Monday, August 11, 2014


Hartford Fire's Terry Waller Catching a few winks during a department meeting, probably a rough night shuttling the Corp Counsel around town
The posting has been out for a few days now for the position of Assistant Fire Chief at the Hartford Fire Department. It appears that it was written to accommodate only one person who may be qualified to apply. Well actually the word "qualified " is subjective in this case.
Will Chief Huertas stand up to having an Ass. Chief forced upon him or will he just say no?
The posting.


  1. Will chief Huertas become Segarra's puppet?
    We hear some fire fighters will resign in protest if Waller gets the job. Remember, Terry bought the house on Terry Rd. from SKB for $420,000. Small change.

    1. No "$mall change" here "$hort $ale", yes I agree, the FBI and the Atty General as well , should investigate the money hungry dynamics dual couple of the year; Saundra Kee Borges, Hartford's Corp. Counsel Attorney and her fiancee Asst, Fire Chief Terry Waller; they are getting rich off their false pretenses and trickery.
      Mayor Segarra its time for you to take a stand and put a stop to all of this nonsense. You brought her in, you can take her out. Save your soul or you are going to be part of the federal investigation.

  2. FBI should investigate this!

  3. I told you. I warned all of you. You all thoughy i was crazy and folish, now watch when terry takes one more step towards immortality. And just to add, terry has not forgotten alll you little fire mice. Five cross all yo lips !!!!!!!!!

    Meniacal laugh ..............

  4. Hey brookman. Done deal should title this .....................Terry is going to run this here fire dept. Huertas is takin a trip soon. Terry will handle it all. Its time to work. Its time for terry !!!! The ink is dry .

  5. Done Deal. wasn't that the plan from the start, it just looked a little better getting rid of Casares first so it wasn't a clear shot right to Waller. It will be interesting to see if Huertas holds his ground or will it be clear sailing for Terry. I hear he has already ordered the "Assistant Chief" head piece for his fire helmet and it sits on the table in his office. Taking his promotion for granted?

  6. wasn't the last regular assistant chief that actually earned the position from Atlanta. Isn't that a little odd now that Terry is in the running, the requirements are changed specifically for him?

    How much more corrupt can City Hall get before they are dragged away in cuffs?

  7. Enough with the open favoritism displayed for Mr. Waller. Huertas should take a stand for his community and should put a stop to Waller and company. We all know Mr. Waller is good with paperwork but not with actions. He is just a talker and sells himself real good , but in reality he is just too ambitious like his fiancée. Most firefighters had expressed(in this blog) their concerns about him getting the position he has now, as to he is a bad team player. Waller is arrogant and not as great when it is about work strategies to save lives. On the opposite he is very good with strategies to keep escalating and making more money. He is a hypocrite that could give a dam about the community . He is SKB puppet and a corrupt like her , both had been milking the City and tax payers money without remorse. They are real criminals and should be investigated ... We all have heard him talking badly about Hispanics and White people. For those who talk about reverse racism, here is a good example of it. Mr. Waller has a Black agenda only and was accommodated by SKB into that position to get him to the top. The whole move was pre planned. It is bizarre how those two could get away with their tricks to keep getting richer at the expense of the City of Hartford budget and no one has put an end to such unscrupulous behavior.. .

  8. What a good deal for the new "Bonnie and Clyde" couple , Waller bought SKB house , she continues to live there with him and she creates a new job position for him as a reward...

  9. Regarding the first post about firefighters resigning.
    Nobody is going to quit over Waller, a few may retire, but they were going anyways. As f*cked up as the job is, it's still one of the most rewarding, demanding careers out there. HFD is now one of the hardest jobs to get. Not because of the testing process, that has been stupefied and watered down so much anyone can pass. It's hard because you have to be a minority resident of Hartford with at least 3 felonies, related to a council member, an alcoholic or drug user, extremely lazy and non caring, and a piece of shit.
    Most of us love our jobs at HFD and will never give it up over a guy like Waller. We aren't happy about the current administration, but will never let them get to us. The only punishment they have to use is transfers. If you get transferred you just treat the job like city residents do and stop caring and doing your job. Oh yeah, come to work absolutely piss drunk too!

  10. The old saying " It's best to have your enemies close to you" then not to have them at all ! C/Huertas will know what to do !

    1. we hope Huertas will do the right thing, otherwise he may be investigated himself with the other crooks. this is corruption at its best. HFD morale will be below ground level

  11. Kevin,

    I think its important to mention the addendum you added onto the second page of the job announcement on this posting. Everyone should scroll down and read it. It's hilarious, sad and true all at the same time.

  12. I told all of you . Now the shoe is on the other foot. Terry will handle all of you little fire mice. If you dont like his stew, go and starve.

    .....meniacal laugh ....

  13. Kevin,
    Unfortunately the handwriting in very blatantly written on the wall.
    Everyone knows Waller is going to get the job of Assistant Chief of the HFD. That job posting is nothing but a farce. This is a modified twist on an old stategy. It is getting a promotion via "the casting couch" SMH

  14. we hope Huertas does the right thing and doesn't become part of this fraud. Terry is not qualified to be ass't chief.

  15. Thats funny Brockman,

    But the fact is that terry will be the full chief for a long long time and make a boatload of cash. Huertas will take his little sack and retire. Done deal.
    And you know what .... Aint nothing anyone can do about it.


  16. Kevin,
    I just scrolled down on the job posting and read the addendum you put together. You are right on the money with Waller. He could never pass high enough on a test to earn the position so they had to change the rules so only he could be eligible. Why do they need to be Bona-fide resident at the time of application? That wasn't the case when they gave the last Asst Chiefs test or Reggie Freeman wouldn't have qualified. Since when did it become mandatory that you have to be a city resident to be the Asst Chief of the HFD? That loser puppet Mike Parker was Asst. Chief for 15 years in the City of Hartford and was never a resident. Pedro your true colors are showing (Yellow) on this corrupt sham of fixing a position for the most incompetent, useless coward the HFD has ever known. The only brave thing Terry has ever done was sleeping with that sloppy bag Borges. I hope you think it was worth it Borges when your dumb-ass boy toy gets someone killed with his lack of leadership and competence. Of course Pedro will have the blood on his hands as well for being the inept puppet to SKB. Why does it seem like the bungling politicians at city hall have a specific agenda to destroy the Hartford Fire Dept and risk the lives of the citizens and brother firefighters. It’s bad enough that Huertas is mentally unstable and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He immediately reacts wrongfully and emotionally without thought of circumstances, claiming insubordination to anyone who requests information from him. Huertas won’t make a single move without consulting the union or the Mayor’s office first. What was the purpose of becoming Chief Carlos? Was being a useless puppet on your bucket list prior to retirement? Well you can cross it off because you have failed the HFD big time, the only insubordination that you should be aware of is you as chief of this department. You might as well pack your bags because the writing is on the wall Terry and Borges are setting you up for more failure to fire you and take over as chief.
    P.S. We know the stuff written on the wall was from Terry because it was only two feet off the ground.

  17. If Terry gets the job, we should all embarrass Huertas until he learns his lesson. Chief, you must choose the right person for this job, not Segarra or SKB's favorite

  18. correction 8/11 at 10:09 PM: Terry purchased the 5 bedroom house on Terry Rd. from Saundra Kee Borges for $422,500 (confirmed earlier by city clerk)

  19. Yet another example of dirty deals happened today. This is regarding the driver's test. HFD gave a written test, and then a practical exam. These scores are combined to give a final score, and ranking for promotion. This means if you come out 3 your made third for example.
    Today, Huertas and Waller decide to promote by alphabetical order. Scores meant nothing. The people who came out at the top of the list were skipped because there names began with letter down the alphabet. Guys who scored poorly got promoted, like Biffle.
    Unbelievable and disgusting.

  20. HARTFORD — A top city official was injured in a crash involving a city-owned vehicle early Saturday morning.
    Saundra Kee Borges, the city’s corporation counsel and acting chief operating officer, was a passenger in a city-owned 2013 Ford Explorer driven by her fiancĂ©, Deputy Fire Chief Terry Waller, when the accident happened around 2:17 a.m., according to city police.

    This happened less than a year ago. As a reminder, Waller was not authorized to drive this city vehicle. And this took place in the middle of the night. Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt. Shame on you.

  21. now wait a minute: Terry latest registered residence address with the Conn. Secretary of the State as 120 SOUTH WATER ST, EAST WINDSOR, CT, 06088. East Windsor is not Hartford.

  22. Why haven't the news stations and the Hartford Courant investigated this blatant abuse of corruption. Is the city of Hartford so disgustingly morally bankrupt that its not even newsworthy to expose the dirty politics that is endangering the Fire Department? Do firefighters have to die in order for this to get some recognition? Shame on all the other news outlets for not posting this story and letting dirty Hartford politics get away with another injustice that will eventually endanger all the citizens of Hartford. Segarra you are one huge disgrace.

  23. Terry Waller of Waller Brothers Trucking llc, then Waller Brothers Express llc? No, this guy is not qualified to be ass. chief.

  24. Anonymous 4:38pm, you are right about Borges being a sloppy bag. I remember when she use to look halfway decent. I guess all those years of corrupt behavior has finally caught up with her for she has aged terribly. If karma exists her inner ugliness will continue show on her surface as rapidly as she is destroying Hartford.

  25. This guy, Terry Waller, is ruthless. He's just filed a $5,000 lawsuit in Hartford Housing (Docket No SCC-542671) against a commercial tenant he already evicted from 287 Park st. which he owns. Did Terry mention in his lawsuit that as a landlord the property had no running water, no sewer, not even toilet. Toilet for the workers who were supposed to spend there hours and hours every single day. Terry didn't provide the basic of the basic to the tenant. During winter months, the employees were heating up the space with fire. What's the problem with that? Terry is a firefighter, if there's any fire there he'd get the HFD very fast...

  26. where is corporate lawyer SKB to help her fiance with state of CT filings for his business? One of Terry's companies, Waller Brothers Express LLC is still active, but its last filing report date (which has to be EVERY year) was 8/31/2007. Yes, 2007. This guy fell asleep for 7 years now. Someone should inform Terry and SKB that even if you change your company's name from WALLER BROTHERS TRUCKING LLC to WALLER BROTHERS EXPRESS LLC, you still have to file reports with the state EVERY year. By the way, the principal details for this business indicate TERRY L. WALLER with a business address 44 WARREN ST. HARTFORD, CT and the principal's residence address as 120 SOUTH WATER ST, EAST WINDSOR, CT, 06088.


  28. Is that all you have on the new assistant chief waller ? Some different addresses and a civil complaint from some renters ? Please. Try and go twelve rounds with terry and you will be needin oxygen and a ride to the e r.

    1. No, tic tac toe, it's that Waller treats others like trash. Go around, talk to other firefighters, see for yourself what they think about Waller.

    2. Now we know: tic tac toe, is that YOU Terry?

  29. I know I'm off topic here, but I just attended a funeral of a former HPD officer and retired HFD firefighter. HPD provided an escort and blocked all intersections and even shut down the highway from the church to the funeral home.
    What a class act HPD is, the family was very impressed and grateful. Thank you to HPD and the officers who provided for the family. Very professional.

  30. Terry Waller is better then most of you here in this half assed dept. What do you want? Hoover trucks to fly to calls ? The dept is a joke. Why not let Terry run it.
    It cant get any worse.

  31. The sad thing is that SKB has had to look at herself in the mirror and on top of her disgusting corruption she can't hide from the facts. She has eaten too much caviar and has drinking too many slippery nipples and it shows in her appearance. At one time (some years back) she could probably attract a decent honorable looking man. Now she has to settle for a 4'6" nut-job who has the intellect of 8 year old. What a fall from potential grace. Karma hasn't caught up with you yet Sandy but father time sure has.

  32. Tic tac toe / Terry, you don't get it. We're talking about character, about being totally disqualified.

  33. Now Saundra K Borges and Terry Waller's affairS came out ( in this blog), it is obvious that they have joined forces for financial gain. What is sad is to see the City budget ruined while "Team Caviar" live the good life at the expense of City Of Hartford. Now jobs seem to have been on a freeze and many people won't have a job. With what they get pay they could hire many others in need of a real job. This "Caviar Team" is causing suffering to those that can't bring food on their table during these difficult times . People like them have no conscience , they only care about their greed, they don't give a dam about their community". SKB and Waller should be punished and not compensated with higher titles or promotions. They need to be investigated and punished for abusing their power and using it for personal gain.
