Friday, August 1, 2014


Hartford City Council President Shawn Wooden, who is locked in a battle for the 2nd Senatorial Democratic nomination, today filed a State Elections Enforcement Complaint against his opponent, Senator Eric Coleman.

Wooden's complaint alleges that Coleman did not properly itemize his income on his filings.

Apparently Wooden's concerns only apply to his opponent , and not himself.

According to staff at the Connecticut Elections Enforcement Office, as outlined in CT General Statutes 9-608, all expenses and secondary expenses must be itemized on the filings. This would include payments to "field workers" and items such as office supplies, printer ink, and clipboards.

Connecticut General Statutes 9-608- (B) an itemized accounting of each expenditure, if any, including the full name and complete address of each payee, including secondary payees whenever the primary or principal payee is known to include charges which the primary payee has already paid or will pay directly to another person, vendor or entity, the amount and the purpose of the expenditure, the candidate supported or opposed by the expenditure, whether the expenditure is made independently of the candidate supported or is an in-kind contribution to the candidate, and a statement of the balance on hand or deficit, as the case may be; (C) an itemized accounting of each expense incurred but not paid, provided if the expense is incurred by use of a credit card, the accounting shall include secondary payees, and the amount owed to each such payee;

Although SEEC staff would not address specific campaigns or their actions, they did answer questions as to how things were supposed to be filed, and it would appear Wooden's campaign is not in compliance.

Wooden was quoted in todays article, and in his complaint apparently,  as saying that "This (Coleman's reporting) violates the transparency and integrity of the CEP system and gives him an unfair political advantage," Wooden wrote in the complaint. "It also violates the public trust. The public has a right to know how he is spending his publicly-financed campaign money and where the $83,550 grant he received from the public to run his campaign went.". Councilman, transparency is a two way street, whatever applies to Coleman applies to you as well

In the attached Wooden filing, you can see numerous payments to "the Vinci Group" many with notations for field staff. .Apparently the Legislature's intent with the reporting requirements for the Citizen's Election Program was to strive for transparency in the reporting and use of taxpayers funds. Anyone should be able to look at the forms or go on-line and see who is being paid to work on a campaign, not just see a blanket payment to the Vinci Group.

Are there any lobbyists, City Vendors, politicians or others making money off Wooden's or anyone elses campaigns? That's called transparency and if Wooden wants Coleman to be transparent he needs to hold himself to the same standard

SEEC also said that in addition to the specific statue, they spelled out the need to itemize in two other places in the manuals given to campaign treasurers, on pages 91 and 104 of the detailed handbook because they felt the transparency issue was important.

I guess the facts don't matter as much as the headlines obtained from frivolous complaints being filed.

And yes, I do support Coleman for re-election, just to be transparent about that

Wooden's campaign Treasurer is his former Executive Assistant at City Hall, Jim Sargent


  1. Wooden does not want that list disclosed and let me tell you why... Wooden uses out of towners, lobbyist and cooperate CT, just like he did when he fake ran for Mayor, Jim Sergent was one of his many political paid workers from the suburbs, the woods and then he hired him as his Assistant, I guess there was NO ONE in Hartford that could assist him, who could relate to Hartford Residents concerns and needs. Wooden does Not Value or relate to Hartford or it's Residents, he doesn't deserve to be on Council and damn sure does not deserve to be a Senator representing Hartford.

    Seam has NO Loyalty, Spine, Identity, Personality or Conviction. He will do anything to get what he wants and use Hartford in the process.

    PLease don't be Bamboozled Hartford. Windsor and Bloomfield residents if you are not affluent, an average Joe, Wooden will have NO USE for you either.

    VOTE COLEMAN, let Wooden know you have to "work with the people and for the people", not the backs of people and not for the Corporations, the 1 percent.

    Kevin put the pressure on and make Wooden disclose the list that will be more telling than his fake adds and Political Rhetoric; "Hartford. Is more than where i'm from. It's who I am", what Bulls##t. Who are you this week Wooden???

  2. Wooden has no knowledge in finance. He's the one who was cooking that $60 million "done-deal" ballpark in Hartford with Segarra. He just couldn't figure out how much it was going to cost us, the tax payers, for the next 25 years. No he's riding another horse, calling for some private money for that ballpark. Wooden: enough already.

  3. It appears the Rob Ford case is being swept under the rug by Rovella. Its been since april.

    A proud member Sons Of Italy

  4. Kevin just watched News @ 10 on Channel 8, just reported that ROCK CATS owes New Britan 165,000 in taxes, taxes were due July 1st, the city temorarily paid and is giving the Rock Cats till Sept 1st or they are kicking them out of the stadium, New Britan Mayor put out a scaving statement not pleased with the Rock Cats utter disrespect and actions towards their home city. New Britan Mayor further stated Rock Cats went public in June with Hartford, which is Not the "Done Deal" as some made it out to be. WOW even New Britan is laughing at the Mayor and Wooden.

    Great job Wooden, perhaps you can file frivolous charges against the New Britan Mayor.

    This is the.caliber of business and people the Mayor is use to dealing with, maybe that's why he's making up numbers.

    Mayor Erin Stewart can you move to Hartford, we need a Mayor who wears the pants.

    Kevin can you get the statement and post it, Wooden needs a good bedtime story.

    1. This is like the Discovery Channel: each day we find out that something stinks in this "Done Deal". Segarra, Wooden and Tom Deller should all be kicked out of office.

    2. Rock Cats screw up New Britain? Wait to see how the Rock Cats will screw up Hartford. It's going to be very easy, they'll always find something not done correctly at the ballpark. This is Hartford, NOTHING is done right, and these are billionaires who will easily screw up Hartford. Read my lips, under the leadership of Segarra and Wooden (if this can be called leadership) we will be paying BIG for this adventure for many years to come. Unless Segarra and Wooden will just bankrupt us all together

    3. Anonymous 11:09AM: this is so unlawful 'done deal' but our leaders Pedro and Shawn already spent hundreds of thousands on legal and consuliation fees. Amazing, isn't it? You know, just in case we send these guys packing at least they can go work in those offices

  5. Dumb and Dumber, how's your back door, unlawful "Done Deal" working for you??? Time will tell. Call your ROCK CAT BOYS and tell them to pay their taxes, since you stoogers are trying to extort ours!!

    Perhaps Segarra and Wooden can go with them and do another photo shoot with them and the check with the caption "Done Deal",

    1. 'Unlawful "Done Deal", that's the exact term one should use for the Segarra, Wooden, Deller "Done Deal" stadium.

  6. Anonymous 3:32pm, you're right calling this an unlawful "Done Deal"

  7. Pedro used the touch of class escort serviceAugust 3, 2014 at 1:18 AM

    I promised mayor caviar to fund any budget deficit if I can change the name of the ball team,and mayor caviar agreed. From now on I want you all to call the team the Hartford touch of class escorts.

  8. Shawn.s conscienceAugust 3, 2014 at 1:24 AM

    This is wooden. ..... Wooden was recruited and befriended and mentored by joe moniz and when moniz ran into criminal and civil problems due to drinking,moniz called Shawn and wooden would not even return his phone call....and that is the type of senator we would get if he beats Coleman.

  9. I believe that Pedro S. and Shawn W. are nothing but scoundrels, but isn't it true that Charlie O. is the one making all major decisions in this city from behind?

  10. Annonymous 8:00AM, ABSOLUTELY Charlie O is "Puppet Master", running this Puppet Show. SKB had her office cover up the whole Elizabeth Pafk scandal, there was suppise to be an audit done, where is it? The Mayor can't control Charlie, even after the Mayor told him to stop abusing his spousal power in Elizabeth Park, he continues through the employee impregnated, cry wolf City Foreste.r Check Charlie's legacy in. Florida.

  11. Kevin wasn`t the "Private Donor" list for the unlawful "Done Deal" Stadium suppose to be disclosed on friday by Segarra. And Wooden?

    I guess they couldn't compile the big list, the phone must still be ringing off the hook! Maybe Deller didn't get back from Rhode Island, his home state, maybe he is there looking for some "Private Donors" or gangsters to help out.

    1. Segarra is away, probably on vacation. His spokeswoman is away, probably on vacation as well. Maybe nobody could care less about his 'request for proposals' so he left. Better than being embarrassed. The only proposals -if any- will squeeze Hartford of the money the city doesn't have.

  12. Kevin...can you look into how Wooden has promised Ms. Kelly from Ebony Horse up on Vine Street, city owned property that is currently being used by the HTFD horse unit? Known fact that he just cut the horse unit in half when he was trying to nix the entire unit in this years budget like he tried last year. Ms. Kelly supports him n in return .has promised her thousands of dollars via the HPD horses...stables..n everything in it. She does not even have one Htfd child on her roster yet is smack dab in the middle of the northend only lining her pockets with his support. ..sounds like a bribe for votes no?

  13. It's not just Wooden, it's the entire city council, they're all no good. They have no concern for the city, everything is for their own personal agenda. They continue to ruin this city.

  14. Agreed , we need a whole slate of "real Hartford folks" to run this incompetent group of SELFISH LOOSERS out of town! This Council has mastered looking the other way on the Charter, City Ordinances Pedro's sorted illegal activities, Charlie's coruption and the fake budget presented year after year.

    How many of them are Attorney's? Yet they turn a blind eye to the law of the city. Why????

  15. Get Wooden out. Wooden out. From senate race, from city council, from every job he might be able to hurt us even more. No spine. No character. Get him out!

  16. Wooden is plastic

  17. What is up with Cynthia Jennings suddenly doing Wooden's bidding? I she being promised work from Wooden's Law firm for her support?

  18. Segarra and Wooden, the news are in. There are four proposals for the development of Downtown North. Remember Segarra asking Deller during an interview with the Courant how many interested parties are. Deller's answer was 'about ten'. Sounded like the phones at Deller's office were ringing nonstop. This was almost 2 months ago. Now, the city will review these offers very fast, a week or two to investigate and evaluate these four proposals. This project will get city officials attention for just a couple of weeks, after all it has to be presented to city council ASAP. Big rush for a huge project. Forget the fact that the mayor, his lieutenants, some city council members go on vacation in August (You know, they worked so hard the entire year, there are no more problems in Hartford). This is all fake. This is crap. Baloney. At the end of the day Segarra and Wooden will pretend to be listening to city residents. They will shove it down our throats and we will pay for this for the next 20 years. Or more.

    1. Anonymous 2:09pm we now learn that 1 of the 4 proposals came from Curt Cameron and his Hooker Brewing Company. His offer cannot finance that $60mil stadium, his brewing company can go to 1,000 other places. This should not be considered as the 'development of north downtown.' But don't worry, Segarra will be back tinight from his vacation, he'll sell you the crap that this Hooker B. will bring millions to the city. Yeah, right.

    2. what you're saying there's only 3 offers. who're these offers from? are they qualified or they rely on our money, our meaning we the tax payers in Hartford

  19. Delusional Cavair said; "the phones were ringing off the hook", how many times did these 4 call? Someone here is psychotic, my money is on the Three Stoogers.... Segarra, Wooden and Deller, "Who's on First"; sing this next part; "Take me out to an Asylum"

  20. One of the proposals is for the touch of class escort service. They want to develop the butt ugly building and run escorts out of there,it would be a natural with the hooker beer and Pedro only has a short walk to use their services.

  21. if all this is true, prostitution and escort service, touch of class etc., hired and paid for by mayor caviar, how come FBI or other state agency didn't investigate it? also, how is SKB related to this?

  22. The results are in: Shawn Wooden lost his attempt to unsit Coleman. Shawn, you're out, and, next election to city council, Hartford voters will tell you: SHAWN, YOU'RE FIRED.

  23. Mirror mirror on the wall: how did I loose the primaries to Coleman? Ha ha ha

  24. Hey Wooden, remember rJo Winch? Well, she's gone. Wooden, YOU'RE NEXT!
