Friday, December 5, 2014


Another thing coming out of Hartford City Hall today should have many people shaking their heads in disbelief.

Apparently Mayor Segarra and his Director of Communications Maribel Laluz have found the hiring of an assistant for Laluz more important than policing Hartford's streets. The Police Academy class that was promised by Segarra to begin in January has apparently been pushed off to at least March from what sources are telling me.

La Luz's new assistant, former Hartford Courant reporter Hilda Munoz starts Monday. Her last day at the Courant was today

Priorities I guess


  1. She must of had a juicy story and agreed to squash it for the position.

  2. So sad that we have so little trust or confidence in Segarra or City Hall, but I would bet that is what most people are thinking

    1. Caviar Segarra, Charlie Ortiz and Saundra Kee Borges' puppet, is so corrupt that he brought all this mistrust on himself

  3. nothing like buying good press. Can't believe Hilda would be so dumb as to think there is more job security in Segarra's City Hall than in the Courant. Segarra's out in 13 months. Maybe the writing was on the wall at the Courant...

    1. Hilda is not the 'dumb'. She's the 'dumber'.

  4. Is HIlda being brought on a stealth campaign worker?

  5. Maribel needs an assistant? There can be only one reason for that: She can't handle the number of "press releases" required in order to keep up with the large number of the administration's lies, blunders, scandals, and corruption. So now there's another overpaid and underqualified municipal employee to burden the taxpayers. Maribel is such a joke, and so is her "job". There are junior high students who can write better press releases than that puffy, vague, cookie-cutter garbage that she puts out. There, but for the grace of Pedro, she'd be saying "Would you like fries with that?"

    1. I was shocked reading Anonymous 12:58AM comments. We'll soon have Mariel and Hilda working together. Don't you think Hartford is entitled to its own version of Dumb and Dumber TOO ???

  6. Anonymous 12:58. She'd be saying "Would you like fries with that?" is better than "Would you like caviar with that" (at taxpayers expense, of course)

  7. Is it Mariel LA LUZ (the light) or Mariel LA OSCURIDAD (the darkness)? Just wondering

  8. Here is the biography of new hired Hilda Munoz, which she wrote HERSELF:

    My Biography: Born and raised in Los Angeles.

    My Interests: Eating tacos, tortas and sandwiches. Cooking. I also love reading obituaries.

    Believe it or not, this is the incredible biography Hilda wrote herself for the Tribune Company.

    1. That's how you get a job in Hartford: eating tacos, tortas and sandwiches. That's all you need (And of course connections)

  9. Hilda Munoz is "highly qualified" for this unnecessary assistant job. Here we go: Hilda was an intern with "The Jersey Journal" in 2001 (1 year only, hired to write obituaries). Then in 2002 Hilda was with "The Los Angeles Times" (1 year, 'Minority Editorial Training Program', whatever this is). Since 2003 Hilda worked for "The Hartford Courant". What an excellent resume. Maybe she'll write for us the obituary of the Segarra/Caviar administration. That's going to be her greatest accomplishment.

    1. For a city like Hartford, for its caviar 'leader', Hilda Munoz IS qualified, even if there's no need and no money available for this job. In Hartford all you need is connections.

  10. Hilda Munoz was an intern with the Jersey Journal writing obituaries a few years ago . Is it a great qualification or what for her new assistant job?

  11. All under the watchful eyes of Segarra and Saundra Kee Borges and Charlie Ortiz, the trio running our city

  12. Good morning Hilda Munoz. Today is your first day working in an unnecessary job as assistant to Maribel Laluz. What will your compensation and benefits be for this unnecessary job? Did you negotiate for this unnecessary job while you were still on the Tribune/Courant's payroll? How long ago did these negotiations start for this unnecessary job? Basically I'd like to know if you're fully aware that you'll be suckling the taxpayers of this poor city for an UNNECESSARY JOB.

  13. Who approved hiring Hilda?

  14. All of you guys complaining about Maribel La Luz and the hiring of Hilda Munoz and the waste of taxpayers money, please visit the city website at
    Then click on the 'departments' box in the Government section. Now click on the 'Communications' box and see what you find. NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The Communications Dept. in the city of Hartford has nothing to tell us about itself, its staff, nothing at all.

    Embarrassing, isn't it, how these people do nothing but waste our hard earned money, and then they have the guts to hire an assistant to do nothing with them. SHAME ON YOU.

    My apology, I just found the following:
    "For media inquiries, please contact Maribel La Luz."
    That's it. Nothing else.

  15. What about other new her in mayors office ...?

  16. Now that Luke Bronin in is considering running for mayor, if elected, we hope he'll dump Hilda Munoz WITH Maribel La Luz. We may see some order coming to Hartford. Then we'll be able to say:
    Hey, Segarra, you are fired!

  17. Who is Luke Bronin?..what a joke,Malloys Boy.. not from here, has he ever been anywhere in Hartford other than the Capitol? Tell him to find Judson street. The last thing we need is a family connected politico around here,we already have plenty of that. How about a real man for mayor..we need truly successful self made businessman to take over. Why is Bronin so attractive, because of ties to Malloy who almost lost the last election to a wealthy corpse.

    1. At this time, anyone, ANYONE, is better than CC (Corrupt Caviar).

  18. Maybe now my FOIA requests will get answered in a timely fashion...ha, just kidding.

  19. FOIA problems with the transparent Segarra Administration, how can that be?
