Monday, August 4, 2014


A Hartford detective who pled guilty to stealing almost $30,000 in pistol permit related fees was sentenced  today.

Tishay Johnson was sentenced to 3years probation, 6 months of home confinement, 300 hours of community service and $100.00 in court fees. Who says crime doesn't pay? And no mention of touching his pension either.

Here's the original story first reported here


  1. Hey Brokman. The City just posted the HFD Assistant Fire Chief's job. It has a residency requirement that excludes all eligable candidates except for Waller. How are you liking your residency requirement now? Maybe you can get your buddy Nolan to move into the city to block the inevitable. I'll bet you don't post this.

  2. why should that surprise you? Every position Waller has had has been specially created for him by his girlfriend, wife, significant other SKB and her corrupt boss Pedro Segarra who allows it to happen. As long as they continue to use the City for their personal gain, nothing will change. If I remember correctly, Dan Nolan has ben one of the few people that has stood up to this nonsense. Where is your Union? And under the City code I believe the residency requirement does not apply if it is an upward promotion for an existing employee in the same department which would make that part of the posting appear illegal

  3. I can't speak for the Union but I believe that there is a section in the contract that stipulates that this is within management rights to set qualifications and standards for promotions. It would appear to me that the City is not in violation of the CBA so why would the Union have anything to say about it? I think that this is just a classic example of how the city residency requirement harms the people we serve by limiting the number of qualified applicants for jobs. By supporting the residency requirement, you are enabling the same behavior you complain about.

  4. it endangers every firefighter in Hartford if less than qualified individuals are being pushed through the ranks. The Union has an obligation to protect their members, especially when those members are being placed in danger by incompetence

  5. Also, I am not sure where you formed the opinion that I am in favor of residency requirements. Am I in favor of finding the best candidates? yes. Would I like them to live in Hartford? yes. But because they want to live here and because we make it worthwhile, not because they are forced to. If the City isn't going to enforce the ordinance for Department heads to live in Hartford, then withdraw the ordinance

  6. If that's your position on residency then we have no disagreement. However, it is clearly written that the Mayor and the Court of Common Council have certain managerial rights, powers and authority. Those rights cannot be subject to any grievance or arbitration proceeding except as specifically provided for in the CBA. The Assistant Fire Chief's position is not a bargaining unit position. As far as the City is concerned, the requirements set forth in the job postings are good enough. They have the right to set those standards. The Union has no say in who gets chosen for that job. In my opinion, the Union has responded adaquately and effectively to address safety issues when brought to their attention.
    And in keeping with the topic of this post, yes I believe that we should all be held to a higher standard. Unfortunately, the City leaders don't.

  7. What about the header of the job posting? "City of Hartford is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer" How is this equal opportunity when Chief officers from out of town can not apply? It is all fixed.

  8. What that header should say is "City of Hartford provides less than equal opportunity for Whitey".
