Thursday, July 17, 2014


I usually think that if you are going to be making accusations against someone, be a man and own up to it. Anyone can find some stooge to carry their water for them, and today Council President Shawn Wooden did just that.

Although he sent out press releases apparently attempting to show how upset he was with his Senate race opponent, he apparently wasn't upset enough to sign his name to an SEEC elections complaint.

The complaint below was apparently filed today by Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings and Hartford Democratic party operative John Gale.

As the complaint states , much of the evidence is subjective. I have to agree with that. There are no clear cut facts as to whether Coleman's mailing was improper or not. Is Coleman's objection to the stadium deal as candidate Coleman or was he representing his constituents as Senator Coleman. Since every news report I saw identified him as Senator Coleman, I think that it would be hard to prove  anything he said was as a candidate and had no bearing on his position as a Senator.

 The law does seem to be somewhat ambiguous and actually addressed in two different titles of the Connecticut General statutes

Like I said in the previous posting, lets get to the facts and knock off the nonsense. It is beneath the dignity we expect of the Senate.


  1. Maybe the Councilwoman should take some time writing checks for her back taxes rather than writing baseless SEEC complaints. What is next , a statement on ethics from Councilman Aponte?

  2. City money for the Gale'sJuly 17, 2014 at 6:23 PM

    Attorney John Gale and his daughter have been on the City payroll for years. His daughter received City money for her business and Attorney Gale gets alot of City legal work.Jennings lives in Windsor and wanted her Council salary to be 90k...what an outrage she is.Neither have even 1/10th the ethics that Senator Coleman has.

  3. leave Wooden alone, he'll just do anything to get elected. Anything. Yesterday he's for a baseball stadium, you know, that done deal stadium. Thought support for a stadium will be popular. Today, after learning there's no support and no money for a stadium, Wooden is now against a stadium. This guy is clueless about budgets and finance. Clueless. Let him say anything he wants, just don't pay any attention. And remember to show him the door coming election day.

  4. Kevin: Please review the document you attached to this post. I do not believe it is the document you describe in your post.

  5. Wooden is a weasel, he feels entitled and when things don't go his way he runs.... he kinda looks like Forest Gump;" Run Forest Run", Run the hell out of Hartford, you couldn't get closer out of the city, living on the line, being on the fence as a so called Council President, teaming up with the Pervert Msyor for self reward, Wooden you are a USELESS LOOSER, SPINELESS MAN with NO PERSONLITY, VISON or knowledge of Hartford,

    Lets see how he handles the Stadium Protest today, he should ask for a spot on yhe team as a SWITCH HITTER, we know he can do that!

  6. Double aa ball team shawnJuly 22, 2014 at 12:56 AM

    Can we be invited to wooden,s 1 million dollar house with the pool in the backyard.

  7. are you referring to his house on Scarborough street? he purchased it in 2007 for $860,000. he's paying taxes on his home based on value of $190,000 (grand list total value $635,000). we hope he invites us to his house

  8. Wooden lives in a little house: total 10 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths plus 1 half bath

  9. Shawn is a millionaire living better then you and I ever will. The only time he is seen in the north end is when he drives there to get rent checks from the property he owns

  10. Millionaire shawn, which property he owns?

  11. Could you be more specific, where exactly he collect his rent checks, we should know the truth about our elected officials, not only what they're telling us
