Tuesday, October 8, 2013


In what may be history repeating itself, a resolution is being introduced for Tuesday night's Council meeting to remove Deputy Corporation Counsel L. John Van Norden from his position.

Van Norden had previously left Schenectady , New York under a cloud of suspicion as their City Attorney. You can read that story here.

The resolution is being introduced by Councilman Larry Deutsch and sources are telling me that other Democratic Council people will possibly be signing on to the resolution. I am also being told five votes required for the passage are probably a good bet.

Van Norden has had his issues on numerous occasions recently for intemperate behavior in dealing with the Council and related City business including an  e-mail describing Councilman Raul Dejesus as apparently having mental health  issues.

Here is the proposed resolution:


  1. L John IntemperatskiOctober 8, 2013 at 11:16 PM

    I see Sandy did her usual outstanding job of vetting this psycho...she should go next

  2. Sandy knows too much, and not in a good way

  3. the CIP report will drive her out

  4. Bravo, Larry, for taking the lead in ending this disastrous hiring. It couldn't happen fast enough. Minority council leaders have played critical roles in the past, by coming up with sound resolutions and ordinances and simply reaching across the isle to find the extra votes. This one is a no-brainer. The last straw was Van Norden's laughable legal opinions about the Internal Audit Commission and Attorney Bruce Rubenstein. That the most recent one was also copied to numerous corporate entities does nothing but expose the City to greater liability. What a train wreck.

    The Courant's editorial got it right by calling this a "lame effort" that was "petty and vengeful". This would never have happened under a former model deputy corp counsel, Michael Collins. The embarrassment in this City is non-stop. Now, according to WNPR, the Mayor released a statement saying he was referring a matter to the same Audit Commission that corporation counsel had declared invalid and incapable of acting. Huh?? Resurrect the auditors and commission when it suits a specific inquiry??

  5. I declare this blog to be null and void.

  6. Larry is always putting fun stuff on the council agenda (none of it ever goes anywhere) but, everyone (except Larry)knows the Council can only remove a city officer w 7 votes and hearing, etc.

    That being said, not a word on this blog about the missing $700K? Why the silence?

  7. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

    What the French in 1849 knew: “The more it changes, the more it’s the same thing.”

  8. And I do not support Ljon at all. He is a giant dip-stick and should have been gone long ago.

    That being said Larry Deutch is quite amusing and the visions of sugarplums and municipal law dancing in his head are adorable.

  9. I think I see a pattern here. When something gets commented on, questioned, or discussed in a way that Kevin does not like he will quickly post "fluff pieces" to knock the posting down the page.

    I noticed the same thing happened after the 'reluctant' (and utterly ridiculously biased) posting about another one of his pals driving drunk into a head-on accident with her city vehicle.

    Something is happening with Kevin's other pals -- Bruce "Attack-Dog-In-Need-Of-A-Diet" Rubenstein and Treasurer Adam "Satin Sheets" Cloud -- but he doesn't want to let his 5k-a-day viewers to see it.

    Kevin, I know that you posted earlier that your Blog has "an agenda" but come on. Its one thing to push an agenda, its another to help cover up your pal's wrongdoing.

    And I do not support Ljon at all. He is a giant dip-stick and should have been gone long ago.

    That being said Larry Deutch is quite amusing and the visions of sugarplums and municipal law dancing in his head are adorable.

  10. kWhy won't this post?

    I think I see a pattern here. When something gets commented on, questioned, or discussed in a way that Kevin does not like he will quickly post "fluff pieces" to knock the posting down the page.

    I noticed the same thing happened after the 'reluctant' (and utterly ridiculously biased) posting about another one of his pals driving drunk into a head-on accident with her city vehicle.

    Something is happening with Kevin's other pals -- Bruce "Attack-Dog-In-Need-Of-A-Diet" Rubenstein and Treasurer Adam "Satin Sheets" Cloud -- but he doesn't want to let his 5k-a-day viewers to see it.

    Kevin, I know that you posted earlier that your Blog has "an agenda" but come on. Its one thing to push an agenda, its another to help cover up your pal's wrongdoing.

  11. Burying the lead,

    Information doesn't come about without some work, you clearly have an agenda to discredit Treasurer Cloud but you have provided no information other than to throw accusations around , apparently based solely on Jeff Cohens column. If you have the smoking gun, provide it so I don't have to wait for FOI requests

  12. Burying the lead,

    Information doesn't come about without some work, you clearly have an agenda to discredit Treasurer Cloud but you have provided no information other than to throw accusations around , apparently based solely on Jeff Cohens column. If you have the smoking gun, provide it so I don't have to wait for FOI requests

  13. Burying the lead,

    you posted your comment eight times

    Once is enough

  14. Apologies for multiple posts -- those captcha phrases are difficult to read and it does not give any confirmation that the comment was submitted (that is probably why you have many people accusing you of not posting their comments -- you have posted all of mine even if they are negative so thanks for that).

    I have an agenda for the truth and to REALLY clean house of ALL the garbage.

    I am not in a position to give you insider information -- so does this mean that you are going to investigate it and FOIA documents?

    Don't chalk it up to it simply being retaliation from Pedro do some digging ... something smells fishy and it isn't just the Treasurer's many fancy seafood dinners.

  15. Kevin. The problem your having is that your posting so called "confirned" information. It appears your info isn't really confitmed since you never provide any cross refetence or collaborating facts or circumstances. Many of your readers have caught onto this. There is no journalistic standard being applied here snd also your picking and choosing what comments or replies make it on the blog. Youve been called out several times for your innacuracies and you seem to be leaving out exculpatory ingormation being provided by your readers yet your quick to request proof or evidence for anybody who challenges your postings.

  16. Marathon 12 hrs of ot for klinOctober 9, 2013 at 8:34 PM

    I appoligize. A little off topic but i need to vent. Im really getting sick and tired of the klin games. Why is he now making his own rules? So let me get this straight, i cant use comp time to work ot pjs? Or correct me special secret ones like u do klin ? I cant wait to see the wheel barrel of grievances against you. I hear. But i give u credit, u have strong connections. I wonder what you do , you must be expertly skilled at home improvement, but not a barber i bet .......meniacal laugh ..... Sorry kevin. Off topic.

  17. ch 30 is reporting that SKB changed her story about the car crash now after HPD video contradicted her statement.

    She said she left the NAACP dinner about 10 PM to go straight to the police station and was too upset to drive. Now she admits she didn't get to the police station until almost 1 am, 3 hours after leaving the dinner.

    So the dinner which was supposedly the "official" reason for her having the car didn't have a thing to do with her being at the PD that night. Total lie and misleading for her to even mention NAACP dinner as a reason she had the car out that night.

    But 3-4 Hours later she was still unable to drive?
    She says her son's girlfriend called her when son was being arrested and she went to their apartment. HOW did the gf call her when the gf was also being arrested? Wasn't the gf held without bail?
    Did SKB interfere in her son's arrest? Try to use her authority and position to influence or weaken charge? FOI her city issued cell phone calls between 9:30 pm and 2 AM that night. How many city officials and brass at the HPD did she call/get calls from during that time?
    And who believes she was sitting in her car for three hours between 10pm-1 am?
    Unbelievable. She "apologized" to the mayor in a public statement. it was another very public lie.

  18. Annonymous 9:32. If HPD is going to spearhead this I think that even though it is a city issued phone that a a search warrant has to be applied for in the event of a criminal investigation. If its an administrative issue being conducted by city hall they can get the info and then choose to hand it over to the P D (fat chance) for further action. Well see what happens

  19. Don't expect Kevin to reveal anything critical of Adam Cloud. At least Kevin is a loyal friend.

    However, the HC does not paint such a pretty picture of Mr. Cloud. Their story leads to alot more questions than it answers. Such as why does a vendor call up the treasurer directly to get paid when they never even submitted an invoice to the city? And why does Mr. Cloud think its okay to pay this vendor, instead of the one who initiated the payment request, under the premises of he thought it was the right thing for the people of Hartford? Puuuleeezeee...like Cloud buying iTunes and fancy hotel rooms for himself on the city's p-card, was he thinking of the "people" when he did that? And why is he calling the insurance carrier to see if the city is still covered even though they haven't been paid if he wasn't complicit or have something to be concerned about? And why does the guy from Hybrid call him directly instead of the BOE or the city's insurance broker Segur and the guy is now MIA to all but Cloud? And finally if the insurance company has not been paid, why isn't the PD looking into the theft of public funds by Hybrid, and Cloud for aiding and abetting?
