Monday, September 8, 2014


Apparently HPD has been receiving complaints from residents and politicians regarding speeding in the area of Asylum and Woodside Circle in the West end.

As the result of their increased enforcement one of the first ticketed for speeding was none other than Hartford's own Councilman Ken Kennedy, reportedly 46 in a 30 MPH zone. No details yet on just how that conversation went. Maybe Kennedy has one of those corvette engines he feared were going to go in HPD cruisers.


  1. Isn't that the reason why he's a councilman? Extra treatment, extra privileges, that he can do whatever he wants to do. Let him speed inside the stadium that he supports.

  2. Karma!!
    I bet the officer enjoyed writing that ticket. I wonder if Kennedy gave him the infamous "do you know who i am" line? Hopefully there are no repercussions for this officer for doing his job. This is Hartford after all!
    Keep up the good work HPD.

  3. Don't worry, councilman KK will find a way to retaliate against the officer. As you said, "This is Hartford after all!"

    1. Same KK who's trying to micromanage HPD. Go look at the mirror councilman.

  4. I don't see any problem with Kennedy speeding. Any councilman or councilwoman can drive as fast as they want, they can pay taxes only if they want, they can abuse their power as much as they want. They are our elected council members.

  5. The only people who will get tickets in that area are all the people who work in Hartford taking their pay checks back to West Hartford.

    1. I agree with you. Those of us who work, those of us sweating to bring food home - not much left for us after the high taxes that Kennedy supported and voted to increase over the years - we are the ones paying for tickets, not people like councilman Kennedy!

  6. TURBO CRUISERS TO CHASE KENNEDYSeptember 8, 2014 at 9:31 PM


  7. I strongly recommend voiding Kennedy's ticket. How dare you, he's a councilman!

  8. Burger King is deliciousSeptember 8, 2014 at 9:55 PM

    Wow, i feel bad for the cop who wrote the ticket, because here comes chubby chubs Kennedy's racial profiling complaint. Is there any doubt. Fat Boy Ken is all about race, he is a known racist. The complaint is coming. What was his hurry anyway? Was he on his way to do his very importantant, inspirational leadership councilman stuff? Or was he late for something eles?

    What a mess, sloppy, and driving to endanger his own residents lives, a real rolll model....

  9. Leave KK alone,he was rushing to visit his out of wedlock child.

  10. I'm sure that Council Kennedy' s ticket has already been taken care of. The more money attorneys make, the more power, the less they have to pitch out of their pockets. All the wrong doing gets taken care of. The only ones that have to paid for their tickets are the poor people. If you are an Attorney affiliated with Hartford City Hall you are protected and the tickets are automatically ridden off. How wonderful "Hartford's City Hall Has It".

  11. What is going on with the Rob Ford case.? Is Rovella hoping we forget or is he scared to take action. We have not forgot what Rob Ford said about Italians.

    Proud Sons of Italy

  12. Hey IDIOT on,9/8 at 5:52. Those people who live in West Hartford along with the rest of us who live in Connecticut's suburbs,,,SUPPLY HALF OF "YOUR" CITY'S BUDGET WITH "OUR" MONEY!!!!!!!The least you could do is let a few of us have the awesome privledge of working in "your" fine city! So next time you want to cast blame for the crappy decision you made on where you reside,,LOOK IN THE MIRROR,NOT AT YOUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR,,ESPECIALLY ONE WHO HELPS FOOT THE BILL!!
