Thursday, July 17, 2014


"No, the other Rob Ford"
To anyone reading this blog, I hope the answer is never. Racsim in today's society should never be tolerable. Whether you are a young child or a Deputy Police Chief in Hartford, there is no place for racism.

It is a two way street and equality should apply to everyone, it is not just a matter of certain minority groups claiming to be victims of racism, but everyone should be able to be free of racist jokes and comments and words that make them feel uncomfortable

Wheter it is the use of the "n" word or making the offhanded ethic joke against Polish or Italian or Irish people, it is all racism and causes both hurt and harm.

Allegations have been made against Deputy Chief Rob Ford of the Hartford Police Department that recently in a meeting with a group of his subordinates, he made disparaging remarks  against an Italian officer and his Italian heritage, according to sources in attendance that "I don't give a F**K about your Italian Family"

 The complaint has now risen to the level of an Internal Affairs Investigation to get to the truth of the matter. Chief Rovella today called for the acting Commander of Internal Affairs to launch an official investigation based on an internal complaint, called an I-file.

Ford apparently knew his actions were wrong and a few days after the comments were made he went to the officer and tried to smooth things over  asking the officer "did my comments offend you?" to which the officer answered "Yes".

Much more to come on this I am sure


  1. You're a funny dude. How do you ever expect to be taken seriously?

    You mention Ford's incident. What about Neville's? He's currently under investigation AGAIN... Another I-File, for making disparaging remarks about a Sergeant. He ordered a Sergeant to tell another Sergeant that he hoped he died on the operating table in front of his wife and kids. He ORDERED someone to say that. An outside Attorney was brought in to investigate after an I-File was ordered by Rovella. I am sure you already knew that though.... You use this blog to go after your friends' enemies and you protect your friends.

    Rovella has a joke for a command staff. Guys who haven't done anything at HPD. Guys who bragged about sleeping on midnights. Guys who the city spent 100k to investigate. Guys who danced on tables and made racist jokes. Guys with High School diplomas. What Happened to HPD? what a joke.

  2. I think if you look back through the archives here, you will see that the Rudewicz report you referenced was posted here in its entirety, the same as I will do with the Ford Investigation when it is complete

  3. I used to hate coming to work at hpd, but now i dont mind since i have realized no other place will pay me 100k to work at a disfunctional low standard organization . 99 percent of this job is show up. I have met some of the dumbest ego driven losers that the world has to offer at this job.
    This command staff is lacking, but roberts and mccoy were worse. Not to mention the hulk and mini me neil . Rovella has good intentions, but you cant crap into gold .

  4. Dont you worry c sqaud flies, LT West will handle the business on mids ..

  5. Nothing will happen to Ford, mark my words. The Italian Officers Association should have written something to the chief. Christ, Rinaldi has been on the board for years now. Way to go Paul. I always wanted to be a CSO. But, the schedule Ford had been trying to impose on his CSO's is not only a violation of union contract, it's BAD. Why would he do that to his people? You're quite the motivator there chief. Kessler got what, 10 days for the exact same thing. Lets see what Ford gets.

  6. Yes i agree 100 percent with comment at 249. Ford uses the supervision through intimidation tactic. It does not work nor does acting like a crazy man at meetings. Kessler made a dumb mistake. I was not surprised at all bout steve, but ford is probably over welmed with ambition that he clean be the saving grace to clean up the north end.
    Reality check. The north end looks like a war torn third world country. ....

  7. Trayvon Martin livesJuly 26, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    rob is a breath of fresh air for the pd none of the white officers have a issue with Kessler blatant racism which has been proven because it was recorded but you all have a problem with ford alleged bigotry news flash blacks cant be racist we cant tell whites what schools to attend what water fountains an bathrooms you can use not getting a loan for a bank or a house that's institutional racism Jim Crow blacks can be bigots but we never had the power in America to be racists Brookman every dog has its day an you an Foley an Brooks day is coming Karma is real an im sure you wont post this but HPD has gotten worse since Rovella took over an there is a petition being started by all the black officers in HPD to publicize the Racism an discrimination that's been going on in that place cant wait for this case to crack wide open

  8. Hooked on Phonics did not work for you...Hey "Tayvon Martin Lives" You are the laughing stock of the blog right now. Because you sound like an idiot... Oh and just so this does not get misconstrued my comment has nothing to do with your race but it does have something to say about your level of intellect.. welcome to the 21st century where racisim is not a prevalent as you think. Get over it the world owes you nothing.

  9. Nothing will happen. If i had a pj slip every time an idiot here has screwed up... From evidence kicker to felix nascar races... Nothing, yes nothing will happen. Work your pjs and ignore the politics ..

  10. Show me a community and i will police it . Ford cant clean up a disaster zone like the north end. I blame the parents and residents that have zero morals and ethics these days. Im bleased to not live in a dump like hartford.

  11. Trayvon Martin,

    Sounds like Fig woke up long enough to turn his computer on and spout more of his baseless BS. No facts to back up what he says, just his usual nonsense. Bring on the petition, should be interesting how many of you have the balls to put your names to your crazy accusations
