Tuesday, December 30, 2014


City Hall sources are confirming that Saundra Kee -Borges is out at Hartford City Hall. The conditions are not known or the reason behind her departure , but sources are confiring that SKB is done. It is unclear who the new puppet master pulling Segarra's strings will be.

Deputy Henri Alexandre to Become Acting Corporation Counsel


(December 30, 2014) Today, Mayor Pedro E. Segarra announced that he has accepted the resignation of Saundra Kee Borges effective Friday, January 30, 2015. Kee Borges started her career in city government in the Office of Corporation Counsel after graduating UConn law. She served as deputy corporation counsel and later as the city manager under Mayor Mike Peters. She left in 2002 to open her own law firm, but returned in 2010 to serve as Corporation Counsel.

“Sandy’s commitment to the City of Hartford spans many years,” said Mayor Segarra, “She has been a valued member of my team and I wish her well in whatever she chooses next.”

“I want to personally thank the Mayor for having confidence in me and for giving me the opportunity to serve the people of Hartford,” added Kee Borges. “I’m pursuing several opportunities but first look forward to spending some much needed time with my family.”

Mayor Segarra is appointing Deputy Corporation Counsel Henri Alexandre to serve as Acting Corporation Counsel. Alexandre is a former legal director at the State Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, and served as an assistant attorney general for over 15 years. By appointing Alexandre who has over 20 years of legal experience within a public agency, Mayor Segarra is confident the office will continue to operate efficiently during this transitional period.


  1. Terry, your horse has gone out to pasture. Now you have to fend for yourself, nobody to give you promotions and control your career path any longer. When the powers that be get done with the Bell investigation, and come after you for lying to investigators numerous times, who's going to protect you? Enjoy the last few months of your career, and good bye tic tac toe!

  2. Funny, when I first heard the news, I kept singing "Ding dong, the witch is dead...". Then later, I saw your graphic; great minds work alike.

  3. "Im pursing several opportunities but for I want to spend much needed time with my family"

    In other words you don't have jack shit and are looking for a job.

  4. What a joy it was to read the Hartford Courant this morning and see this news about SKB, I can't think of anything better to end the year with this and bring in the new Year.....Now the City of Hartford needs to clean up the rest of the mess....the Mayor and the rest of his crew! Thank you Kevin for also bringing in the news....

  5. Anonymous* said: Question Kevin, if SKB was double dipping before with the retirement years ago, does that mean now she will be Triple Dipping, Not a bad deal, the Taxpayers of Hartford need to look into this. By the way SKB good riddings, and take your little "Boy Toy" Terry with you.

  6. Pedro, what took you so long to get rid of SKB?

    Kevin, if SKB is out, will anyone investigate her for removing over $50,000 owed to our city for her fiance/boyfriend's property at 287 Park St? Sandy was the only person permitted to remove this bill

  7. Saundra is out, good riddance indeed.
    Next: Huertas and Deller must go. The sooner the better.

  8. Anonymous at 6:08PM, the exact amount was $50,639.20, I have seen the document myself.
    On May 20th, 2010 Ivan A. Ramos, Assistant Corporation Councel, signed a Certification of Lien against 287 Park Street, later purchased for $15,000 by Terry Waller. The lien against the property was "$50,639.20 together with all additions for delinquency, overhead charges, and all legal charges which sum is justly due to the City of Hartford."
    Now it's time to investigate Sandy and possible her involvement in this issue.

    1. How is it possible to escape a city lien of $50k+ ? How?

    2. Someone should contact Ivan Ramos to confirm; he definitely will remember; he definitely will confirm.

  9. 4:01pm you should add that Daniel Loos, Director of Licenses & Inspections is fully aware of the serious structural work done at 287 Park Street by Terry WITHOUT any license and WITHOUT any inspection.
    Daniel must be investigated as well. Under oath.

  10. Interrorgate Segarra, Kee-Borges, Waller, Deller & Loos if you want to get to the bottom of their shenanigans.

  11. FOI the documents Kevin start with the lien documents. You can contact Ivan Ramos, he would tell, I'm sure. Caviar knew this and allowed this. Standard Pedro and his cast of crooks. How many people have lost their houses because of taxes? Yet the in-crowd is allowed to scoop them up for Next to Nothing.

    Also check how many Charlie O was allowed to scoop up and take advantage of the government through section eight; the same people that might be an annoyance to him, because their getting food from the Church in his elitist neighborhood.



  12. Charlie O. accepts section-8 tenants in his properties, but he doesn't want them near the place where he resides with the Caviar man.

  13. Ivan Ramos worked in the Corporation Counsel Office. Therefore Attorney Client Privledge would apply and he still needs to honor that confidentiality still applies and he would be barred from talking about this ethically

  14. Ivan signed a document that is public, it has nothing to do with attorney client privilege

  15. Apples and Oranges, if there are public documents , I will get them. The attorney himself can not openly discuss the case with anyone who asks

  16. Ivan was a public servant and signed the document as Assistant Corporate Counsel (VOL 6338 PG 80) on May 20th, 2010. The only entity he'd served was the City of Hartford (possible SKB as well??)

  17. Just a phone call away... Call Ivan, see what he has to say, nothing to lose.

  18. Tax liens are public record and must be recorded when placed and satisfied in the land records. These records are in the Town Clerk Office, the lien had to be recorded when placed, now as to the record of the lien being satisfied, that's another matter with these crooks.

    It's a simple Title Search. I do them all the time. Also as to Ivan Ramos, he did not represent Terry or any clients, City Attorney's represent the city and city employees, which is all public and FOIable.

    1. If anonymous 7:05 you do this title search all the time, would you be able to do it for that property and send copy to Kevin. We've got to stop the crooks at city hall

    2. Any one has the liberty to do a title search, its public information.So you yourself can search it if its so important to you.I don't see any need for anyone to continue to dig out dirt for no reason whats so ever except for plain jealousy or hatred.

  19. The tax lien against 287 Park St. was recorded, no doubt.
    The $50,000 question is how this lien was not satisfied after SKB's boy Terry purchased the property and who's the crook responsible for this...

  20. I guess we can expect to see the tax lien story as the next big expose' that we will see the Courant taking credit for uncovering after they finish reading the comments here, kind of like they did with the McLoughlin story. Good reporting Courant

  21. The Courant is a lousy, unimportant, weak paper. Except Jon Lender nobody ever investigates seriously all the corruption in Hartford. It's so ridiculous that even a Courant 'reporter', Hilda Munoz, recently became an employee with the City of Hartford.
    The Courant can copy anything they want from this blog; what matters is that we get people like Deller, Huertas, Kee-Borges, Segarra, Waller and Wooden - that's in alphabetical order - out. OUT!

  22. I totally agree with anonymous 9:57. All we need is dump the guys you mentioned here that created this dysfunctional, corrupt city hall.
    They say a fish stinks from the head. We know who is the head in city hall, he must be removed and we hope a new mayor, a new head, a new leader will clean up the mess and dump all the others.

  23. These Tax Lien Properties are sold for the Taxes owed at City Hall's Tax Auction.the bidder must pay off the tax lien to purchase the property. I guess Terry and any other Caviar cronies are exempt. The record of the tax lien properties are in the tax office, COO's Office, housing as well as Corporation Counsel.

    What happens is if a property is behind on taxes, the city starts a tax foreclosure, yes you guessed it SKB initiates the process through her office. Once that process is complete the Tax Office prepares for an auction for taxes. Packages are prepared, complete with photos, property details and taxes owed. These packages are shared with the chosen, prior to the auction. Some properties are sent to the corrupt slum lords and that get a bite of the apple, under the disguise of blight. The program run out of the COO's Office, when SKB was COO. Oh wait when SKB went back to Corporation Counsel, my oh my the program went with her. Remember the four Asst. COO's hired during the budget deficit for 60,000 plus.

    Kevin you can get the records of tax auctions and purchases, you may be surprised of the repeat purchasers and their connection to City Hall.

    Maybe the Courant can jump ahead on this one. LOL

  24. the time has arrived to find out if any wrongdoings exist with SKB & Terry Waller. Here's a partial list of what Terry owns directly & indirectly:
    - 140 Terry Rd, Hartford, purchased for $422,000 in 2011.
    - 130 Homestead Av, Hartford, purchased for $52,000, currently owned by Waller Brothers Express LLC (originally called Waller Brothers Trucking LLC) with a residential address in East Windsor.
    - 44 Warren St, Hartford, currently owned by Terry's company IMAHS Property Consultants LLC which he controls
    - 52 Warren St, Hartford
    - 287 Park St, Hartford

  25. Great opportunity to look into some of Terry Waller's East Windsor properties, 120 South Water st, 130 South Water, 196 Main st.
    In all of his filings with the State of CT, his residential address is reported to be 120 South Water st in East Windsor.

  26. If Terry owns and manages all these properties listed here, and all the illegal repairs/renovations he does without permits, I'm wondering how he has any time left to do anything in the FD.

  27. Is SKB reporting to work or was Caviar throwing her a bone? A month's salary is what some residents have to survive on all year. Shameful.

    1. SKB is probably working on her exit package.Which would be quite a hefty one, like the one she approved for her X friend Kupiec. Her departure really means nothing because SKB will be dictating her best friend Mayor Segarra as to what direction to go. She will probably be kept on payroll til December 31, 2015. When Mayor Segarra's term ends. And if he's relected, guess who will be back again; the one and onlt SKB, since history seems to repeat it self with the current administration. With all her experience, she's not going out empty handed. She's the number one master of disaster and knows how to keep it all very secretive.

  28. hasn't he been throwing he her a bone ( and maybe some caviar and rack of lamb) for years now?

  29. This couple - Mayor Caviar and SKB - are the biggest blood suckered in Hartford, watching each other back.

  30. Anonymous 3;49PM,

    some People actually have to work for a living, they don't have the luxury of double dipping a salary and a pension and scamming from the Taxpayers of Hartford. Plenty of law enforcement officials do read the comments here and from what I Have been told, federal officials may already have these escapades on their radar.

    "Leaving to explore other opportunities" Yeah , sure nothing else involved.

  31. I strongly believe Saundra is "Leaving to explore other opportunities" such as finding a new place where she can steal and be even more corrupt.

  32. SKB can go in search for new opportunities any where in the USA; but the FBI & IRS will have no problem finding her.The FED'S have an excellent tracking system. SKB's law licenses # will be exchanged for a new Federal ID #. And unfortunately, not even her Super Heroes, best friend Mayor Segarra or her partner, fiancee Asst Chief Waller, all the money that she has earned will not be able to save her this time around. "Its a done deal"

  33. I'd like to see SKB 100 days after she leaves/forced to leave office. Only in her wildest dreams she'll be able to make the same income she currently milks the city and us, the tax payers.
