Monday, August 4, 2014


Real or wax figure?
 Mayor  Segarra likes to quote one of Hartford's real leaders  frequently. He thought so much of one of Mark Twain's famous quotes that he had a copy of it framed to present to Hartford Police Chief James Rovella on the day he was officially sworn in as Chief.

Twain had said that "if you always tell the truth, you never have to remember the lies". That might prove true for Segarra quite soon as we see if the truth  or the lies are actually reality.

Segarra's credibility definitely took a hit as many residents were vocal about the less than transparent negotiations conducted on the Rock Cats deal. More than one person at community meetings stated publicly that they no longer trusted Segarra.

During those same meetings Segarra and his Development Director stated that the City Hall phones were apparently ringing off the hook with developers clamoring to be part of the deal. Segarra would state, with Deller's backup, that they were getting at least 10 to 12 calls a day from people wanting to be part of the deal. If that was actually true, and I will say I am skeptical, it is now time for Segarra to put up or shut up.

Let's just say that in the first few days after the announcement that they were getting 10 to 12 calls a day, my math says that adds up to at least 50 to 60 calls in the first week alone. By the Mayor's own press release earlier, only four proposals were submitted by the Friday August1st deadline. And one of those four is for a separate parcel and not the baseball stadium per se. So again, by my math, that makes 3 legit proposals, and since we have no idea what they contain, we aren't even sure those are actually legit.

So now Pedro, it is time to "SHOW US THE MONEY". Were you actually getting the numerous calls you claim or was this just another adventure into Rock Cats fantasy land. Just 3 Proposals actually submitted with all those calls makes me have to question the effectiveness of your team. Or is it just that developers question your credibility as much as your own residents?

Could it be that private investors are as cautious about putting there own money on the line much more than our politicians when it comes to gambling with taxpayers dollars. If it is such a great idea, shouldn't there be a stack of proposals waiting to be reviewed for the resurrection of NoDo or DoNo or DoDo, whatever it is called today.

And after the dust settles, let's see if the truth comes out. Any good salesperson keeps detailed records of their leads and conversations and I would expect nothing less of Mr. Deller and his highly paid  staff. Let's see who actually called and when and see what that adds up to. My gut is saying a lot less than 10 or 12 calls a day.

If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember the lies.


  1. That picture is about as phony as everything else about his administration. Who did his makeup? Maribel or a funeral director

    1. I'd go with your suggestion of a funeral director. He may be preparing the end of his administration.

  2. Here's the latest Courant headline: "Hartford Gets Four Proposals For Stadium, Development." Four proposals... Is it possible the Courant omitted the word "Hundred" from its headline so it would be read: "Hartford Gets Four Hundred Proposals For Stadium." How about a little typo error like "Forty" instead of "Four" so it would be read: "Hartford Gets Forty Proposals For Stadium." Got to find out what the REAL number is.

  3. Here's the latest Courant headline: "Hartford Gets Four Proposals For Stadium, Development." Four proposals... Is it possible the Courant omitted the word "Hundred" from its headline so it would be read: "Hartford Gets Four Hundred Proposals For Stadium." How about a little typo error like "Forty" instead of "Four" so it would be read: "Hartford Gets Forty Proposals For Stadium." Got to find out what the REAL number is.

    1. Four proposals? Four, as in 1, 2, 3, 4 ?

  4. shame on you Brookman, you placed a photo of our beloved mayor WITHOUT caviar.

    1. What is he doing in the photo? Filing up blank spaces or just pretending to write something?

  5. I think it was Charlie who did his make-up. He is a master of disguise!
    Doesn't he look puppet like? Look close you my be able to ser the strings.

  6. Actually more like one, two, three, four doesn't really count

  7. remember, the stadium fantasy is not Segarra by himself. The entire package is Segarra AND Wooden AND Deller.
    feel free to add any idiot member of our city council of your choice.

  8. Great Headline;."Painted into a corner"., however I like "Tainted", Please don't put Twain and Mayor Pervert in the same sentence. An honorable man and a PERVERT, who gets the life boat???

  9. 1/8/89, Pedro segarra $150. For 1 hour in Cromwell motor inn....repeat client

  10. Let's dissect WOODEN for Senate's latest mailing;
    " I believe you deserve better than the typical, tired politics of the past", Woiden as Council has not done one thing better and has done the typical by not being transparent, hence the "Done unlawful Deal Stadium", he has not held Mayor Caviar accountable on his many violations of the Charter, mis use of city funds, hence the Funeral payment, mis use of CI P and bond money, using Police as his ride home, just to name a few.

    So I'm going to do something different.;
    Yes I'm going to revamp the Council Office,, less staff and hire a Chief of Staff, fizzle, fizzle, fizzled. Instead under his nose their are 10 Council Assistants, even though they were budgeted for 9, remember they cut one position to pitch in with the deficit, oh but GiGi needed a job, when DeJesus got rid of her, even though she retired, has it been 6 months? Oh yeah he does not enforce policy or the Charter.

    I will look you in the eye and tell you why we need a new voice;
    Did he look you in the eye when he began back peddling from the "Done Deal", No he did not, as Jeff Cohen said, Wooden back peddled, like a crab on crack!

    As to a new Voice in State Senate, who's voice will he borrow, we know he doesn't have one. Remember the babbling, whimpering Wooden on the steps of city hall, withdrawing from the Mayorial race, vowing to support Mayor Caviar as Council President, he wasn't even on Council, but in typical Wooden fashion, his entitled, aragant inner being found a voice. Council allowed him to be President, which speaks volumes of that body of "Leaders".

    Then he goes on to say;
    "with all due respect to Senator Coleman", Respect Wooden and Political edict would have been to give Senator Coleman a courtesy call and let him know you were running, after all wasn't he a friend, that's right you have NO Loyalty, NO Respect, No Spine and NO Conscience!

    So forgive when I say, your Political Rhetoric, your Character, your lack of commitment and respect of Hartford and most of all your utter disrespect for Senator Coleman is NOT for ME, and should NOT be for any Voters in the 2ND District.

    On Tuesday Aug. 12Th VOTE 1B for Senator Coleman. The Senator with the Real Voice.

  11. Pedro's makeup makes him look like a political Liberace

  12. At least Liberace was talented...

  13. This is Pedro's portrait when he left Cuba with his post Mendez boyfriend in 1996. He dumped his main nene, the sugar daddy for a Cuban Moreno action figure. Charlie, please don't dump the hood.

  14. Pedro is talented, ask the "Touch of Class"...

  15. At this time it looks like at least 1 proposal to build the stadium and other parts of North Downtown is serious. However, they always say that the devil is in the details. Therefore we have to be patient until ALL date is presented to the public.

  16. Of course they would say that, they are trying save face. My gosh, with the phone ringing off the hook with 10-12 calls a day, one would think and the odds would be, that there are several serious proposals out there.

    Now you know in Caviar fashion, if the phone was ringing off the hook as reported, Caviar would have hired someone to handle all those calls, because his staff is so over worked, remember he needed a "Scheduler".

    Does Caviar really think taxpayers are stupid? Pop another pill Pedro, keep your phony smile on and just keep opening your mouth, because every time you do you. Campaign against yourself, lies fly out!

  17. Well hey, not for nothing, I'm not a Hartford resident, never have, but this is the first time in 40 years I've considered it. I've been a CT resident my entire life, picked up on this blog after seeing it referenced on the news. I don't know much about Hartford politics, I remember past Hartford mayors like Carrie Saxon Perry in the late 80's. More recently Eddie Perez. What have any past mayors done for Hartford? Not much that I recall. Not for nothing, but Pedro Segarra has bought in a UCONN campus, I actually go to the movies and eat out at the Capitol Grill on Front Street, and now I'd consider moving downtown with all the housing going up. This mayor seems to be the only mayor in decades that has actually done any good for the city. And now he's trying to develop "downtown north" as it's been dubbed. Hey, like him or not, this guy is doing Hartford more good than any mayor. I can't ever remember downtown with the buzz it has now since shopping at G. Fox on Main St. Cut the man some slack!!!

  18. what did he do at Touch of Class? I'm the only person who doesn't know? what type of place is it? where is it? what talent did he show there?

  19. As you stated Annonymous 9:58, "you don't live in Hartford'. So the little bit you hear and the litte bit you see as you enter and exit the ramp right onto Front St, you don't see this Mayor and all his corrupt, deployable shenanigans. So let me ask:

    What do you think about a Mayor who uses city funds to treat his friends to Caviar and Champagne on New Years eve, while most hartford residents can not afford a meal out.

    What do you think of a Mayor who uses city funds to oay for a orivate funeral.

    What do you think of a Mayor who uses city services for his personal needs and taxi after a night if drinking at the Polo Club.

    What do you think of a Mayor that violates the Charter.

    What do you think of a Mayor who says and I quote; I don't need the African American Vote.

    What do you think about a Mayor who has different standards for diiferent people.

    What do you think of a Mayor that decieves and is not transparent to taxpayers.

    What do you think of a Mayor that is reactive and not proactive.

    What do you think of a Mayor who solicited prostitutes and paid for sex an illegal activity.

    What do you think of a Mayor that has lost the trust of the people he governs.

    This is just a few examples of Segarra's legacy. So when you state cut the man some slack, we beg to differ, we can't afford it.
    Respectully, you can't weigh in on this until you move here, which I doubt. I believe you annonymously are right under Segarra, perhaps one of his appointees that don't live in Hartford.

    Pedro save these people to work on your campaign YOUR GOING TO NEED THEM. Hartford is fed up with you, your cronies, your husband, your LIES and DECEPTION...

  20. Anonymous 9:58AM: Mayor Segarra - or as some like calling him in this blog and elsewhere, Mayor Caviar, didn't bring UConn to Hartford. It was a joint effort by the Governor, UConn Board Chairman Larry McHugh and, above all, UConn President Susan Herbst. As a matter of fact, after Ms. Herbst chose the Hartford Times Building on Prospect St., it was Mayor Segarra - together with City Council President Shawn Wooden - who asked UConn to find an alternative location, go somewhere else, or as they wrote in their letter "Consider other sites." At a meeting a year ago, on Aug. 14, 2013, after Ms. Herbst insisted on her choice, "city officials" understood that Hartford has to be on a path to better relationship with UConn.

    As for the complex on Front St., this was constructed and financed long before Segarra became mayor.

    As for the "downtown north": We all agree that something must be done in that location, but it cannot be done behind closed doors, secretly, like thieves at night. You don't spit in executives faces while they're negotiating in good faith the construction of a supermarket on that land. You don't sign documents and announce a "done deal" before you even present it to your city council and residents of the city - especially a deal of this magnitude. And you don't rush to finance $60 million and than lie that parking spaces and sales tax will bring the revenue to pay for it, knowing that in a poor city with the highest mill rate in the state - BY FAR the highest - the residents will be burdened with even MORE taxes to pay for the stadium. Mayor Segarra was involved with so many scandals in his administration and with employees who're very close to him, that the residents decided that enough is enough.

    On s personal note, if you move to Hartford, we'd like to wish you all the best.

  21. Dear anonymous. The touch of class was a escort service that was raided and their private client list was made public. The client list shows Pedro segarra purchasing sex from gay prostitutes on a recurrent basis. Some of the political operatives in town have an actual copy of these lurid transactions,as well as other venues,a nd we are awaiting his reelection announcement where he will be confronted with all the evidence,right in public.

  22. Annonymoys 4:04 is absolutely correct about the UCONN and Front ST,

    Caviar likes to take credit for things he hasn't done and lie about the things he has done!

    His greatest accomplishment was putting an Incomperent appointee as Head of.departments at once, no conflict there. Even if she was a superstar, do you think she would have time to run three critical departments at the same time and have time to prep Terry each day?

    Caviar, Great vision, forward thinking, buisness smarts and your typical wreckless leadership!

    As someonr said earlier pop a pill and relax. Don't make anymore decisions, ride your term out. Hell get a massage. Are you still a member of the "Touch of Class", that may help you relax.

  23. thanks Publius, now I'm getting it. was the touch of class in Hartford? when were they raided?

  24. Can i pkace my order for a T-Shirt with the "Touch of Cass" on the front and the page with page 8 on the back with Mayor Pervert's signature . Selling these T-Shirts wil fund the campaign against Mayor Pervert's Re-election.

  25. touch of class t-shirt serviceAugust 8, 2014 at 5:19 PM

    the t-shirts will be distributed just as soon as Pedro announces. He will have to explain his penchant for young gay hustlers to the very citizens that he disregards.

  26. Interesting HOW PEOPLE IN THIS BLOG CRUCIFIED SEGARRA, MAKE FUN OF HIM AND BOTHER TO TALK ON HOW HE LOOKS IN THE PICTURE. The real issues here are, that all of it, is just a political strategy. African Americans are really trying hard to get his seat to do the same or probably worse as in the past. If we go back in history we will see the pattern. Others did worse but no one bother to talk about it then. I guess it all depends on the color, maybe their nationality or sexual preference? People forget quick, and this is leading to think that who has declared war against Pedro are those who want his title, and I wont doubt that among them is SKB. It is all about dirty politics. That is a lesson for Pedro to learn, in politics there aren't friends but back stabbers.

    1. The voters selected Pedro knowing his color & sexual orientation. Now you're suggesting they "cricified Segarra" because of his color & sexual orientation.

      It's the performance, stupid. It's the corruption, stupid.

    2. Nobody is crucifying Segarra. He's lucky we the people of Hartford don't blocks streets in Hartford to demand his resignation. Problem is, if one incompetent liar resigns, we get stuck with city council president, that's another incompetent liar.

  27. I opposed to the Rock Cats deal when this will cause jobs to freeze. We need jobs and food on the table during difficult times. For those who can afford caviar, a stadium could be more important of course. I do think it is not right to use the stadium to demonstrate something has been done in Hartford. Eddie Perez did a lot for Hartford and he ended in a court of law and betrayed. Pedro this is not going to save you at all. You are surrounded by snakes who would "kill" you sooner or later. Turn to "The People" and you will prevail. After all they trusted and voted for you. Who the hell is your advisor? I bet it is SKB ...She is leading you to failure...

  28. with all the talk about Saundra Kee Borges, how much $$ is SKB making annually from our city?

  29. Anonymous 10:16,

    The votes did select Segarra knowing his sexual orientation. They most likely did not know about his history of apparently hiring male prostitutes and escorts. I think some people would have thought different of his integrity knowing his history

  30. If you know, please help: with all the talk about SAUNDRA KEE BORGES, how much $$ is SKB making annually from our city?

  31. Anonymous on 8/9 at 12:38AM says "The real issues are... just political..."
    Let me tell you what the real issues are, whether you're Pedro Segarra or one of his associates: You don't eat caviar with your cronies because you repeatedly remind us that we're a poor city (and then blaming the poor waiter for using the wrong credit card). You don't increase salaries to your cronies by 20% (some of them making well over $100K) for the same reasons. You don't upgrade the fleet of cars to employees when there's no money (except police cars, as necessary). You don't 'done-deal' a deal of tens of millions that you negotiated secretly and knowing that the tax payers are the one who'll pay for it. You make sure the people you remove from office don't use anything - incl. the conveniently free vehicles - after they're removed from office. You don't give a loan without guarantee like the $400,000 you gave Ryan and Kelleanne Jones to start-up that 'Hartford 21 Market' that shortly after closed its doors (without paying the city $1 back and screwing up farmers and suppliers). You honestly and thoroughly investigate each and every issue that need to be investigated even if it involves your friend and defenders (incl. Jared Kupiec and SKB).
    These are the real issues Mr. Segarra, oh, sorry 'Anonymous'.

  32. Annonymoys 12:38 Caviar supporter and race issues. Do you remember Hartford went through Charter revision and a strong Mayor form of government was enacted. Yes only two Strong Mayor's since Stong Mayor form of government and both were Hispanic.

    So as you down black Mayors, remember they had no power... So NO we are NOT downing Caviar for his race or his sexual orientation,. We do so Becuse he is a LIAR, DECEITFUL, VISONLESS, IMMORAL and has no SOUL. Caviar is a low life soundrel criminal.

  33. Hartford residents don't care if their elected mayor is black, white, latino, Asian, as long as he or she is a real leader, a GREAT mayor. We shouldn't accept anyone less than GREAT.

  34. Com'on 12:38, feels like Hartford run by a gang of 4, in alphabetical order they are: Saundra KB, Charlie O, Pedro S & Terry W. Can we call this the Hartford mafia?

  35. I totally agree with anonymous 8:34 PM on 8/10. Where's that $400,000 the mayor requested, approved & gave Hartford 21 market? Did the mayor believe he was going to get his caviar there?

    Also, where's the 'missing' insurance premiums of $670,000 that never reached its destination?

    Mr. mayor, we deserve to get your response. Truthful response.

  36. In any case Pedro is another SKB puppet the same as Waller. She was a City Manager before and managed to retired with maximum benefits. Pedro has trusted the wrong person, she might be behind all the mismanagement in the City of Hartford as she has done it before. She was a bad manager then and worse now.

  37. now this incompetent, corrupt mayor is fixing a top job for his defender SKB's toy boy/lover/fiance/whatever Terry Waller.
    Don't worry Pedro, your day will come, the voters will punish you.
