Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Some days it just seems like Hartford's Police Chief James Rovella just can't catch a break.

The latest incident just seems to defy common sense.

On September 25, 2013 a Windsor resident called the Windsor Police Department to report that his 12 year old daughter found a metal item in her bed that she thought was some sort of "capsule". The father, Marc Simpson recognized the "capsule" as the spent round from a gun. Simpson also found a hole in the outside wall of his daughters bedroom that appeared to be a gunshot hole.

Simpson called Windsor Police to report the incident and turn the round over to the Windsor Police . They conducted an investigation and determined that the round was fired from the home of Simpsons next door neighbor , Hartford Police Sergeant Eric Smith. Although Smith knew he fired the round, according to the timeline in the Police report, he never notified the Windsor police or the Hartford Police department that he had fired his weapon.

Smith only admitted to firing the shot from his Glock 40 caliber weapon after being confronted by Windsor officers.

The Hartford Police Department was only made aware of the incident apparently after a Windsor officer called Hartford IAD Sergeant Marty Cunningham, who assured Windsor that the matter would be handled "internally". Windsor Sergeant Spencer then  informed Cunningham that if they were "handling" it "we" , Windsor, would not be taking any further action.

The report also mentions that Hartford Police Union Vice president Nazario Figueroa was at the scene, but mentions no other response by any HPD supervisor.

The amount of time between the shooting incident and the actual reporting by Simpson is unclear. At one point in the report, Smith states it was the day before and at another point states to Sergeant Spencer it "was a couple days ago"

The troubling part is that Hartford Police Sergeant Eric Smith, despite his experience and training, did nothing after the shooting. The fact that the round was found in the bed of a 12 year old girl could have been disastrous if she was actually laying in her bed sleeping at the time. Smith apparently made no efforts to check on his neighbor and make sure that no one was injured or even make an attempt to apologize for the bullet hole in his neighbors home.

According to sources, in the report it mentions  Smith's wife Betty Perez, she is a Hartford 911 Dispatcher Other sources have also confirmed that Smith apparently has a friendship with Windsor Police Sergeant Spencer.The incident was provided with the complete addresses, I have chose to redact the house numbers.

Also, according to sources, the HPD Internal Affairs report has just recently been completed and is making its way though the chain of command for Chief Rovella's review and potential discipline.

Here is the Windsor Police incident report:


  1. Sounds like the officer that fired the gun is above the law. Maybe he should be fined, fired or both. Now his wife can be responsible for paying the bills and whatever they owe.

  2. Hey Kevin off topic of the post but is Ken that nuts to think Hartford could afford to give canadiates $$$ to run for office. How many jibs will that cost?

  3. Blah,blah blah! Incredible! Who really cares? Lets really focus on what really matters. Let's let mayor know about who's running the Dispatch Ceter this week and the next. Kat O'Dwyer! The The biggest culprit in the the department and the highest paid! She is only the "Training Coordinator" not management. Not to mention the problems she has caused since she arrived in this this department. Kat O'Dwyer has created a TOXIC WORK ENVIRONMENT! Lets make the city and mayor aware if this.

  4. Smith's wife??? Really? That's pretty comical, musta missed that wedding! I'm sure it was a domestic gone bad, why else would he have to whisper to her alone before talking to the officer? Fabricating a story? Or telling his "wife" to not say a word? Union shows up........this one really stinks the stank!
    And he's a supervisor? Wow

    1. That's what they are both good for LYING!!! No surprise two of the biggest manipulators in HPD history.
      Karma is a bitch and hopefully they both sink on this one!
      Man up Chief! Don't let them scare you!

  5. Now wait a minute here....the neighbor gives a sworn statement and says she sees the hole on Sunday night 9-22 into Monday 9-23, yet Smith says it happened between 5 and 6pm on Tuesday 9-24? Why is Smith obviously lying? What's he trying to hide? Maybe he was home unauthorized while working? Why wouldn't he report it when it happened? Lots of issues here.

  6. Looks like you may have struck a certain dispatchers lol lol

  7. The salty clam of justiceOctober 30, 2013 at 10:37 PM

    Demote smith. It would be sad to keep him as a supervisor after this nonsense. Why would windsor not pursue charges? I bet they will after the media runs with it.

  8. Hahahaha three accidental discharges in two months!!!!!!! 1 foolish swat cop shoots his gun into the floor because he didn't like the sandwich price, another foolish cop shoot the 1st foolish cop in the back because he thought the sandwich price was fine!!!, and than this complete idiot shoots a round off because a shadow scared him in his bedroom!!!! Hahaha at least he didn't kill the 12 year old! What are the idiots that teach firearms teaching??????

  9. Undocumented 47 in windsorOctober 30, 2013 at 11:59 PM

    Musta been a 47,71. But windsor will cover it up. I thought domestics needed to be investigated fully and action taken. But its ok eric and betty. All is well. The chief will handle eric accordingly. I seem to remember eric calling the chief a racist when he was turned down for the task force. But see eric my pal, the chief knows u are a money hungry useless supervisor. You are lucky your neighbor likes u. Cause if it was me, you would be in deep turd factory !!

    1. Couldn't agree more!! Domestic related, she caught him with her mom! Ouch... shots fired, ya big dummy! Oops was I suppose to report it, Nah let's cover it up. Both crooked and belong together

  10. Man does this one really stink! Her " husband" Eric Smith would be home soon? We must've missed that wedding, I hope Eric's 63's don't see this!
    Smith "appeared concerned and wanted to speak with his wife for a moment", before he spoke to police?? What did he have to speak with her in private about? Concocting a story or more than likely telling her not to say anything?
    Hartford Police Officer Nazario Figeroua arrived on scene....union representation that quick? Wow
    Suspect, suspect, suspect!
    Windsor felt a need to take a statement from the victim....hmmmm.
    Eric couldn't figure out on his own that the bullet went through the outside wall of his house?
    Sgt. Spencer advised they would not be taking action as long as Hartford would be addressing it? Would any citizen get that preferential treatment as Eric?
    Why is Eric any different?
    Eric should be at minimum demoted, not for the act, but for almost killing someone, not giving a flying F&@$, not reporting and blatantly lying!!! He is not supervisor material.

    1. Love this! Both Eric & Betty should be fired! Corruption at its finest! Way to go Windsor for speaking up!!!

  11. Wow, guess it wasn't a good idea to issue Glock pistols to HPD. Accidental discharges are more likely to happen with this type of weapon. Of course the one main reason is operator error, KEEP YOUR F*C#ING FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER!
    Lt Mike Patterson from HFD has some free time, maybe he can train you bozos some firearms safety. He was a FD Burn Master. Now he can be a PD Firearms Master. bang bang, OOOOOOPPPPSSS!

  12. Eric has been arrested before. Nothing will happen. Rovella will sweep this under the rug. Another coverup.Outrageous.

  13. We have enough drama going on in this department; never mind your TV show Mark; just bring your camera to work an let it roll. I would like to say that it is unfortunate for this to happen to this person but karma is.... Well you know. On another note the new black and white unit 4 is looking awesome. Not sure why Officer "someone give me an iron" Bishop got it though. Guess it's the luck of the draw.

  14. Eric------He was arrested before.

    Should be fired. Outrageous.!!!! Rovella will cover for this dude as usual.
    I bet u wont print this --U r Rovellas friend.

  15. Sadly this is another serious matter. Did Eric ever resident in Hartford? Is he aware of the homeless and poverty that exists in Hartford? Is his wife certified for the position she has with the HPD? Money, health benefits, pensions are always an issue for the HPD. Unions protect them. The HPD's Union is broken. Time and time again retired officers have jobs waiting for them. For some retired HPD it is to make ends meet. However, there is one retired Chief who grew up in Hartford's Southend now collecting three pensions and has complete health benefits. Fortunately he is well connected. There are outstanding HPD officers who are responsible, caring and go up the ladder because they really earned it and are not politically connected. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!! NO ONE,,,,

  16. Glock 23 Non HPD issue said......October 31, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    Anonymous at 1249pm.....
    What does this have to do with HPD being issued Glock pistols? Read the report, Smith stated it was his off duty Glock 23, that wasn't issued by HPD. But I'm sure Smith is lying about which firearm it really was as he obviously lied about the date and time and who knows what else!

  17. Fire his dumb ass. Oh wait second thought, all ready happened in Farmington! Hartford police colleagues can't stand him either. Smith is all about using his gold badge to pick up all those hoes at piggys cafe. Thought he was married.. must have misread the article. Everyone including His long term cheaper to keep her knows it aint happening.
    He probably went to shoot her after she caught him screwing around. Oops case of two that need to be fired. But then again they pull a Paul West lie to the grand jury and become new deputy Chief and dispatch director..
    Oh Kevin this one is a doozy!!

  18. Mr. Brookman, I saw this on NBC news last night. At the end of there story, they said Eric Smith had previously been arrested for sexual assault. Is that true, if so, how can he be a police? I'd like to know please

  19. Anonymous 4:46pm

    I saw that also, I don't have details on that but he was terminated from the Farmington Police Department before he came to Hartford for improper and potentially illegal behavior there

  20. Hpd stunt team car 22October 31, 2013 at 6:11 PM

    Now i cant park my vehicle in that crappy gravel lot because it is haunted. Why dont we strap a proton pack to auciellos back and have him save the day like rick moranis did in ghostbusters ....

  21. Anonymous 1:47pm

    I guess you are wrong

  22. Is all good mon. Hes not getin nutin cause rovell know betta then to mess with the bradas man. It was probablie a stop and frisk gone kinkie. No biggie. I glad the sox wun for u kevin. U ok in rasta mons book ....

  23. I dreamed of becoming a Hartford Cop my whole life. The day I had my badge pinned to my chest one of the happiest days of my life.
    And then reality hit me like a speeding train after meeting cops like Eric Smith. A guy who openly brags about his ON-DUTY sexual conquests. A guy who openly brags about how he can work a 10 hour job every day because he can sleep for 5 or more hours during his regular shift. A guy who openly uses his badge to pick up women while he's working and has them visit him on private jobs, directly infront of other officers. The list goes on and on with him.
    Sadly though, all of that is not the shocking part, the shocking part is that EVERYONE knows what he does and what he is about......and he is still employed as a Hartford Police Officer..... I just vomitted

  24. Well Eric, maybe this will be a lesson learned, but I doubt it. How many second chances have you been given, and you've never learned nor cared. Maybe instead of always trying to hurt a few certain others and feeding Ken Kennedy and others bad information in a constant attempt to hurt others out of jealousy and envy finally caught up to you. Guess this is what happens. Karma is real Eric. You've burnt so many people and spread your venom to far to many people. You deserve all of this. Maybe Ken and all the others will see your true colors and what a worthless man you are. Also, a little hint, stop indirectly threatening the media, it's just making matters worse for you.
    Stay Tuned.........this story doesn't end here..........

  25. Smith you need an hourly paid job ($8.50 per hr) with NO BENEFITS. Maybe your attitude will change. You deserve to have your HPD badge taken away.

  26. Eat Great Even Late said.....October 31, 2013 at 10:42 PM

    Good call anonymous @ 10:11 PM......
    But I wouldn't even trust him as a manager at Wendy's!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


  28. Farmington 88/79

    Look every cop,who has ever gone on a call with the Sgt. knows he preys on women like a shark. He trys to 88 every woman he sees on slmost every domestic call he goes on. He would totally try to F the victim. Thats his M.O. Everybody knows it.

    He has woman issues, and everybody knows that as well. The problem is, how does the the chief address it?


    fyi.. Its good to know a sexual male like B88 is feeding you. Everybody knows it. He brags about weekly.

    Hey Ken, have you reached out to Eric to lend your moral support? He's hurting right now, and he really needs your belly for comfort. Sometimes karma comes up and nails you in the ***. Go to sleep Ken, its 0128am time for a drive thru visit...

  29. Not for nothing, but now that Eric is the topic, how about his private duty road job outfit? NY Giants baseball hat, dark blue hoody and uniform pants, while he sits in his vehicle all day and does NOTHING! Why is it that no Lieutenant says anything to him while I get in trouble for taking my hat off for a second to pour water on my head to cool off while Eric is in his air conditioned truck? Isn't Eric the one that showed up an hour late to the MDC supervisor job a while back, left for the entire dam day, no one saw him, and gave his slip to a certain officer to have signed at the end of the day. MDC made a complaint about that and wouldn't sign his slip, what ever happened with that? Nothing as usual! These guys such as smith and other constantly constantly abuse the system and nothing ever happens. I doubt if anything ever will. It's good to at least see the blog expose Eric for what he really is. Maybe some other woman will see all this and come forwards and make a complaint, because he should have been fired and imprisioned for the one he beat. He knows what he really did. Hopefully he will be exposed by means of this blog.

  30. Not for nothing, but now that Eric is the topic, how about his private duty road job outfit? NY Giants baseball hat, dark blue hoody and uniform pants, while he sits in his vehicle all day and does NOTHING! Why is it that no Lieutenant says anything to him while I get in trouble for taking my hat off for a second to pour water on my head to cool off while Eric is in his air conditioned truck? Isn't Eric the one that showed up an hour late to the MDC supervisor job a while back, left for the entire dam day, no one saw him, and gave his slip to a certain officer to have signed at the end of the day. MDC made a complaint about that and wouldn't sign his slip, what ever happened with that? Nothing as usual! These guys such as smith and other constantly constantly abuse the system and nothing ever happens. I doubt if anything ever will. It's good to at least see the blog expose Eric for what he really is. Maybe some other woman will see all this and come forwards and make a complaint, because he should have been fired and imprisioned for the one he beat. He knows what he really did. Hopefully he will be exposed by means of this blog.

  31. Why is will smith active patrol again? Is it safe for the community to have this officer on the streets? How many chances does will smith get here? This is why morale is cancelled. I guess mailing bullets and releasing prisoners is the norm. But i bet if i did it, i would be shown the door.

  32. The media is running with this. Windsor pd will change their stance on this since the buddy system was used. Who is this windsor sgt who thinks he knows what is best ?

  33. “Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves;
    because you're a reflection of what they wish to be” TO all the people here commenting and specualting about Eric and his ohter half. Especially to Pepe Le Pew, Undocumented 47 and the anonymous that said "you dreamed about becoming a cop your whole life" well seems like a crock of shit! I think his woman has nothing to do with this, so lets leave her out of this. To the coward that doesn't know either of them, for you to mention her mother in such a comment, is rude and unacceptable! i this whole blog, there are a bunch of cowards that comment and make up things that they cannot say to people in person so they blog here! get the facts straight and then talk. but remember that the only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them. It sounds to me that these haters here on this blog were never given any chances,thator never took the chance so they just take it upon themselves to hate on other people because they have absolutely nothing going on in their lives. Remember to save you skin from corrosive acids from the mouths of corrosive people. Someone who just helped you speak evil about another person can later help another person speak evil about you.!!!! and before I forget, for the two that keep hating because they missed SGT's wedding, well, I was a guest at their beautiful event and it was unforgetable! two beautiful and wonderful individuals inside and out! Lets all stop for a moment and think that this one day can be all about you!!! yeah, you! Good day to all!!!!

    1. Awe, someone hurt your feelings? Who is the coward that post all this blah blah blah and signed anonymous!!
      Your a liar just like the Sgt and his long time never ever going to be his wife.
      Why don't you take a step back and step out of your bogus bubble and stop protecting such trash! Or maybe your Betty and just want to draw more attention so you wrote this long crock of crap to make people feel bad.
      Grow up your almost 50 you have no life, & your defiantly not liked. Your pity party trail has derailed!
      Karma finally has bitten you. You bitter selfish person!
      Preach to someone else! You and your Sgt are low life scum! Chao

  34. Not that long ago, a small group of Hartford officers were federally indicted for larceny, theft of city services, for doing nothing their entire shift and hanging out in businesses, far less worse then what Eric does every day. Then there were the few that committed "mutual" sexual acts on duty, however the Feds said the badge itself made the girls feel compelled. Exactly what Eric was acquitted of and continues to do since he got away with it. Maybe it's time for a Federal Investigation since the state can never get it right as we clearly see on a regular basis.

  35. Kevin.....FOI marriage license to prove anonymous at 1:58 PM a fraud, liar, the "hater" talk.....sounds like Eric himself! There never was a! Two beautiful wonderful individuals??? Lol
    But that's ridiculous, but let's leave his "wife" out of this.
    Prove that post a fraud Kevin.

  36. Anonymous 4:09pm,

    They will eventually expose themselves. I think that comment was most likely posted by someone who has had his own credibility issues recently and knows what it is like to be under the microscope. I have benn inundated with calls and additional information regarding this officer that really concerns me. Keep following

  37. Why is will smith still employed here? A lot here are very lucky its hpd and not another agency. Hpd is the only dept besides state police that let ofcs who get arrested multiple times stay employed, and even promoted . Will smith was working a pj at walmart last week, texting on his phone, while my wife shopped. Oh yah. He was banned from stop n steal for the same thing. I guess he will just slither from pj to pj ruining for other ofcs. This dept has absolutely no fine line or measure of incompetance. What does one have to do to be fired here? Really? Even the queen herself sits in the chiefs complex laughin it up because she beat the system. What a joke that is. She is now the first thing people see when entering the complex . Wow. Enough said.

  38. Anonymous at 1:58 PM (Dom Agostino).....
    Please stop Dom......that was beautiful though! An absolute crock of shit, but beautiful. Eric brought this upon himself, you should worry about yourself, and I'm not gonna go there, again.

    1. Dom huh? Pretty positive its not him.
      Sounds like you want to point fingers to have the pressure taken off you!
      Dirt bag

  39. Wondering: Question please, how old is this Eric Smith, and how long has he been on the job for HPD?

  40. Whiskey for breakfastNovember 1, 2013 at 7:47 PM

    That was not dom at 158 hrs. First off. Everyone knows dom is not that well versed in the fine art of hiding behind walls. He will say it if he needs to and put his name to it. Second. Everyone knows dom hates the blog and technology in general. Unless it starts with jack and ends with daniels he is not on board. Bad call on that one. It sounds more like a bible thumping dispatch supervisor to me, but if i had physic ability, i would rig the lottery.

  41. Adultry and rape is way worse then tossin some useless casings from some 89 of a fine outstanding bible salesman, outstanding htfd resident.
    Plus it happened like a decade ago. Good luck proveing anything now. Look at the skakal crap. He is going to get away with murder, like oj did

  42. No more 34 stops. Ever!!November 1, 2013 at 7:52 PM

    Agostino for union president!!! A vote for dom is a vote for free domocracy!!!!!

  43. HPD's Smith has to go. It is so sad that he brings the Hartford Police Department down. There are many outstanding officers. They work very hard for Hartford's public safety. Chief Rovella do the right thing and discharge Smith ASAP. He sets a very bad example to the children, residents, visitors and businesses of Hartford

  44. Whiskey for breakfastNovember 1, 2013 at 9:31 PM

    Mike car 11. I concur with ur well educated thoughts .

  45. Very well put anonymous at 9:19PM
    They both give us all a bad name. 95% come to work and do a good job every day. Chief, please start holding officers accountable, we want accountability and proper supervision.

  46. Them Smith dudes must of smashed some of yall wives and 63's damn why all the Hate?? An when hating don't work yall resort to lying??!!
    It's alot of cowards in here what happened to the old days when two men didn't like each other they went in the lockerroom or behind the firehouse??? It's alot of punks with badges and guns on this blog who wouldn't even show their face in HFD with out holding an 83 well anyway the insecure an the weak always hate on those they see as a threat change the name of this blog to We The Cowards PS the Cicinnati Bengals taking the Bowl this year!!!! Keep up the awesome work Kevin smh

    1. Couldn't agree more!!!! There are so many Hpd officers who id like to see without a baton or taser fight. You'd lose, Zweilbson or Marfalla!
      Back to topic, fire both Smith's!!!
      Chief doesn't have the balls, but as soon as Perez is out of office so is Rovella and hopefully lots of changes!!

  47. Windsor should have arrested Smith for reckless endangerment, they don't need the fearful neighbor's approval for an arrest. Isn't it their job to protect the public instead of a fellow officer? The Windsor cop should be investigated as well.

  48. Nap time for tic tac toeNovember 2, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    Typical fireman would like a crap team like da bengals. What time smacked them on thurs? The dolphins. Lol. Sont worry all you little fire mice. Chief Waller is going to deliver a smackdown to all ya.. Get your resumes doctored up and ready cause its already a done deal.

  49. I really don't see any lies here, other than the wedding that never was. And taking it to the locker room or behind the fire tower, those days are long gone my friend! Last good one was when eppie threw charlie a much deserved beating in the locker room, charlie ran out of there and up to IAD so quick, he almost knocked me over. Kamil, the rat, ran to IAD over a motor vehicle violation and a few words exchanged, really? Much respect to Sammy who offered the fire tower as an option! End result, both with days off. So if you don't care about your job, which obviously a lot of you don't, take it to the locker room or fire tower. Unfortunately, the blog has become the new locker room / fire tower!

  50. Rich Calderone said.....November 2, 2013 at 4:08 PM

    If only I had pulled the icalls!!!!!!!

  51. Would anyone other than a cop have been arrested and charged for shooting their gun through the wall into a neighbor's house? The bullet landed in a 12 year old's bed!

    Its things like this with Windsor cops letting another cop slide that adds to the culture of cops thinking they are above the laws. Because they are. Cops don't expect other cops to follow the laws.

    Windsor residents should demand their police department stop the favoritism.

  52. Windsor is good a covering things for Cops just as DKR how many domestics they squashed when he had when he was the "police chiefs of police" (you tube video).

  53. go Bears,

    ummm, I think Perez is already out of Office, and Chief Rovella survived

  54. Just to clarify, years ago HFD settled differences down in the basement. Two guys go down, "discuss" their problems, then come up and finish the shift.
    Now we hire garbage. differences are settled by ratting to the 3rd floor. New kids don't have the balls to visit the basement anymore.
    Sensitivity training? Really? Doesn't work as well as a punch to the face!
    Im sure HPD is facing the same problems.

  55. Oh my god, did you see FOX 61 news tonight on Eric Smith!!!! Fired from Farmington PD and TJ Maxx for harassing and stalking women, just exactly what he still does now!!! First, how and why in gods name was he hired by Hartford PD and how is it that TJ Maxx can fire him but the city of Hartford can't????
    We need answers Kevin. What a disgrace HPD is!
