Tuesday, December 30, 2014


It is often said that a generic definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome. Isn't that also the definition of the Segarra Administration. You need to look no further than his puppetmaster, Saundra Kee-Borges to realize why City Hall is a mess, but Segarra allows it to continue.

Now his panel to restructure Hartford Fire has  many wondering how his mind works and where his management style came from.Can you imagine any major corporation who is trying to struggle out of bankruptcy hiring their former CEO who forced them into bankruptcy to now lead them out?

That is essentially what Segarra has done. By inviting back the former Chief's who began the demise of HFD, Segarra is now allowing the decay to continue. A Chief who admitted, under oath, to accepting bribes. A Chief who told firefighters caught up in a drug scandal, resulting in arrests, he knew about addictions, including his own and he had their backs, after they were scooped up in an HPD sting for dealing drugs out of a firehouse on Park St. This is not the leadership HFD needs.

HFD needs a Chief that knows how to run a Fire Department. A Chief that knows right from wrong and is able to enforce it. A Chief that knows how to stand up to political forces that may not have the well being of his Department at heart. A Chief that knows how to say "no" when he needs to. If the Chief can't do that, then he needs to step aside and allow someone to come in that can and will.

Chief  Huertas needs to take a long look in the mirror and ask himself if a potential choice for Assistant Chief is the best possible candidate available. Chief Huertas needs to ask himself if his son was a firefighter, would he feel completely comfortable that he made the best possible choice in the promotion of an Assistant Chief. Would he feel comfortable that he put his son's life in responsible hands ? I know the answer to that because I have already spoken to Chief Huertas , and the answer I received wasn't reassuring. And just so you know, there was another party to the conversation who heard the answers.

I don't think there is a lot of hope for Segarra or the puppetmaster SKB, but that doesn't mean we can't continue to expose what we feel is wrong in our City


  1. Dont you worry. Once Terry gets the nod, which was an outgoing deal with the queen sandra, it will be all good. You really think the deal was not already set months ago? Lol. Tommorrow night, at the city hall secret eve party, terry will sip on 100 year old conac and dine on prime rib. The new year 2015 belongs to Terry WAller . You all just better accept it.

    1. Hey Terry are you sharing Pedro's pills? You are as mentally impaired as he is.

      Pedro do you really think this helps you get elected? You have to deal with your criminal past; Touch of Class, page 8, 150.00.

      Did you get your money's worth? Because the Taxpayers have NOT!

      Creepy Crawler.

  2. Kevin, inquiring minds want to know: Did Sandy jump, or was she pushed?

  3. Terry Chief? sounds good, who will he lead? No one will listen to him and in the end , ain't shit he can do about it. He could be the new contender for shortest term as chief, pun intended. "Douglas C. Neidermier, killed in Viet Nam by his own troops" Animal House

  4. I am being told it was not voluntary, Apparently when I found out late this afternoon, their hand was forced and they had to quickly announce it, otherwise it wouldn't have come out today. Also being told there might be a lot more in play behind the scenes, possibly a Federal Investigation

  5. Is it likely that Segarra will be hit by any of this shrapnel? I sure hope so.

  6. I think we are seeing the house of cards beginning to fall apart

  7. Feds in town, Uh Oh, not the usual clowns they can just lie to or intimidate.

  8. Tic tac toe said... don't forget the caviar "at the city hall secret eve party."

  9. Kevin, interesting how the Courant wants to take credit for getting McLoughlin reinstated after their article that had very little detail. I learned much more from your posting almost 24 hours before them . I know for a fact that your posting pissed off the Mayor after he found out about the shady deal and had nothing to do with the Courant.

    Keep up the good work and great reporting

  10. We the people is the #1 source of Hartford in house dealings. Kevin you should charge the Courant for the leg work. Lol

  11. Anonymous 11:09am,

    Thank you for your comment, I think most people who read this blog realize who is doing the leg work, especially when the Courant wants to take credit when they are over 24 hours behind me. I can tell you for a fact that McLoughlin was reinstated after City Hall became aware of the details here and was already working on fixing the problem well before the Courant's article ever came out

  12. Karma's coming for you Caviar, in a big way!!! Didn't your Mother teach you any values, at least value 101, treat others, how you want to be treated.

    Your demise is imminent and just!
