Monday, September 8, 2014


I am not even sure what I can say about this picture. What can I say about the level of respect displayed by dancing on the roof off a police car? And yes, the car was damaged when the roof and hood were dented.

If you recognize the individuals in the picture you can pass that on to HPD at 860-757-4000

UPDATE- 9:30PM-According to HPD sources, all 3 cruiser dancers have been apprehended as the result of some great citizen involvement


  1. maybe the kids will respect the cops when the cops respect kids.

  2. Because that type of behavior should be respected. Your comment signifies what is wrong with this city Mr. Wells.

  3. That is a supervisor's car. Maybe if said supervisor had escorted those kids out of the park as was previously requested by a park employee, he would've been saved the embarrassment of having his vehicle used as playground.

  4. Justice for Mike BrownSeptember 10, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    I heard officer Phan won his hearing an will be returning to HPD sgts Kessler marinelli yergeau russo an cicero all got caught lying on the stand when they testified chief rovella is going to be swimming in lawsuits shame on you yergeau for lying knowing that the cruiser cam was on an recorded everything when the grand jury comes in an finds out about all the racist stuff Kessler did an was swept under the rug somebody going to jail the racism an culture in that place is disgusting and disturbing cant wait till the news networks televises all this

  5. U know what. Yah all cried bout having sundays off for italian family dinners .. Now u have every sunday off. So what is the big issue now ? U dont like it. Go back to patrol ...

  6. What Chief Ford is doing to his CSO's is a shame. From what I understand, he's making them take days off to work pj's. I talked to some of those officers. They would be more then happy to work their regular shifts after working a pj but are being forced to take the day. How much sense does that make? Is that a decision that is BEST for the community? I think not. It sounds like Ford is making personal decisions, attacks really, on a very small group of officers that he is angry with, instead of helping the community. It's more important to Ford to retaliate against his CSO's, than it is to protect and serve the community. Real nice. Sounds like a top notch leader to me. And the real ironic thing here is that the trouble that he is in is solely his fault. His brain told his mouth to say all those racially charged comments to that officer. And they were racist in nature. No different than what Kessler was accused of. The difference here is Ford chose his words carefully. He intended to racially berate the officer's ethnicity. The words he used he intended to use. No accident here. No joking around. And he did it in front of several other officers, including a sergeant. I think when Kessler's incident came to light, he was IMMEDIATELY removed from his position. And was eventually suspended for quite a while. Let's see what happens to Ford. I'll bet ya nothing happens to him. NOTHING. If I were Kessler, I would pay close attention to the outcome here. I would line up my attorney now, work some extra pj's.. 'cause lord knows I don't think the north cso's are working many... and get my retainer ready, cause you are gonna have a large lawsuit hand delivered to you.

  7. Justice for Mike Brown's writing style, bad grammar and lack of punctuation marks have Phan written all over it. Stop writing about yourself turd...
