Tuesday, July 29, 2014


It might be easier to make sense of this post if you read this archived post first  http://wethepeoplehartford.blogspot.com/2012/10/hartfords-finest.html

After reading that , most people seem to wonder why Luis Feliciano was offered a position as a Hartford Police Officer. Granted, the murder charges were not prosecuted for whatever reason, but the testimony by Springfield officers regarding gang affiliations and the "drug trafficking" evidence found after the search warrant of Feliciano's apartment  should have drawn his character to be a police officer into question

The fact that the homicide charges were not prosecuted I guess legally gave Feliciano the right to say he had never been arrested or convicted of a crime, But Hartford Police applicants are rejected for far less than being charged with murder.

Unfortunately for HPD, the Civil Service Commission report in Feliciano vs. the Springfield Police was released after Feliciano was hired by Hartford. The hearing officers report and comments were telling statements into Feliciano's character. Commissioner Christopher Bowman found that Feliciano's testimony was less than credible and stated that it didn't carry any weight in his decision because he didn't consider Feliciano truthful.

Now lets move ahead to recent history. Yesterday, 7/29/2014 Hartford Police Officer Luis Feliciano was suspended as a police officer and his badge and gun were taken away. All the pieces of the puzzle are still coming together but according to several  police sources, somehow Feliciano was ensnared in an FBI investigation being conducted at the Hartford Walmart. The scope of that investigation is unknown , but at least one source confirmed that the FBI is not currently investigating Feliciano, they just uncovered the original wrongdoing

Feliciano's alleged activity was apparently uncovered by the FBI during the course of their investigation, including video evidence, which was then turned over to HPD and their Internal Affairs Division. Again, according to police sources, Feliciano's activity apparently involved theft of Walmart merchandise while he was working private duty jobs at Walmart.

The value or specifics of the merchandise were not available at this time as the HPD Internal investigation continues.

One source speaking on the condition of anonymity stated that the evidence is solid and will most likely result in criminal charges being filed eventually against Feliciano


  1. Wow, the Hartford Fire Department isn't the top story today . I guess the latest arrest "slipped through the cracks". This idiot is a perfect candidate for the next HFD recruit class! Welcome Aboard!

  2. Shame on the Hartford Police Department for hiring this guy in the first place...what part of his back history did you not get. I guess stupid is as stupid is. When there were probably more qualified people at the time of this guy's hiring, you hire this man...ghee, let me guess, who is he related to, has to be someone, if the City hired him. Shame on you PD, shame on you !

  3. The background investigator, ( starts with a G ) if she was not too busy shopping for clothes or 46, would have noticed that there was a pending suit against springfield pd. She could have made a 2 minute phone call to springfield pd backgrounds. But she has always been protected and taken care of. Just look at her spot on the New fishy LT list.
    Rovella will handle business and drop this zero from the ranks quickly.

  4. This "Bird" looks sober,he would never make it as a Hartford Firefighter!

  5. Is anyone surprised? What's the big deal here? If officer Luis was a murderer/drug dealer he could still be hired by HPD. After all, you're talking Hartford here. This city that is managed so unprofessionally, some residents say it's run like a mafia. A mayor enjoying caviar with his close friends, his overpaid employees use city cars without authorization, Saundra Kee Borges and her fiance involved in a car accident, credit cards unexplained expenses and missing receipts later found in a shoebox of all places, asking behind closed doors like thieves at night for $60 million bond for a done-deal stadium, unpaid insurance premiums for the city and who knows where the money is, and on and on and on. Nothing should surprise us in Hartford.

  6. Im curious. Aside from the Walmart incident. What is this young mans track record while working as a Hartford Police Officer?

  7. Another drunken firefighter incident, Is there an abuse problem in the fire dept. I think so

  8. let's get the details about the murder, let's hear the ENTIRE story! we deserve to know the truth. We CAN handle the truth. Can mayor caviar handle the truth?

  9. Lots of non-sense is going on right under Rovella's nose. Does he not see it or not care? He's been a good chief, but time to step it up. Kevin, please start an investigation or pass onto the FBI the tainted LT test that Heavren put together. It's a known fact that Heavren has had an inappropriate relationship with a certain female sergeant. It's also a known fact, that would not take much of an FBI investigation, to prove Heavren gave the LT test to her. Do you think it's a coincidence she came out número 2??? If you guys aren't filing a class action lawsuit / injunction against that test, this HPD is doomed! Take of the blinders Chief Rovella.

  10. FBI Laundry List, although. I agree and appreciate your sentiment and yes we all know a lot is going on under Rovella's nose and under the Mayor's nose, so much so that we call it SOP; Standard Operating. Procedure.

    You speak of an inappropriate relationship in HPD, which we all know is SOP and accepted under this Pervert Mayor. I worked a PJ at last years Jazz Festival where the Mayor and his husband were lying on a blanket with a female.drinking, she was visible intoxicated and I wondered who she was, i found out she was the City Forester. I didn't think much of it at the time until now, when HPD arrested a Park employee at work, come to find out the City Forester is involved in inappropriate relationship with an employee she supervises and now pregnant by said employee, stiry told he is not the only employee and maybe a Cop or two. If I as a man conducted myself like her, I would be gone, one can surmise her inappropriate actions are tolerated by her inappropriate relationship with the Mayor and Charlie.

    Speaking of noses the Mayor is Pinocchio, his nose is growing, growing, growing, every time he opens his mouth the lies fly out. This Mayor has different rules and standards for different employees. Feliciano's activity will be ok with the Mayor especially since he's Hispanic.

    Inappropriate relationships is how this Mayor operates (SOP). I am embarrased to say where I work and considering relocating to Hartford just to vote this scum out!

  11. Way to go hpd. Hire more idiots. Im glad im not an fto or a supervisor. I rather work for idiots then try to supervise idiots ... Bunch of turds ...

  12. Hey rovella. Ed foster should be the court liason. Plain and simple.

  13. What happened to the rob ford case?
    A proud Italian american.
    Please print this

  14. Anonymous 8:47PM

    As I posted, the Rob Ford case has been referred to Internal Affairs at the request of Chief Rovella. It is currently in the process and nothing with IAD happens quickly or without careful consideration by Chief Rovella. I am sure something will have to be done as far as discipline if the facts bear out to be true. I would say Ford's comments were much more direct than those made by Sgt. Kessler and can't be misconstrued for anything other than the way they were intended.

    Stay tuned.

  15. Kevin, any chance we'll get some good news from you? For example mayor caviar resigned after he finds out that his done deal ballpark becomes his fantasy deal ballpark. Something good as this can work pretty good for us. Any chance?

  16. its great how you wont post anything that has anything negative to say about rovella...if you want the truth don't be so blinded by your so called "friends."

  17. Wishful thinking but Pedro is here to stay. As long as Pedro S. and Charlie O. are running - sorry, RUINING - this city, they'll not leave, no matter how many more scandals, corruption, and disgust we face

  18. Do we have ranks higher than Lt. that doesn't work 8 to 4?July 31, 2014 at 8:00 PM

    This city is a joke. I often want to believe in it...then I look around.

    At least we might be more competent than DPW. Then again DPW might just be the underdog, and their works goes unnoticed. Since these Hartford zombies use garbage cans like they do birth control. Just throwing their trash anywhere they want, and letting someone else clean it up.

    Hartford has a problem of always putting their success into the dreams of tomorrow instead of today.

    Hartford has all the things it needs to be successful (taxes, jobs, infrastructure, land, resources) EXCEPT the people to execute it into action.

  19. Shattered dreams ...July 31, 2014 at 9:13 PM

    Edward foster for union prez. !!!!!!

  20. At least you know where you stand with Foster, he says what's on his mind

  21. LT list number nine was pacing around the upper deck of the parking garage for the entire a squad shift. Is she on patrol up there or just talking on the phone ? I wish one day i could be one of the special ones like commander foster speaks of ....

  22. See Felix, not so bad. The spotlight is already off you and is on this turd. You've always done a good job and you've always been a good street cop, just on occasion you don't use your head. The city could use more cops like you that actually want to fight crime and catch bad guys.

  23. Hey PO PO, Im thinking of having my son apply for HPD. Should i "Hang It Up" and have him apply in the suburbs instead??? Sounds like HPD is WASHED UP! Thanks ahead for any responses i get .

  24. Baez jr tried to resign on sat morn.

  25. Give' em hell ed foster, give em HELL!!!!!

  26. Ed Foster the dude is solid. Ed will be next union President.
    Replace ,, Rich Holton he is not qualified and could care less only thinks of himself..
    Foster please run for union president. We need an honest man.

  27. All of PATROL is behind u ed foster. Lead us into battle any time. Any place. No more selective politics round these parts without corrective fairness across the board!

    Put' em all across the ropes ed. I choose you as my new HPD union prez. Start an injuction on holton. Shevchek can be vp.
    Fig is old news. Get the signitures for a change !!

  28. Impeach Holton / FigAugust 3, 2014 at 1:32 PM

    I don't think Foster may be the best choice for prez, but he would certainly be better than Holton. Does anyone see Holton? Does he do anything good for the union body? He could care less about you. It's not that hard to get together as a union body and remove him from office. But wait, you guys can't get 10 union members to a union meeting, so it will never happen.
    Fig....he's a racist against anyone who isn't hispanic, always has been. He's another city hire that's good for absolutely nothing. He sleeps his entire shift to rest up for a daily PJ. He will be the one laughing at the end, having done nothing his entire career and rewarded at the end, that's what this place is all about it seems.

  29. Where is Holton now a days. During elections he was at 10-2 everyday shaking hands, smiling and talking to new guys while making promises. Now that he has been reelected you no longer hear a peep from him. And when we do have an occasional sighting of him he doesn't even acknowledge us. Walks right by without saying hello. Why should he? He got his votes. Foster for union Prez!

  30. All Fig does is sleep in union office on duty. He makes fun of .
    Does Rovella care?

    Ed Foster for union president, Steve Austin for vp.

  31. Dick Holton is a waste.

    We are paying for his race car. Holton only cares about himself and his partner. Ed Foster for strength integrity as union boss.
    Impeach Holton.

  32. Fig can't be sleeping all the time.It must have taken him some time to apparently figure out how to "misappropriate" funds from Lawlor's defense fund, the money went missing under his watch and has never been accounted for. Nice way to treat a brother officer.

  33. Ed foster will tear down the complex!August 4, 2014 at 2:13 AM

    I blame all you little rabbits that jumped on the holton band wagon around election time. Shevcheck at least would have answered his phone. Where is holton these days ?? Racing his division three soapbox car at the waterford speed bowl with FOP lobied sponsorship ! That is a crock of mounted unit manure ..... Impeach them all. Foster for prez.
    All of you idiots voted holton and fig in. Fig sleeps in the union office all of c squad while the city burns down .

  34. Tyshay gonna do some federal time. They should attach that pension too. Another example of someone given everything around here. Even after suspect larcenies.. I still enjoy seeing the select few get all the riches and still bitch about not making enough....

  35. I haven't been on the job long enough, you just hear rumors and stories.......but why did Foster give his gold badge back? To make more money? Was he forced to because he got caught lying during an 89 trial? What's the real version?
