Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Here is the recap of last nights Council meeting provided courtesy of the Hartford City Clerks Office.

Read the recap closely, you might find some interesting things that passed last night


  1. The Court of Common Council takes care of their friends. Do not forget their friends put them in office.

  2. Segarra was quoted in the courant as stating that we were going to revise the city's community policing plan. I think this is a fancy way of saying we are going to cut the PD's budget, yet again.

  3. Kevin, what is your take on the mayor's State of the City address? Do you think anything is going get better in Hartford?

  4. No, nothing will ever get better in Hartford. Until the neighborhoods are attractive and livable no one will move here. The Mayor just doesn't get it and neither dose the Hartford Alliance. If and when all these wonderful top executives live and place their children in Hartford schools the city might start to turn around. But that will never happen. Hartford will remain broken and poverty will prevail.

  5. What does city council do?
    They try to micro manage the police department when not one of them has a clue whatsoever. They should let the chief do what he was appointed to do, run the PD. I'll tell you what they'll do next......try and slash the PD budget more as they could care less about the community and want to see the chief fail. All they care about is putting a minority in charge......which is on the horizon.....

  6. I agree with Anonymous 5:02, but after growing up and living in the Hartford area for almost 50 years, I recall my late Father's words saying that Hartford and also Connecticut needs to fix the taxes, living in Hartford is so expensive, not only for the homeowners, the businesses, look what you have to pay for car insurance, when years ago I moved just outside of Hartford line, my own vehicle insurance dropped $500.00 a year, why was that I asked my Insurance company and she said, you know longer live in the City. Yeah it cost to live in the City, you have your Fire and Police Depts. you have your Public works, etc, but so does Newington, Wethersfield, East Hartford, Rocky Hill, and no one pays taxes as much as the residents, and businesses in Hartford....why is that ?


  7. Absolutely nothing new is going to happen. As long as they have the "Elite Group of Attorneys sitting at the throne with Pedro living the life of the rich and famous. Hartford will never be a shining star. "Hartford just don't have it"

    When Hartford stops catering to their greedy selfish friends, maybe then Hartford will be an better shape. Everyone is only there for themselves. They are only in Hartford from 8am to 5pm and then they all rush out to their nice homes away from the real world.

  8. City Resident said...
    I agree Hartford is in a sorry state of affairs. People work here and run to their suburban homes with their pay checks. It has been going on for years. Oh, I use to live in Hartford or I grew up in Hartford are common statements that are said about the capitol city.

  9. To answer Anonymous 3:48, yeah I was borne and raised in Hartford, my family, and relatives lived and worked in Hartford, but growing up and hearing all the time from my parents and other relatives, It's expensive living in Hartford, and it is, I was once married, divorced raising a child (s) in Hartford, I owned a home in Hartford, and worked in Hartford, but after the divorce I couldn't keep up with the taxes and the insurance, I had no other choice after renting in Hartford to move out, I couldn't afford it anymore..yes Hartford is my home town/city, it has a lot to offer, but the same goes with surrounding towns of Hartford, they too have a lot to offer, but at least I was able to afford it, and raise my child, and still have money left over.

  10. To Anonymous at 8:47, I believe the taxes are ridiculously high in Hartford due to the following:
    A lack of leadership and consistently bad decision making in city government for many years. Second, neighborhood institutions such as hospitals, churches and non-profit organizations that own property in the city are non-taxable, and don't add to the Grand List. Over half of the properties in Hartford are non-taxable. I recall the State of CT was supposed to fully fund PILOT to make up the difference for city taxpayers. I don't know what happened with that though...

  11. So what is the salary for being on the board of MDC?

  12. So what's so special about Kennard Ray compared to any other gun carrying drug dealer in this city? Why the huge push to take care of this clown?

  13. I was thinking the same thing about Kennard Ray. He "kindly" stepped down a few months back and was clearly told that he would be rewarded when the dust cleared. Anyone who thinks that mope should be anywhere other than a jail cell is completely delusional.

  14. Who cares about the felon Kennard Ray , you are out of subject...

    What does the City Council do?
    They play the bureaucratic language to favor their own, which translate to "NOTHING". "A
    Bunch of crook attorneys " playing politics and wasting tax payers dollars...
