Sunday, October 13, 2013


The answer is simple, because Hartford's Deputy Corporation Counsel L. John Van Norden says so. Shouldn't that be enough for us? L. John says so.

It is not good enough for me. I can look at the situation and see that since Rubenstein has been appointed to the Hartford Internal Audit commission, times have become very difficult for Van Norden's bosses, Saundra Kee-Borges and Pedro Segarra.. Too bad.

The facts are the facts and the fact is that the Internal Audit Commission has gotten over a severe case of "low T" since Bruce was appointed by Hartford's Treasurer Adam Cloud. The Audit Commission has grown a spine and has realized they do not answer to Hartford City Hall. They are there to keep City on the right path to best serve the people of Hartford.

The Audit Commission is actually producing some very good reports, identifying problems and forcing change. That  is what they were designed to do. I think it is hitting too close to home for the City Hall power brokers as their incompetence is being identified publicly now  and really causing people to question what is going on. The Keney Park Tree Audit should have everyone shaking their heads and questioning "how could this happen?'.

 Are we really supposed to believe that no one in City government ever questioned the presence of logging trucks and equipment traversing the Golf Course  or no one noticed hundreds of large Oak stumps across the course.

Was it really up to Rubenstein and the Auditors to identify abuse of City vehicles and force the establishment of a solid vehicle use policy? Wasn't the Mayor's former Chief of Staff stealing his City vehicle enough to get the Administration to realize they had a problem. Wasn't the fact that there was apparently no centralized list of who even had City Vehicles troubling enough to do something?

Did it really take the crash of two City vehicles to get something started, one accident definitely alcohol related and the other questionably alcohol related, as well as a questionable time line before the accident occurred? Did it really have to fall on the Rubenstein and the  Audit Commission to be the heavies?

 The obvious answer is yes. In a City that is spiraling out of control due to a lack of leadership and management, I am appreciative that we do have a few people willing to pit their necks on the line to protect us. Hartford's Auditors Patrick Campbell and Craig Trujillio I am sure are having some sleepless nights. Even though they are supposed to be autonomous from City Hall, their paychecks still come from Hartford City Hall.

They are doing audits and filing reports that are not pleasing City Hall ,I am sure of that.

In Van Nordens letter below he essentially telling Hartford Treasurer Adam Cloud, "get rid of Rubenstein or else" . Cloud is the appointing Authority  for Rubenstein to the Internal Audit Commission  as authorized under the Hartford Municipal Code.

In the letter, Van Norden threatens the use of a "quo warranto" action if Cloud doesn't comply with his demands. In the United States today, quo warranto usually arises in a civil case as a plaintiff's claim (and thus a "cause of action" instead of a writ) that some governmental or corporate official was not validly elected to that office or is wrongfully exercising powers beyond (or ultra vires) those authorized by statute or by the corporation's charter.

Where is the threat for Segarra's Department heads who should fall under the same type of action when they breach their contracts and aren't residing in Hartford as required by the Municipal Code?Apparently they aren't challenging the Mayor's competence and powers the same way as Rubenstein and the Commission are.

Van Norden seems to be concerned regarding a possible Conflict of Interest of Rubenstein being on the commission, yet conflicts have never seemed to be in the sights of Corporation Counsel in the past. Where was the concern when the previous Chairman of the Internal Audit Commission, who by the way resigned shortly after Rubenstein arrived on the scene. The Chairman was a high ranking official with Webster Bank. A financial institution that the City of Hartford did business with.

Why was there no concern about a conflict there. Maybe because the Internal Audit Commission were the quiet lapdogs they were supposed to be and never stirred the pot , never challenging the Mayor or City operations. The focus was more on whether or not the nickels in the Cashiers office were being stored in the correct tray in the cash register. The scope of the investigations conducted in the last six months have been huge and requiring a large amount of staff hours, but they are rising to the challenge and doing some great work

If van Norden feels he has the grounds for his "quo warranto" action, I say bring it on and let a judge decide. I somehow feel that will be another mark in the defeat column for Van Norden and his legal "career".

Here is Van Nordens letter to the Honorable Adam Cloud, Treasurer of the City of Hartford.


  1. QUO WARRRANTO!! Yet another $2 dollar Latin phrase from this shameless example of a Deputy Corporation Counsel. This latest memo/threat is outrageous in its demands upon the Office of the City Treasurer, and is unprecedented. By continuing to use Corporation Counsel letterhead containing Ms. Borges' name, Van Norden (or Van Nutten) has either intentionally or unwittingly implicated her in his ongoing schoolboy tirades.

    Municipal legal offices are no different than a professional firm. Van Norden has wrongly dragged his office into whatever suicide mission someone set him on, for purposes of trying to hush and stall the Internal Audit Commission (IAC). How are the Mayor or BOE going to have anything investigated by the IAC, if Van Norden deemed it invalid ON BEHALF OF the City, as its legal counsel? As so many of us sadly say, ONLY in Hartford . . . .

    Now that this letter has been brought forth publicly (thank you, Kevin) as well as the irresponsible letter Van Norden previously wrote and copied unnecessarily to so many corporate entities, the ongoing liability demonstrated by this employee is stunning.

    While Minority Council Leader Larry Deutsch has courageously put forth a resolution seeking to fire Van Norden, I do not believe it will be necessary. As of Tuesday, both the Mayor and Corp Counsel Borges will have no choice but to preempt possible Council action and fire Van Norden themselves. Otherwise, it will rest with both sides of Council to act as stewards and immediately eliminate this ongoing source of harm and embarrassment. Who knows what other emails or letters exist that have not been made public, but equally embarrass or expose the City based on poor legal advice. This needs to end NOW.

  2. As of a week later (Oct. 13, 4am), there is to my knowledge apparently no confirmation from Administration regarding removal of Mr. Van Norden - whose opinions and status perhaps should be referred to Connecticut bar for evaluation.

  3. Fix previous comment time - Mon. Oct 15, 4am, almost a week later...

  4. Who are the current audit commission members, when do their terms expire and who (Council, Mayor, etc) nominated each person? Thanks

  5. Another mess in Hartford's city hall.
    There is always BIG problems with this administration. Who will ever get to the bottom of this mess/mather and many more to arise? Is Charlie involved too?
