbell, Lucey and Lee are getting out soon as their contracts soon expire. Konopka re-signed a 2 year but those mentioned above have yet to re-sign and B-Town is calling their names.

  3. Len is the best !!!!!!!!!!

  4. I am a news junkie dating back to the days John Cameron Schaze, Douglas Edwards and Walter Cronkite. I never cared for Len as a reporter as I thought he was a bit overly aggressive (in the Geraldo Reviera style) and at times rude. Occassionally, I thought his reporting was more about him than the story. However,Irespect his work tremendously and feel he is clearly the best investigative reporter in the area. He will do extremely well if the reigns are unshackled.
