Friday, October 25, 2013


A few weeks ago, most people in Hartford had never heard the name Earl O"Garro. Now it is the name that is sending shock waves through Hartford City Hall as FBI agents have descended with Federal Grand Jury subpoenas looking into the dealings of Hartford's City Treasurer Adam Cloud and others with O'Garro's company Hybrid Insurance.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are now unaccounted for as O'Garros' dealings with the City of Hartford and others begin to unravel. This appears to be the beginning of the end for O'Garro's quick rise in the Insurance and business community

As you watch the video, I think you might agree, he would have been better served if he actually took his mothers advice.

Click here to watch directly on you tube if the embed below doesn't work


  1. I hope his mom prays for his son to try and be honest and face reality. Embezzlement is a crime. Taking money from the city/policyholder is a crime. Great our city taxes are going up! Thanks Earl! What kind of lifestyle u living my friend? CLOUD AND O GARRO need to start telling the truth bc once the feds start digging it's game over.

  2. Segarra's attempts to tie this clown to Treasurer Cloud are cheap and desperate enough to make me wonder if Kupiec is still running things.

  3. It's good that they are looking into this and that City Hall and others called for independent eyes to investigate this matter. I'm surprised though we have heard little to nothing from Shawn Wooden. He has been quick to call for investigations into the mayor, or department heads (not unnecessarily I might say)but seems to have gone silent when something involves his close friend Cloud. There should be no issue with the two of them being friends but Shawn has shown poor leadership and looks to me as being disingenuous when he preaches about perceived misgivings of others.

  4. It's good that they are looking into this and that City Hall and others called for independent eyes to investigate this matter. I'm surprised though we have heard little to nothing from Shawn Wooden. He has been quick to call for investigations into the mayor, or department heads (not unnecessarily I might say)but seems to have gone silent when something involves his close friend Cloud. There should be no issue with the two of them being friends but Shawn has shown poor leadership and looks to me as being disingenuous when he preaches about perceived misgivings of others.

  5. City hall stolen furnitureOctober 29, 2013 at 1:56 PM

    Hey mayor caviar,
    You will not get one cent in concessions from the pd. Since you like exspensive dinners and pay your secretaries 110 k a year. Why dont you walk down albany ave at 3 am on friday nite.
    You have some nerve to even suggest the city budget for 2014 is in the red. What a freakin shock!! But once all your little pals have saved their own hides, who do you think is responsible for the city ? Yes you mayor caviar . Good luck with all the federal stuff and lawsuits .
    Just to remind you, you will not get one red cent from the pd union. ...oh. And mr mayor. I hope u enjoyed your vacation to puerto rico. Who paid those bills. It was city business, oh i forgot. Good excuse. No comment on your travel companions

  6. Did the Mayor have caviar in Puerto Rico ?

  7. Pedro, nice try the other night by trying to slip in a walk in ordinance to knockout mr Rubenstein from the IAC.To bad that all your efforts and the efforts of SKB and L John Van Psycho cant be more productive as he isnt going anywhere.

  8. Another messy story in Hartford's CITY HALL. The sad thing is that folks around the STATE and COUNTRY laugh as Hartford's saga continues.
    Cars smashed, money mishandled, employment of friends that do NOT qualify for positions, former staffers continue to be on the CITY PAYROLL and money continues to be put into their pensions, three Registra of Voters and Deputies, some employees get FIRED or leave to work at other jobs, the largest ant-povety agency CRT (office located in Hartford's Northend)is under Federal Investigation again and the list goes on and on. Hartford On The Rise!!!! According to WHO?

  9. Dear Anonymous 2:50,

    The marketing people meant that "Hartford is on the rise" in criminality,negligence and imcompetance in city hall.

  10. No, he's Cloud's friend !!

  11. AC
    needs to resign,the FBI are on him Btime

    and Bk you cannot save him or his fam tides to the thief, don't T.
    U mayb next?.

  12. All of ya need to shut the hell up and keep ya comments to ya self ya don't know him and for the record he's a great person whose mother raised him well some of ya don't have the education he do and never will and when this all ends I wanna see who gonna say what

  13. Anonymous, 11:14PM,

    As you stated "for the record" if he is a great person who was raised well, maybe you could ask him where all the missing money is and when people can expect to get paid back


  14. if you know Earl, he's ambitious... And if you've known Earl as long as I have, you would know that, when you look at all this- it's not a surprise.

    He's always had an air of arrogance, and a thinly-veiled charm of a phony/charlatan. I heard he was driving a Maserati around Hartford and living in a 5000 square foot home. Both taken by the bank? Don't know what to believe, but it's not really a surprise that his hubris is still alive and well. Good luck Earl- your undeniably desire for recognized success may have finally ruined you.

  15. None of this is a surprise. Earl is a compulsive liar and a complete fraud. Jail cell, hopefully soon.

  16. Earl's always been full of himself. He and his family donated 15% of Adam Cloud's campaign money. The whole family went in on it. So much for family values, mother knows best. Conflict of interest? At least!
    sounds like quid pro quo in a most ethically-dubious sense.

    Fraud, embezzlement and corruption? Earl's fake companies and fraudulent claims posing as an insurance agent of another company? Clouds' family involvement, Earl's family involvement- restaurant gone, back bills, threatening and assaulting an estranged ex wife- it's all crashing down
